Art Nouveau cartridge
Melissa Johnson said...
Word Collage cuttlebug folder set

My favorite Christmas gift of all time was when I was 8 years old and Santa brought a 3 story Barbie house for my sister and me, complete with elevator and blow up furniture.I can still remember us sneaking downstairs while it was still dark outside to see what Santa brought. Our poor parents were probably up late building the darn thing but we woke them up to see it at 5am!

Cuttlebug Starter Set

My favorite song is Baby It's Cold Outside the Dean Martin version not the Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson version. Thank you for a chance to win.
Snow Day cartridge

I too make a yummy breakfast casserole, both of my kids have moved on so this year I think I will surprise them on Christmas Eve and send them both home with a casserole to bake at their own home for Christmas morning, they will be so happy!
Sweater Weather cartridge

- Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy your holiday. The kids in our
area go until the 23rd. Good for busy mommies...tough on teachers and
bus drivers!
My favourite tradition is the weekend before Christmas when my brothers and their families and my family all get together for a big potluck meal, usually the last Sunday before. It really starts Christmas off for me.
Thanks for sharing your toys! :)
Congratulations to the winners! Please email me( your your addresses and I will ship them out to you! You have two weeks to claim your prizes.
See you back here tomorrow with projects made with NEW cartridges!
Have a SENSATIONAL Sunday!

We don't have a New Year's Day tradition (other than sleeping in, unless it's a Sunday). But we have a group of friends who have been getting together at one family's house for probably the last 10 years on New Year's Eve. We look forward to it all year. Everyone potlucks it, and we bring games, and spend the evening playing games and laughing a lot. Then we usually watch the last 15 minutes of Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year and toast each other with sparkling grape juice. It's one of our favorite holiday traditions!