Sorry this is late going up. I was out with my mother Christmas shopping all day yesterday and did not get home until late. By then I was too tired to think about posting anything.
Today I am going to post the hello Thursday announcement and then starting on Monday I will post all of the projects I have made using the four cartridges.
Also, I am going to announce my fifth and last giveaway of the week today which is a Art Nouveau cartridge.
To win:
1) Leave a comment below telling me of your New Year's Day traditions. 2) Subscribe or follow the blog.
That's it! Winner to be announced on Sunday, December 18, 2011.
Now it is time to check out Joy's blog because she is also having a week of giveaways! Click here ==> Obsessed with Scrapbooking
Now onto Hello Thursday
Victorian Romance
Thanks for dropping by! See you back here Sunday with the winners!
December Close To My Heart special
* Any order over $50 will be eligible to get the December stamp of the month for $5 (a $17.95 value). You save $12.95! Art Philosophy coordinates with this stamp set. This offer begins December 1st!
*NOTE make sure you add promotions when prompted by the ordering system. If you add promotional items for prompting the discount price will not be reflected in the total.
Have a Fabulous Friday!

1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»My New Years resolution is to stretch everyday and get super flexible.
Love that Victorian cart!
Normally my main New Year's Day tradition is taking down the Christmas tree and all decorations. However, this year we put up limited decorations due to our house being on the market so I guess I'll just sit back and relax this year!
We have black eye peas and collard greens on New Years Day, no huge traditions for us :o)
bsketmom at tampabay dot rr dot com
ours is going over to in laws and hang out
Oh my goodness - what great new cartridges! And the Art Nouveau is on my list :) I don't really have a New Year's Day tradition. The last few years I have worked unless it is on a weekend and now my schedule has changed so I work Sundays which means this year I will have to work on New Year's Day also :( Just realized that lol. If I am not working, I sleep!
New Years is going to be magical. A friend and I are planning a party at her house that is inside and out. We have a big rented tent with heaters and fancy DIY ideas for champagne and strawberries, as well as New Year's Themed foods... like sparkling sugar cookies and so forth. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait!
Sour kraut and football!
We have a very relaxing New Year's Eve and Day. We stay home and enjoy the last of the break from school and put away all the gifts that we opened at Christmas.
My New Year tradition is to send time with some of my dear friends, we eat, play games and enjoy each others company>
New Year's Eve is our anniversary, so we always spend the day together. What we do changes...anything from the zoo, to museums, or just a day of hanging out, but whatever we do we do it together! :-)
We spend time together at home. We make trays of snack foods from around the world and maybe chat about our goals for the upcoming year.
Thanks for this opportunity to win! This cartridge looks fantastic; its one I've been looking at for a while, as I just love that era!
Thanks for the chance to win the lovely Art Nouveau cartridge. I love the new Hello Thursday releases, especially Victorian Romance and This & That. We don't have any big New Year's Day traditions except for sleeping late, relaxing together as a family, and maybe taking down the Christmas tree (depending on when we put it up and what day of the week New Year's is on). Happy Holidays to you!
My New Years Tradition involves letting my kids pick whatever they want to eat for that day! All 3 of them get to eat whatever they want and I fix it! Usually it's soda, chips, snacking foods... They love this tradition and look forward to it every year! :o)
I don't really have a new year's day tradition. I would really love to win this cartridge. Thank you for the chance to win.
We always order food in...panzarottis...yum...then we all go to a movie. It's kids are teens and if they have boyfriends or girlfriends they come too. Lee-Ann :)
To relax and watch football with my hubby.
The hubby and I don't have any set plans with this holiday but we have gotten together with one other close couple friends of ours and we usually buy non-alcoholic wine(we don't drink).
As long as there are black eyed peas, anything else is fine... We usually take this as a relaxing day to just hang out with family.
My New Years day tradition is spending the day with family, playing games and watching movies.
Love the Art Nouveau cart. News Years day is spent in our pjs watching football with a fire in the fireplace. Total relaxing day.
Linda in Stanwood
I don't really have any New Year's traditions other than having my parents over for dinner. I set the table in gold and white with candles and it looks so festive!
our new years resolution has always been to hang out as a family and make homemade ice cream... lots of work, but oh so yummy!!!
Super fun giveaway! I always make the tradition to stay positive and remember everything is for a reason!
Hang out with family New Year's Eve and eat a lot of black eyed peas New Year's Day. Love the new cartridge The Good Ole Days! Thank you for the chance to win
Our New Year this year will be spent in our Pj's watching football. Thanks for all the great giveaway's
Kwillis_15 at yahoo dot com
I really don't have a new years tradition. We just do whatever comes up on that day. This year my dads family will be celebrating Christmas on new years day.
I spend the New Year with my husband we usually go out of town somewhere and just share our dreams, hopes and aspirations for the coming year as well as chuckle over and remember the years gone by. It is a special time for us.
No New Years Day traditions for us, other than sleeping in! My mother used to cook black eyed peas (for good luck), but I don't really care for them, so I don't do that.
Wendy T.
Unfortunately I've got to work that day! :( But we'll be going to a friend's house for dinner!
My plans are just to spend the day with family. Thanks for the chance to win!
Ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
Every year I fall asleep before the ball drops, and every year my hubby wakes me up at the one minute mark so we can count down together and then I go back to sleep... lol ;)
We start the New Year out by being LAZY! We stay home and just spend time relaxing and enjoying all of the Christmas goodies.
To wear red underwear... To keep me sexy throughout the year!! HEHEHE!
we usually just spend a quiet day with family for new year's. i've seen so may creative ideas using this cart and would love to own it. fingers crossed.
We are usually pretty lazy on New Years Day! We usually get rid of our Christmas tree that day too - because I am horrible at remember to water it, and it is pretty dead by then! However, this year are girls are old enough to be responsible for it - so I think it might live a lot longer this time around!!! Thanks for the great giveaway and chance to win!
We don't really have a tradition unless you consider, just relaxing after all the holiday hussle and bussle a tradition. lol
Oohh I have so been wanting this cartridge, it is so pretty!
Thanks for the chance to win it!
Have a Very Merry Christmas!
we usually like to watch all the goings on on tv the fireworks and the people.of course with hot choc. and popcorn
Our tradition is to cook collards and black-eyed peas! (already bought the Victorian Romance cart from I think it's a keeper!)
Can't wait to see what you come up with for the new carts, they look awesome!! New Years we traditionally sleep late and have a family brunch and then discuss each ones New Years resolution so we may encourage and remind each other through out the year (in case we forget).
For New Years the whole family gets together and eats TONS of finger food, watches the Twilight Zone Marathon, plays table games and rings in the New year with fireworks in the front yard. :D LOVE the Art Nouveau cart!
New years day is a day of doing nothing! After all the weeks of busy busy, we just crash. Hubbie usualy watches a football game, this year it may be a Jazz basketball game since they all (NBA) finally got their act together and are going to start playing.
Our new year traditions are eating pork and sauerkraut. We also like to burn green candles for luck with money. Regina
My Grandpa always said That what you do on the 1st day of the year you do all year". He did work as that is what he wanted to do. I scrapbook and and make cards. i want to make sure I can do that. I also like to go for a walk. Edwina Brown
love the this and that cartridge, can't wait to see your projects using the new carts.!! We don't really do anything new years day or eve. this year my daughter is with her father and my parents are at a family christmas.
My New Year's Day tradition is to make a nice dinner and, other than cooking, relax before the hectic schedules of work and school resume. It is usually Prime Rib, baked potatoes and a veggie. We usually skip dessert because we are so stuffed from the main meal.
My sister got married on New Years Day two years ago. So, we will be having dinner with her and her family. I can't wait to see the projects that you make with the new cartridges. I really like the Art Nouveau Cartridge and would love to win it. Thank you for a year full of wonderful creative projects!
I always make black eyed peas, cabbage and potatoes, and ham with cornbread for New Year's day.And usually start my diet ;-p
We always head to my sister's house for New Years Eve. We always serve enough food for an army - and eat while we play games together. The kids enjoy tobogganing too. At midnight, we all sing happy birthday to my niece - who celebrates a birthday on January 1!
Thanks for sharing the new cartridges! It's always fun to see what's new!
My New Years tradition is that we always eat a special dinner by candlelight.
Great cart! our New Years tradition is to be with our love ones and play games, eat and have a good time!
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
We do the same thing each year on New Years! We go to my parents and she cooks black eyed peas and hogs jaw (yuk!) and something green! Been doing this for years and still haven't struck it rich yet hee hee! Then after we get finished eating dinner we come on home and lay around and rest from the night before!! Hugs, Leanne
My family are good Germans and we have sauerkraut and pork for good luck in the new year. However, my husband hates sauerkraut and doesn't eat it. Bad luck :) Thanks for the giveaway.
We eat "hoppin John" a mixture of rice and black-eyed peas. In the South we eat black-eyed peas for good luck. You're supposed to eat collard greens too, for money, but I don't like collards! That's not to say I don't like money LOL!
New like I have neew loved before. Everyday is a gift! Love the new cartridges! thanks for the chance to win.
Traditionally, I breathe a big sigh of relief that the holidays are over and I can get some rest!
Thanks for another great giveaway!
I love all the great giveaways this week! Thanks for having them!
visit family and eat oliebollen and appelflappen. don't know how to explain that in english but they are delicious
we don't have any "traditions" on this day so we usually just enjoy the day off. However by this time I'm usually anxious to get my house back to normal and start taking down all the xmas decorations.
We usually stay home and eat lots of yummy food and play games as a family all day! TFS callyAnn
On New Year's Day we usually just hang out at home--maybe watch movies. Sometimes I serve black eyed peas.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
Our tradition on New Years is to gather at my SIL's house, celebrate my daughter's birthday (yes, she was born on Dec 31!), and then toast with sparkling cider when the ball drops in Times Square.
thanks for the giveaway! Love the new cartridges!
We usually go to my parents house and bring lots of finger foods for everyone to stuff their faces and drink sparkling juice! hehehe! THanks!
You have been so kind and generous with your giveaways. Thank you! We generally have a very low-key New Year celebration. No heavy cooking or eating since we've done so much of that in December. This year, however, we will travel on New Year's Day to get back home from visiting family for Christmas.
New Years Day my husband watches football ALL DAY LONG, and I find something to do, like sew or craft. We normally eat seafood on New Years Day
Our tradition is to prepare and eat ham, black-eyed peas, turnip greens and yummy cornbread. We don't go out, just stay in and watch tons of football. Art Nouveau has been on my list since it came out. Would really like to win it!
MCF's Mimi
For the past 6 years our new years day traditions have been spending it at home actually! This year on new years eve we are going over to friends, the guys can play video games while me and my friend have a pregnant party and eat :) The kids will have games to
All of our celebrations occur on New Year's Eve. We always try to get together with as many family members as we can and do "the big countdown"! The night always involved playing games and enjoying each other's company - not to mention copious amounts of food!
Every News Years Day we make a pot of Black Eye Peas (for good luck) and I share with the neighbors on boths sides of our property ... along with a hot, fresh batch of corn bread for each of us...That way all of us are sure to have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! (Side note: Love the new cartridges!)
Tanya Thompson
No plans for New Years here, no promises that I will break within 12 hours, just for peace on earth.
just adore the victorian cart and for new years day we usually have a big family meal and watch films in the afternoon together xx
I really don't have any New Year's tradition. I am a middle aged nurse and I usually volunteer to work so the young one's can have their fun. That's what was done for me in my pre-gray days!
Our tradition is to spend it home with family for dinner. Thanks for the chance and Merry Christmas. Linda harris
Our only tradition for New Year's is our meal. Ham, black-eyed peas (with a penny thrown in for luck and a dime for wealth) mixed greens and whatever else we decide to fix.
We eat black eye peas every New Year for good luck.
Victorian Romance looks great. Thanks for the look. My favorite New Years memory/tradition is staying up with my cousins and blowing my Grandfathers cornet at midnight. My grandfather is gone now but I pass the tradition on to my kids. I have my grandfathers cornet and it is reserved for special occasions.
My New Year's Day tradition is to relax and enjoy the beginning of a new year! I watch movies or craft. Love the Victorian cartridge!!!
plese.cathy at yahoo dot com
We just start the new years by laying around and wonderng what the new year will bring!
my tradition, is to cook all day, and nave an open house, haning friends and family drop in all night for a visit and some food, no one leaves
we visit, play games, and ring in the new year....
we take down the tree on new years and visit our families. it is great end to the christmas season!
thanks for a chance to win.
We don't have any traditions for New Year. I'll most likely spend the day with my Cricut machines! I sure would like to win that cart!
I like to keep New Year's Day quiet. It's usually time to relax before thinking about returning to work. However, if my daughter-in-law comes to visit - she and my hubby will be glued to any football game they can pick up.
New Years Day is a quiet day for me, usually recovering from New Years Eve, LOL! Tho I do make hoppin john for dinner. Thanks for the opp to win Art Nouveau cart, that is the last cart on my wish list from last year...
Our family usually gets together for a brunch and then plays cards the rest of the afternoon/evening.
Every year I resolve to take better care of myself. When work gets too stressful though I turn to scrapbooking not exercise. I love the new carts!
My resolution is to do a scrapbook layout at least once a week.
We dont really have any New Years Day traditions. Just resting after the holiday and enjoy having a day off from work!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net
We usually hang out at home on New Year's Day as a family. My husband's Mom passed away on New Year's Eve so it is always a bitter sweet holiday for us. We just keep it low key.
We stay in New Year's Eve and have champagne. Then we have a very relaxing New Year's Day. Thanks for the chance to win. :) Happy Holidays!
New Year's Day usually involves relaxing and sleeping late. This year we also have a brunch with out of town friends! Thanks for the giveaways! :) Kelly
For New Years after all the holiday fun and rush I like to just relax before having to go back to work.
The only tradition we really follow on new year's is to watch lots of football. :)
Looking forward to seeing your projects with these new carts!
We have a jammie day ~ snack on unhealthy food and take down the tree ~ and watch football.
SusanJ in Atlanta
This year I am working but usually it is football! Thanks for the op!
My family gets together at my house and we have several lots of food and wine and just good times and then welcome the new year together! Thanks for a chance to win this great cartridge.
dietzrobles at yahoo dot com
My New Years Day is very busy, starting with watching the Rose Bowl Parade, then getting together with family from out of town to watch the Rose Bowl Game (always hoping the Badgers are in it) and finishing the day with one of my very dear friends on her birthday. Fun filled day :). Thank you for all of the giveaways and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
My New Years resolution is to organize my house. Thanks for the look at the new Hello Thursday cartridges.
Watch football. I am looking forward to seeing your projects tfs
My New Years Eve tradition used to be going out dancing with my husband, now he is wheelchair bound with MS and so we stay home and babysit the grandkids so our children can go out. It is just as fun.
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
Our New Year's Day tradition is to get together with the family. Grandma makes the German tradition of Pigs In A Blanket for good luck!
My hope is to get back to juicing and eat healthy, I've let myself slip lately and it will feel good to get back on track!
We don't have any New Year's traditions yet. This next one we'll probably hang out, snack, and watch all the movies the kiddos are getting for Christmas.
Hanging out with friends and family.
DMcardmaker (email follower)
Thanks for the Hello Thursday info. I can't wait to see your projects next week!!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
We stay home where it is safe, make good food and watch football!
Thanks fot the chance to win!
My husband and I are very sad for people in our early 30s - our tradition is to go to call it an early evening since he goes fishing early on the 1st :)
Watching fireworks at midnight.
We take down the Christmas tree and decorations and then just hang out and play board games with the kids. Nice and relaxing!!!
Love the Art Neauveau cart!
Thanks for the chance to win!
gaudet5 at rogers dot com
My hubby and I spend New Years with my sisters family...we have fun playing games and setting off fireworks at midnight. I am sure the neighbors love us. Ha! Thanks for the giveaway!
We don't have a big New Years Day tradition. It is usually pretty quiet, we stay home, watch movies and relax. We usually start putting some of the Christmas decor away.
Our tradition is we go downtown where we have a beautiful lake and we walk around it which is a 6 mile walk.
We make lots of food and then play games and watch movies until the new year!
We don't really have an NYE traditions but we just moved into our new home and we are going to have a small party so, I am planning to have all the kids that are here answer these 'Time Capsule' questions. I have lots of activities for them so, hopefully they will want to come back next year. ;) Happy New Year to you and your family Melanie!!
House parties have been our tradition for the last 20 or so years. Get up with a clear head on New Year's Day and start it out right. Of course, black eyed peas and pork for New Years dinner.
For New Year's day we have pork & sauerkraut, relax and do the things we want to do.
On New Year's Day, my tradition is to do nothing but eat and sleep. I'm still recuperating from everything the week before.
Taking down the Christmas decorations after a long sleep in from staying up way past my bedtime the night before.
My New Year tradition is hanging out with the family, ordering pizza, and relaxing! Thanks for the chance :)
My new years day tradition is to make a list of craft room organization to do's! Thanks for the chance to win!
our family new years tradition is a big late afternoon holiday dinner and a simple day at home...together
(love your blog...and am already a follower!)
hope that you have a very happy holiday!
I start each new year out by taking down all of the Christmas decorations.
We really don't have any New Year's Eve traditions but we do like to gather as a family and enjoy a dinner together.
Just working on resolutions! Also spending the day with family.
Our New Year's tradition is to hang out at home together and relax. We just enjoy the day together.
jdkentinc at aol dot com
On New Year's Day we relax, eat appetizers and leftover Christmas cookies and usually take the tree down.
cathyaust at hotmail dot com
We try to have all the Christmas decorations put away by New Year's day and have a relaxing day of bird watching and photography to start the New Year off right. Thanks for the chance to win.
We don't have any New Year traditions.
scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com
We never really had a New Year's Day tradition unti; two years ago I found myself in the hospital having a baby on NYE! Now, our tradition will be recovering from birthday party messes!
Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge!
This is a great day to watch the Rose Bowl Parade and lots of football.
I don't really have any but my husband does the black eyed peas and collard greens like so many others.
Watch the parade, eat some black eyed peas, and write down my resolutions for the New Year. Thanks for the chance to win.
I don't really have a New Year's Eve tradition. It is just me. But I love getting up on New Year's Day and watching the Rose Parade!
We start by having a bomb fire before midnight and we roast hot dogs, s'mores etc. The kids love this! Then we come in and watch the count down and then we have some kind of special meal the next day, black eyed peas etc. We all just enjoy being together. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win! lindagk23ataoldotcom
We have no traditions... just a 'free' day to be together. There is no special cooking to be done just relaxation and lots of football!
What a fun week this has been. My New Year's Day tradition is all about the food. I always cook a pork dish and have black eyed peas. This year I will do a pork loin with a rub of fresh nutmeg, thyme and rosemary.
I hope all your New Year's wishes come true.
Cathy D
Hi Courtney - Hope you had a great time shopping with your mom. Our New Year's Day tradition is taking our Christmas tree down and just hanging out.
New Years resolution is just to be happy..... which this year has been trying. Lots of losses in the last half. Super stoked for the new year to begin.
We have a "party" with just us and the kids with all kinds of appetizers and such on New Year's Eve. Then on NYD, we have pork roast and black eyed peas.
Thank you for your awesome giveaways!
We have friends that go out with every New Year's Eve. Both families go bowling in the early evening and then we go out to eat. We started this when our kids were 9, 8, 5 and 5. They are now 27, 26 and the twins are 23! We now of course have girlfriends, boyfriends, it's so much fun! Thank you for this great give-a-way, this is a cart I definitely would love to own, Thank you!
our tradition is having family over and wait for the count down, thank you for the chance to win
we usually have a special meal at home together on new year's eve, and stay home New Year's Day, with the Rose Bowl Parade and football on. How did I miss the black eye peas tradition so many have? probably by growing up in the midwest instead of the south! thx for the chance to win
We have celebrated with our neighbors for almost ten years now. This year we are having a progressive New Years Eve party. Our house will be the kid house so my daughter can babysit the youngest ones in the group. And of course we have pork and sauerkraut on the 1st.
We watch the Rose Bowl Parade. Then it is football time.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these cartridges! Please make me a winner!
Our church is in the process of building, so for the last 3 years we have used a car dealership showroom . The dealership closed due to the recession. We have several Wii stations set up, and the former cubicles have games set up. Our pastor is the DJ... And of course lots and lots of food. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share my tradition with you.
We spend New Year's Day with friends, watching football, eating pork and sauerkraut, and playing board games. Fun times!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Black eye peas, Ham and no collards, but cornbread. Spending time with family. Just relaxing with hubby.
New Years Eve is fun in Colorado Springs. We have a group of people who hike up Pikes Peak and set off fireworks from the mountain. New Years Day is spent resting - watching the Rose Parade and football if I can convince my hubby.
Growing up in So. Cal the tradition was always to watch the Rose Parade. My sister and I even marched in the parade for 3 years. Now that I am grown and no longer live in Cal. I still watch the parade.
I am from the South so it is pretty simple, Games on the TV with ham and blackeyed peas for supper! Thanks for the chance to win!
Visiting with family, playing games and of course eating.
New Years eve for us empty nesters is simple. With all the festivities and busyness of the holidays we take that time just for us. We have a simple candle light dinner and relax together. Just like a nite out only home. We so totally love it.
We don't really do anything special for New Year's. We just have a 'normal' day, except that we spend it making an effort to relax.
We get up just in time to watch the Rose Bowl parade. We're usually in our snowbird home by then so nothing special going on.
We have game night with our son!We get all the games out & play until the New year is here!We eat... we snack... & we enjoy the family time together. At 12:00 my Son & Hubby go outside watch at all the fireworks!Great way to start the New year...FAMILY TIME
For my family it's a New Year's Eve tradition. We fill up our holiday champagne flutes with sparkling apple cider and make sure we are holding cash while the ball drops.
Many years back friends and neighbors were stuck home on new years eve because her parents couldn't watch their kids. She invited a bunch of us over with our kids. Everyone had a blast and it has been our traditional new years eve party ever since. It was the best because you walked there with your kids and everyone had a good time. Last year they announced it would be the last so this year we need to start a new tradition.
I watch the football games and then go over to my sister in laws and we have and black eye peas you are supposed to eat for good luck. I would also LOVE to win this cart as I have wanted it for a LONG time. I am a long time follower and look forward to your email updates for inspiration.
We go to church in the morning then there's a fellowship hour afterwards. The remainder of the day we don't have any set plans.
Thanks for the chance to win! The Art Nouveau is one of the carts I really want!!
We get together with friends and play board games until 12 am then after saying Happy new year we al go to bed and in the morning we have a big brunch and watch The Rose Parade on tv
We get together with friends and play board games until 12 am then after saying Happy new year we al go to bed and in the morning we have a big brunch and watch The Rose Parade on tv
Feasting on blackeyed beans and collards! Stopped making resolutions because I never keep them!
Normally New Year's day is very low key...a nice dinner then maybe put away decorations.
would love to win this cart. thank you.
Love the new carts and will look forward to seeing your projects next week. Football, need I say more. haha
Donna C.
These four cartridges are all so cute! Just love them! I don't really have any New Years traditions, other than a resolution or two that I usually break, he he he. I already own the Art Nouveau cartridge, it is an awesome cartridge as well, so please pass over me when making a decision. What can I say, I simply LOVE THEM ALL! Thank you for giving everyone a chance to win.
No New Year's resolution just as always try to be the best I can be 24/7 and New Years Eve lots of fun and laughs with family at our 1 daughter's and we have a WWII tournament....I love the Victorian Romance cartridge I bought it yesterday only $24.99 and for their Green Wednesday Special free S&H on so wahooo....I can't wait 2 C what you and Joy come up with for this one :)
No real traditions here. My family gets together and enjoys each others company. Our tradition is on New Years Eve. We always go out to eat at the same Chinese restaurant! Just thinking about it makes me hungry!!
Since we moved to Georgia 6 years ago we have established a new tradition. Our best friends come from Florida and spend the week between Christmas and New Years with us. We shop the sales, scrapbook and just have a good time together with old friends. She cooks collard greens on New Years Day for us.
Sally Gasparri
We traditionally get together with our very dear friends. Go out to eat, go to church service and come back to one of our homes and play cards. (the women ususally win--haha!) Thanks for the opportunity to win! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
My family reunate at my father's home to received the Father's Benediction. Good for the year long.
Have a good day
On New Years Day we usually sleep in late and then I make our family a nice breakfast. We usually spend the rest of the day just being lazy!
We spend the day with my father in law's family. We always celebrate our christmas then because the holidays are always so busy for everyone and every year we know we'll see them then! :)
Wow! Another awesome giveaway! We don't really have a New Year's Day tradition - usually we're traveling. This year we'll be with my family out of state which will be really nice! Thanks for the chance to win!
karenskapin at yahoo dot com
My best friend and I always scrapbook on New Year's Day!
We make Shrimp Bisque soup and usually have a wonderful lazy day. Take in a movie, enjoy the family who are home for the Holidays. What more could one ask for?
We spend New Years at home, eating snacks and then at twelve we have sausage, potaotes, onions and pepper sandwiches, pepperoni, cheese, shrimp an a toast. We enjoy each others company.
We don't really have any New Years Day traditions...except maybe taking down the Christmas decorations. Boring stuff! Maybe we'll start some with all the great ideas posted on your comments!
New Years for me involves trying to do all the things I love to do with the belief that if you do them New Years you will do them all year.The Victorian cartridge is a great one.
Nana of 6
Every other year we do our family Christmas on New Years because my son and his family go out of state for Christmas. The other years it is a "What should we do?" in a panic. We always end up grazing all day watching football. Very relaxing day. Thank for the chance to win so many wonderful prizes this week. This one is my favorite.
We always go to a local high school and hang out with lots of friends from our church and eat lots of good food. We then celebrate my husbands birthday which is Jan 1
No Traditions here, sit home watch the fireworks on tv call everyone I know at midnight and bed time for me!
Carol D.
dasi55 @
I love the new cartridges. Be sure to take time for yourself this holiday! You always give so much to others.
Well we like football and so New Years Day is spent watching it on TV while I crop at the kitchen table and cook and fellowship with out of town relatives staying with us. Lots of good times!
we don't have a tradition but i love the new carts
Our New Years day tradition is to sleep in, go out for breakfast and then go to a town about an hour away for some good shopping and great deals. We live in a small town so we travel to our state capital for great shopping. papermemories4u@
We eat blackeyed peas and collard greens. The peas stand for how many pennies you will get during the year and the collard greens stands for dollar bills. Old southern thing!!
julieschoonoverwfg at yahoo dot com
We usually stay home and have yummy appetizers and play games. Thankyou for such a great give away.
We don't have any New Year's traditions. I usually spend the day cleaning since it's a "bonus" day off. I like to get caught up on all my chores.
The clean up from Christmas begins and from the night before! LOL
DH finishes his annual puzzle if it isn't done yet and I try to relax for the day
Thanks for the chance to win the cart
Love the this and that CM cartridge. Look forward to seeing what you create with all the carts next week!!
Our New Year tradition is to have breakfast together and talk about our goals for the year. We don't do New Year resolutions.
I really like the Art Nouveau cart ~ thanks for the chance to win!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!
We take down the tree and play games if we can we go skiing.
sauerkraut is the one tradition we have to have. When I married into the family it was you have to have sauerkraut on New Year' Day. I did not like it. Now 45 years later I love sauerkraut and would not ever think of not having it on New Year's Day.
Love, love the Victorian cart. We usually celebrate with a birthday party as it was my mother's birthday. New Year's Eve is the birthday of a family friend and we celebrated them together with cake at midnight and the candles to be blown out.
New Years would be without black eyed peas and rice. When I was a child mom would put a silver dime in the bowl. Rich you would be if you got the dime!
I have been wanting Art Nouveau!!! I love this cartridge!- - My family plays games and tries to stay up until midnight and watch the ball fall in time square on tv. My kids love this, because they are 9 & 6. Nothing is better, than spending time with your family!
Our New Years Tradition is to play board games as a family till we are too tired to stay up. We eat lots of finger foods like mini pizzas, veggies/chips and dips, hot wings, mini cheese cake and our favorite 'apple-floppa'. Fun and Yummy!!
Our New's Years tradition is around food. I make a big pot of black-eyed peas and some corn bread for midnight. Then we play all day and relax. Depending on where we are we may go on a hike.
I like the new releases! I usually have a get together at my house with a few friends. I have a son, so I don't go out anymore so I bring the party to us, lol. Thanks for the chance to win!
New Year's Day is a day for our small family and a few friends to be lazy, eats snacky foods, and watch the parade and bowl games. Hope I win this cartridge as I've enjoyed seeing you guys use it. Thanks
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