This is day four of my week of giveaways and today's giveaway is a 4 piece Word Collage Cuttlebug folder set.
To win:
1) Leave a comment below telling me what is your favorite gift you ever received.
2) Subscribe or follow the blog.
That's it! Winner to be announced on Sunday, December 18, 2011.
Now it is time to check out Joy's blog because she is also having a week of giveaways! Click here ==> Obsessed with Scrapbooking
December Close To My Heart special
* Any order over $50 will be eligible to get the December stamp of the month for $5 (a $17.95 value). You save $12.95! Art Philosophy coordinates with this stamp set. This offer begins December 1st!
*NOTE make sure you add promotions when prompted by the ordering system. If you add promotional items for prompting the discount price will not be reflected in the total.
Have a Terrific Thursday!

1 – 200 of 326 Newer› Newest»My favorite gift I ever got was a ruby ring my husband bought me. He is not the greatest at gift giving. Usually I end up doing my own gifts. But last year he surprised me with the most beautiful ruby ring. It was extremely special since he did it on his own and I had no idea. Plus it was my birth stone.
Best gift I ever got from my husband was a meal delivery service for about three months when our first son was born. He was a little fuzzy thing that never slept. He slept one hour between every two hour feeding. I was so exhausted all the time; so he order me the service so I didn't have to cook and could rest.
This is tough. I'm going to go with my garnet and diamond earrings
My favorite gift was probably the Barbie and Skipper I received as a little girl. I was sooo excited. Everything was a little brighter and had a little more sparkle that Christmas for this 6 year old.
Hope you are enjoying the Christmas season! :)
My favorite Christmas presents was last year when I got a new paper cutter,scrapbook table and lots of paper. I just started scrapbooking and really needed this stuff.
Kwillis_15 at yahoo dot com
My favorite gift received was a large stuffed Snoopy when I was a child. My mom had told us that Santa would not be visiting us this year. She cried and we felt really bad for her. So we went to bed and were in no hurry to get up. Mom woke us up saying Santa had dropped by after all. I received the Snoopy and a Cribbage board....most memorable Christmas ever.
My favorite gift that I ever received was a replicate of an antique ring that we looked at year after year on Cape Cod but could never afford. By the time we could, it was sold so my husband secretly had one made for me. What a sweetie.
My favorite gift was my Border Collie puppy (Scout) that I received in 2001. He is 10 now but still behaves as if he is a puppy!
My favorite gift ever was a surprise trip to Disneyworld for our whole family. It was a much needed vacation and a great family fun time!
I would have to say, this year, my husband purchased me a cricut I think I would like to have the imagine!
mzcherub at gmail dot com
It's a tie between my engagement ring and my Cricut Expression!!! Both were completely unexpected gifts.
Well My favourite gift wasn't wrapped under the tree, it was wrapped in my belly for 9 months!!My daughter is the best gift that i could have ever recieved!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
These are great give-aways! Thanks for your generosity.
Any (real) gifts are faves to me. I love presents. I say {real} like this because my ex-SIL gave me a purse one year, it was used...I know becuase it had pen mark in it....LOL
Crystal R.
My favorite gift is a leather bound family bible that my husband gave me for our third anniversary. It has names and wedding date engraved on the cover and it's the most sentimental thing he's ever given me.
My cricut of course for my birthday 2 1/2 years ago! Then my gypsy the next birthday!
the gift of my three beautiful children.
Sandra ltb
My favorite gift came from my favorite aunt when I was 12. I had wanted to start painting ceramics for a couple of years (a friend had been doing it & I wanted to too). My aunt gave me a gift certificate to the store & then drove me there to pick out something to paint, along with getting the paints, brushes, etc. This gift got me started on a life-long love of painting ceramics (& wood) and look back on that gift so fondly & will always remember my wonderful aunt, too. This same aunt also showed me how to crochet.
My favorite gift I have ever received had to be my family helping me buy my first home! But there are so many others too! Thanks for the chance to win!
My husband gave me my engagement ring on December 21st which he couldn't wait for Christmas morning! That was in 1962 ~ 50 years ago and I still have him! A real gift!
Although I am in my 50s and have received many wonderful gifts over the years, my Easy Bake Oven is probably the one that comes to mind first when I think back over the years - it was way out of my parent's budget, but somehow ended up under the tree...
My Cricut! My husband surprised me several years ago with a Cricut Expression. I have used it almost daily since then!
My favorite gift was vintage family photos my sister gave out one year! thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite gift was The Cricut. I was shocked :)
Thank you for this wonderful give-a-way!
I think the best gift ever was the Imagine my husband gave me for Christmas last year. I love it and use it so often making cards for loved ones.
Dianne Bell -
My favorite gift was not material. My greatest gift is my husband's love. I treasure that more than anythng else. We have been together for 44 years.
My favorite gift was a diamond ring my husband gave me.
My favorite gift came from my parents when I was 15. It was a long white dress coat. It was gorgeous and I will always remember being able to open it on Christmas Eve so I could where it to midnight mass.
I received a watch when I was 8 years old and I still remember what a wonderful surprise it was.
My favorite gift was my gorgeous pug with a big red bow on him. That gift was so great, I did not want anything else after that.
My favorite gift was the barbie town house as a child.. I loved barbies and played with it for a long time! Christina
My favorite gift that I received was my Cricut last year!
I got myself an iPad 2 this year. That's the most I've spent in myself ever.
rosebud114 My favorite gift was a fortune cookie telling me I was going to be a grandma in the spring.My daughter made them and had her sister pass them out for her because we were in NY and she was in CA.
Favorite gift I ever received was my DD on Christmas eve. Her bio mother delivered her Christmas Eve morning and we brought her home on Christmas Day! What an amazing gift, she will be 13 this year.
My favorite Christmas gift is Jesus, my Savior! Have a blessed Christmas!
My two favorite gifts would have to be my Cricut expression and my Gypsy! Thanks for giving us the chance to win a great prize.
My favorite gift was my cricut expression.
My favorite gift was a Tanzanite promise ring given to me by my husband a month after we met. I was floored when he knew that soon that we would be together. We have just past our 7th wedding anniversary and our eighth year together.
The best gift we all have is our family and friends. Materially i would have to say my current wedding ring set. I lost my first one many years ago and my husband surprised me on our 40th with a beautiful set.
The gold cross my husband gave me as a birthday gift years ago. I still wear almost daily 10 years later.
I would have to say the my children (now legal adults) would be my favorites gifts. No matter how many struggles going through this age group, they still are a blessing.
My favorite gift was my Expression 3 years ago.
My favorite gift was a pink princess phone for our bedroom (my sister and I shared one). We could talk on the phone without the entire household listening to our conversations. Wow - hasn't technology changed?!
My favorite gift was, is and always will be, Jesus Christ my Savior! Merry Christmas.
The birth of my daughter 46 years ago was my most wonderful gift as was the arrival of two precious granddaughters in 1995 and 2003. I am truly blessed by these three awesome young women! Mel, your teaching me how to make your BEAUTIFUL bows at the Texas Stampede last March is another of my FAV gifts!
kastenc at sbcglobal dot net
Without a doubt it was the year my mom wrapped up my Grandmother's jewelry an place it in my stocking. Each item had special meaning
My husband has given me a lot of wonderful gifts over the years so it's hard to choose "the best". But 2 years ago, he gave me a thumb ring for Valentine's Day. What made it so special is that he heard me telling a friend how I had always wanted one and so went out and totally surprised me. Now I always wear it.
My favorite gift was an angel pendant that my daughter gave me a few years ago. I also loved the Sinder sewing maching that my husband gave me shortly after we were married.
Hard to say what my favorite gift was. The one I use the most is probably the printer that my kids got for me a few years ago.
I have so many fond memories of neat gifts but I know the one that tops all lists is my salvation gift from Jesus which is free and the life He has provided in assurance through His word. My husband has changed a bit as we grow older to gift cards so I can select and that is good thing too.
One of my favorite gifts was a whole set of Barbie doll clothes that my mom made me as a little girl. She had so much detail put into those outfits it was unreal! She probably went a little crazy making them, but I sure loved them! :)
My favorite gift was 3 years ago when my hubby gave me my Apple laptop. I use it every day.
My favorit gift I have ever gotten would be my Cricut Imagine!I love my Imagine!
Wow, so many great gifts over the years, but if I have to pick one, it was a little (blue) toy piano that my Dad bought me when I was 4 years old... I still have it and I'm now 50! My parents were divorced and my Dad wasn't one to go out by himself and buy anything, much less Christmas presents for anyone. Funny, at even at that age, I knew the effort it must have taken him...
Thanks again for this opportunity. I think my favorite gift was 4 years ago, when my new hubby of 3 months gave me my cricut expression. He followed that up by building me a building for my crafts. I use my cricut almost every time I go out there and love it. He is full of surprises and we are very happy.
Cathy D
My favorite gift would have to be the diamond infinity necklace my hubby got me a few years ago.
My favorite gift was the birth of my one and only granddaughter five days before Christmas. Little did I know how the life of this precious child would change my world. What a blessing to us all.
MCF's Mimi
My most memorable gift was seeing my family after they had moved away from our home town 1500 miles away. Had not seen them for 2 years!! Family is always the best on Christmas when you get together!!
My favorite gift as a child was Tony the Pony! A ride on battery operated pony. Quite high tech for the time!
Hummmmm........ my favorite gift....... it just has to be the engagement ring I was given for Christmas 41 years ago. We just celebrated our 40th anniversary.
First one I remember is a Tiny Tears Doll in the 60's.
Another great cuddlebug collection for my very limited stash.
The best gift I have received thus far is my cabbage patch doll. When growing up my parents never got me one because they said they were ugly. My husband found one with my birthdate and gifted me with it..
My favorite gift would have to be my dog Gizmo. I have had him for 10 yrs now and am thankful everyday for him.
A Browning 20-gauge shot gun, believe it or not! I love shooting trap.
My fav gift was my dog. Every time I need a boost he knows it and gives it to me.
My favorite gift would have to be my son. He was born on the 26th but labor started at 4am Christmas morning. It took us 7 years to get pregnant for him so he truly was a Christmas Blessing.
fillhardfarm at ymail dot com
This is a really hard one for me. I guess I would have to say my favorite gift was a matching earring, necklace, and bracelet set.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com
My favorite gift was received last year. My son and his family got me a flat screen TV for my gama cave.
Love the embossing folders. Thanks for a chance to win them.
Hugs, CyndiU
cureta2 at yahoo dot com
The favorite gift I ever got has a joint gift for myself and my hubby. A house to be near our daughter son-law-, 2 grandkids and grand-puppy. Now we're a real family again.
LindaB in WI
My Favorite gift of all was the day my son born,the day after Thanksgiving Day what a BLESSING!So much to be thankful for!We had been married for ten years!The Best Gift of ALL!Thanks for a chance, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
My best gift was when my daughter hid in her bedroom making gifts. She was about 8 and she cut figures out of felt and stuffed and sewed them by hand! It was such a surprise because she did this all on her own with no adult direction or supervision. I still have them.
My favorite gift was a flannel covered book, entitled "Christmas Is...," given to me by my adopted daughter when she was in third grade. It contained hand drawn pictures of what she enjoyed about Christmas. On the last page, she wrote "Happiness, because I have a family to celebrate with." I've displayed it every Christmas for the past twenty years.
My hubby surprised me with a diamond necklace. He rarely surprises me because I snoop! He had a little scavenger hunt all planned and I had NO clue that there was going to be a diamond necklace at the end of that hunt.
My most favorite gift ever received was not a christmas gift. It was an anniversary gift from my hubby. He got me my one cordless drill. I loved it.
My favorite gift I have ever received was a swing set I received when I was 2. Apparently, I have never been more excited about anything ever! Thanks for the GiveAway!
My favorite gift I received was a beautiful blue topaz ring my husband gave me. Thanks for sharing with us and for the chance to win! lindagk23ataoldotcom
I would say the Mystic Topaz necklace that my husband surprised me with (that is hard to do)! I saw it on the cruise ship and looked at it everyday. When he finally agreed I could get it we went to the store and it was gone! I was very disappointed. Then about a month later we were celebrating my birthday when he gave me a little box. I was shocked when I opened it and the necklace was in it. He definitely surprised me.
My favorite gift-wow that's a hard one to decide on!!! I guess it would have to be my engagement ring that my creative hubby put into a sealed can and gave to me at a family Christmas gathering. I had to use a can opener(a hand crank one!!) to get it out and of course I cried when I saw it!!
My favorite gift was a kitten I received. It was a long time ago but I remember not being interested in anything else that day.
I have to say that the best gift I have ever got was my grandmothers ring. My children really surprised me that year.
Middletown, CT
My favorite gift was a musical toy box that I had wanted for years but DH said it was too expensive. Then he surprised me with it out of the blue.
Love these CB folders - first time I've seen them. Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!
This is going to sound corny but the best Christmas present that I have (will have) ever get is something that you can't see or touch right away. It's the decision to have another baby. I am "dying" to have another baby but my husband is totally on the fence ... he loves children and really wants one but is afraid of the "economy" going to trash. I understand his fears completely....but I told him the only thing I wanted for Christmas was something that you couldn't wrap up and put a bow on. It didn't have to be a an actual baby or the time to start trying to have one....I just want his promise that he will give it as much thought as I have and give the idea a chance. So the Christmas that he gives me his promise will be the best Christmas ever!
My favorite gift last year was a cricut from my kids!
cathyaust at hotmail dot com
My favorite gift was a handmade clock (from a CD) my husband made for me (he saw me make 12 that year for gifts and thought I should have one, too!) - it's beautiful and it made me cry from sheer joy!
My Cricut!
I love Word Collages!!!! The best Christams gift I ever received was my tanzanite & diamond ring from my husband. He completely surprised me with it! He's also bought me all of my Cricuts too! He surprised me w/the baby bug several years ago, the Expression a couple of years ago and this year he's giving me the Imagine! He's such a good man!!
My favorite Christmas gift ever was my engagement ring! How could you ever beat that!
Thanks for the give away!
When I was little, it was a pair of red rain boots. I love those boots!!! In recent years, I really would have to say my Expressions. It has changed my crafting life! And my wallet. My wallet is much smaller these days.
My favorite gift I ever recieved, lots of material things, but 1st thing that comes to my mind was spending my mom's last Christmas together with my kids and family. Thanks for a chance to win.
Ooh favorite gift is tough! Probably getting engaged 3 years ago! Thanks for the chance to wn!
Ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite gift was a Tiffany bracelet from my husband, when I was pregnant with our daughter. It was so thoughtful and unexpected, perfect. :)
My favorite gift was the personal Cricut cutter. My sister in law and brother got it for me and that is what started the scrapbooking bug! Since then I have been crazy about scrapbooking!
My favorite gift was and always will be, my son! For a while my husband and I thought it was a far reach to get pregnant when finally one day, it happened! He gives us a reason to smile every morning! :)
My husband gives me great gifts, last year I got a totally unexpected ipad but the best gift I got was from his sisters, a cricut! Didn't even know I would love it so much!
On Christmas Day, I brought my daughter home from the hospital in a big red stocking. Best gift--the birth of my daughter Jade!!
My best gift wasn't wrapped. It was seeing my kids who came in from out of town to support me at the end of my 3-day Avon walk. Thanks for the opportunity to win these fun folders.
Best gift was a surprise trip to Sea World on Christmas Day last year. My husband kept it secret until we got in the car and i was the best Christmas we have ever shared as a family.
My favorite gift wasn't one I received but one my husband and I gave our oldest daughter when she was 13. After we finished opening gifts that morning, my husband went outside and brought her new horse around to the front window with a big red bow tied to his halter. To see her expression was priceless. Thankyou for an amazing week of crafty goodies.
My greatest gift is the love from my husband and boys (who are now married with families).
Marjorie from TX
The gift of life. My son was conceived right before Christmas of 2006. My favorite gift after that would be my cricut imagine that I received as an early Christmas gift this year. Now I can get my scrapbooking done even easier, plus be able to create my own gifts!
Well I guess my favorite gift so far has been a new car from my husbans.
Thanks for the chance to win.
The best gift I've every received is an amethyst and diamond ring from my husband...he is not "big" on jewelry but saw it one time and bought it for me because it has my birthstone. I was so surprised. (We have simple gold wedding bands and this was my first "diamond" ring). I cherish it.
My favorite gift I ever received is from my daughter, who is married now, when she was little. She made an angel out of a paper plate with her picture as the angels face for the top of our tree. That was 19 years ago and it still sits at the top of our Christmas tree.
That is such a hard question to answer . . . but I have to say the gifts my husband has given me over the years that I was totally not expecting. We have been married 27 yeaars so there are quite a few. This year he surprised me by getting the Cricut Imagine all on his own. It was a really nice unexpected gift since money is tight for us this year.
My favorite gift would be my Canon 20D, love that camera! Don't know how I lived without it!
My favorite surprise gift was a portable DVD player from my husband. My favorite gift was my Imagine and E2.
I've been blessed with many gifts over the years but the best gift is the life I've had with my husband, 3 children, and 8 grandchildren. My Cricut Expression was a complete surprise several years ago.
My favorite gift..mmmm? I have been very lucky over the years, but I guess I can be as corny as the best of 'em when it comes to it! I think my best gifts were my children - two fine young men, now. I remember the wonderful Christmas times we have all shared...oh now I have tears.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Best gift I ever got from my husband was a new diamond for our 30th anniversary. Now that our financial situation has changed DRASTICALLY I feel funny wearing it. It is humongous! It was fun for a while. :(
getting a birthday wish from my foster son on FB that I haven't heard from in a long while! It made my heart smile a day long!!!
The doll buggy I got from Santa(my Grandpa) when I was small. Guess that has stuck with me all these years. I have gotten some great gifts since than, but that one really is special.
Donna C.
My favorite gift was a life size doll I received when I was in the third grade. It had dark hair and a red dress on. Wow, that was over 50 years ago! Thanks for the great giveaway.
I would have to say my best gift was my husband. He came into my life Nov., 1979 and sharing it with him has been my best gift that keeps giving.
Lothringen from Michigan
Oh...this is pretty easy! My two daughters!!! My first was born less than two weeks after my birthday! Otherwise, I would say my Cricut Expression that I got for my 30th birthday!!!
A recording of my son & I reading Cat in the Hat when he was 3 (he is now 28!) given to me 25 years ago. I would read sections of the book, then stop, and because he knew it from memory he would fill in the blanks in his sweet and excited little voice. It is ohhh sooo cute!
The best and still my favorite gift of all times was Noah's
Ark I received when I was 4 years old. I still cherish it and have kept it for more than 50 years!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Carmen L
cal8007 at aol dot com
My favorite gift that I ever recieved was my Cricut followed closely by my laptop.
I have to say my laptop is the best gift I've ever received.
I have not seen these folder before. Thanks for the chance to win. I've been lucky enough to have received several great gifts over the years, but I think my favorite is the watch my mother gave me when I graduated from college. It had the image of a famous building on the face. It was easy to read w/o being masculine. It was a great way to celebrate 4 years of hard work.
My best gift ever was a had crafted ceramic heart and all hand painted from my 5 year old granddaughter. I have it hanging in my craftroom!
Thanks for much for the opportunity to win this Embossing set...I've been wanting this soooo much.
After the "gift" of my two children, my favorite gift is my engagement ring from my husband. We'll celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary in February!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
My favorite gift I ever received was my Kindle.
mykemma at gmail dotcom
WAVING HAND HIGH!!!!!WAVING WAVING...OH PLEASE ME, ME........PLEASE.... OH PLEASE!!!! Just got my Cuttlebug and would love these!!! Enjoy your blog! THANKS!!! Grandma-in-Maui
My favorite gift would have to be my Cricut. I usually have to buy my own gift because my husband just doesn't really go out to buy things or I will have to say I want this and this is where it is, how much it costs, etc. But the year he got me the Cricut he came up with that all on his own. I never even mentioned it to him.
Happy Holidays! My favorite gift was a Barbie doll from my husband. I had told him that I always wanted a Barbie doll. It was just the sweetest present I ever received!
My favorite was a diamond anniversary band for our 25th wedding anniversary.
bsketmom at tampabay dot rr dot com
My favorite gift I ever received was a stereo when I was 13 or 14. OMgosh, it had an 8 track tape deck and a turntable and AM FM radio and I listened to that thing through college and after!
The best gift that I ever received was a Snowbaby from each of my children. It had a very special meaning. Thanks for the chance to win the embossing folders.
My most favorite gift is my E! Hubby didn't know what he was starting! :)
any thing scrap booking is a great gift to me!!
my favorite gift was a guitar when I was a little kid. Always cherished that.
You always have great ideas, thanks!!!! Rosemary at
My favorite gift was given to me Christmas of 1976. My dad gave my sister and I matching heart necklaces with a diamond center. 3 months later he died of a heart attack. My sisters necklace was stolen. I have mine still and it holds a very special place in my heart.
Thank you
Linda in Stanwood
Last year I got my new Cricut Expression right before Christmas and it has seriously been the most fun and useful gift I think I've ever received. That thing has been a work horse this year.
I'm going to have to say my Cricut Expression I got last year for Christmas!
When I was 8 years old, my cousin gave me a book "The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew" It was my very first "chapter book" and I loved it. I still have a copy in my library for my grandchildren to enjoy.
That is a tough one! There are so many (because I'm rotten! LOL!) Probably this hubby gave it to me early...we're going to see Garth Brooks in Las Vegas in June! I can't wait. We've been married almost 11 years and haven't really had a honeymoon, so this is it! So excited!
My favorite Christmas gift was a birthstone ring my husband got me when we were dating. It was his first time buying jewelry. He wrapped it in a series of boxes so that I had to open them all.
cMy favourite Christmas present were the handmade cards my son made for me since he was 5 y.o.
He is 23 now, but I still trasure them.
The most favorite gift I ever received was my life.....5 years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. I worried I would never see my children graduate from high school or get married. But, I made it and have watched two graduate and one get married. Life is GOOD!! I LOVE celebrating every holiday with my family---but especially Christmas! :D
My parents struggled to support 6 kids so we never had much growing up. One Christmas, when I was 11 or so, I got a microscope. Although it was only about 200X magnification, I was thrilled beyond belief! I thought it was the coolest present ever.
Mmmm this is a hard one, over the years i have been lucky to get many wonderful gifts, but i have to say that a record - i know i am old, hehehe- of one of my fav teenage groups an aunt gave me on xmas when i was 14, loved it and at the time drove my parents insane, hehehe, now we reminesce and laugh about it... And of course what grater xmas gift than being with family and loved ones...
Have a great day,
My favorite gift I ever received was this year. I received the the Cricut Expressions 2 which is my first Cricut ever. My boyfriend bought it for me and he allowed me to open it early and I've been using it ever since! I have been having issues getting in the Craft Room, but when I can fully get that working it'll be ever better! But this year was definitely my favorite gift I've ever I've ever received! I can't wait to get even more cartridges to use to be able to do even more projects! I don't even use it for scrapbooking, I use it for many other projects and that's why I LOVE the Cricut because you can do SO many things with it and don't even have to be a "crafty" person to make AMAZING things with it!
One year my husband had a necklace and earrings made out of garnets that we had mined at a booth at the state fair. I was impressed that he remembered we had the stones and that he made arrangements to have them put into jewelry for me. He can be thoughtful at times!
My favorite gift ever was the gift of adoption. Two amazing women allowed me and my husband to adopt their beautiful babies so we could be parents. They are now 6 and 4 and are the light and joy in our lives.
Wow that is hard. As a child, the best gift I got was my brother bought me a HUGE organ. As an adult, my husband bought me a past present and future necklace.
My fav gift is a pr of yellow gold & white gold heart hoop earrings that my hubby gave me. A couple wks ago on a Mon I lost one of the earrings when I was at my hubby's workplace to pick a name tag from the Angel Tree. The following Thurs someone found the earring and turned it in. Even though the earring was not the shape it was originally the jeweler I took it to says he can return it to the J shape it was. I was surprised that it was found & that a person would turn it in.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
My fav gift was last years...a Kindle...I still love it. Lee-Ann :)
although i'm complaning a lot that i have two birthdays in december close to christmas...
when my babies were born close to christmas.. that was and still is a beautiful gift.. that i'm stil unwrapping every day
My favorite gift was a suede jacket my dad bought for me...
Dawn RI
My favorite gift was an American Girl doll (Samantha) that I got a while ago for my 8th Christmas.
Wow I had problems leaving this comment. I hope the issue was on my end and no one else has any problems. I was about to give up and it worked. Anyway, as a child with 3brothers we did not have as much as others and my favorite gift was a bike. I was so excited to get that bike and I rode it all the time.
My favorite gift received would have to be a Vidoe camera i got for Chritmas.
On Dec. 23rd, I got the best gift I could have ever gotten. My daughter, Christina! She just couldn't wait for Santa, she wanted to be there to see him! She's my Santa Baby even at almost 29!
My next most memorable would have to be the cowl induction hood my Dad got me for my birthday a few years ago for my 69 Camero. Merry Christmas All!
My greatest gifts have been my children and then my grandchildren.I feel truely blessed. Thanks for the chance to win..
lets see, the best Christmas Gift I have received would be.....from my Hubbie, he bought me a Cricut Expression( my first Cricut) 4 Christmases ago...that was for sure the best....
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com
My two young nieces got together and gave me a clock for my living room that was my greatest gift.
I haven't recieved my Favorite gift yet... I'm getting an imagine this Christmas!! I'm very very excited :)
My favorite gift I have ever gotten is a pink Teddy Bear, I named Pinkie. She is 40 years old now & used & loved by both of my girls for a time. She sits watching everything I do in my craft room & from time to time I will look up at her & she will look at what I'm doing as if to say "That's Perfect!"
my favorite gift ever was a Tony doll when I was a child. You could give her a permanent.
Best gift ever-my children and grandchildren.
My most favorite gift I ever received was my piano & now I'm a piano teacher! Id love to win your prize today.
My favorite gift was the Christmas when my fiancee gathered all the sheetmusic and words to all my favorite songs and put them in a binder. Then he copied them all on to a CD. I know it took him a long time to pull this together and it's a gift I'll always cherish.
I need Cuttlebug folders!!! I think I have to say my iMac. I love it soo much. It's five years old now, but I'll never have another type of computer. Thanks!
kapertures at gmail dot com
Beyond a doubt, the best Christmas gift I ever received a son born just after midnight, Christmas 1986.
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
My favorite gift as a child was the My Little Pony Estate I got when I was 6. My son was a great Christmas present 5 years ago!
My best and favorite gift was the diamond that my husbands grandfather gave to my husband to be set in a ring for me. My husband did just that and then gave me the ring as my Christmas present. We knew then that grandpa Jo was pleased with us being togther. Grandpa Jo has been gone for almost 20 years but every time I look at the ring it warms my heart.
In 1959 Santa brought me my very first Barbie. I'm a brunette and my sister is a blond and we each got a Barbie with our hair color. Plus, our Mom made many Barbie outfits including coats with "fur" collars. We felt so special.
my favorite gift is a new wedding set on our 25th
upnurse at aol dot com
the best gift I ever received was my salvation and my son through adoption
My favorite gift has to be when i was about 12 yrs old (i'm 28 now) My dad walked into the house and asked if i wanted a quarter... I said, uh a quarter??. He handed me a ring that had been made from a quarter, it's pretty well worn now but you can still see the date (1974) on the inside. I've worn it ever since! It's been lost in a public bathroom and found 4 days later by whoever cleaned it and it was returned to me, and it fell into a toilet once and sat in the bottom for 2 days before it was found. It has to be my favorite gift ever, I still wear it :) It might only be worth 25 cents to most, but to me its priceless.
My favorite gift was my first sewing machine at age 18...not fancy but I was done using my Mom's LOL
Thanks for the chance to win
My favorite gift was my Sirius radio. The gift of music, I love it!
My fave gift has to be the year I received my first DSLR camera!!!! Especially after DH told me there just wasn't $$ in the budget for such a costly gift @ that time of year!!! He definately is my Secret Santa!!!! Chelle
great give-a-way. thanks for the chance to win. my favorite gift was last year at Christmas from my son (well my husband bought it as my son was only 5 at the time). it was a Cricut Imagine! my husband and I do not exchange gifts anymore and have not for some time so it was a total surprise to get this. i love it and use is all the time.
My favorite gift from my hubbby was when he surprised me with my Cricut Imagine and a pair of beautiful diamond earings:)
Sherrie K
My favorite gift was my first Cricut.
I think my most favorite gift was having both of my kids suprise me by showing up on Christmas Eve. They were both in college (and working)and they weren't going to be able to take off work to come home. At the last minute, they wer both able to rearrange their schedules so they could be home.
My favorite gift was my Cricut Expression and several cartridges! It is the "gift that keeps on giving". No, I don't mean like the flu. There are so many things you can do with the Cricut! I'm only limited by time. Merry Christmas to you and my fellow crafters.
My most favorite gift I ever got one time years ago when I was a young kid, maybe 12, or so, was a toiletry gift set from my dad, boy I thought I was on top of the world with getting something like that and it smelled wonderful.
This one is favorite gift was for Valentines Day. My boyfriend got me a "Cricut"!
My favorite Christmas gift was probably the camera I got to take pictures of my kids !
Thanks for the chance to win!
gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com
Having all my kids home for Christmas was my best present
I would have to say my first Cricut was my favorite gift ever. It started my whole papercrafting/scrapbooking
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
my favorite gift I ever received was "MY CRICUT"
What a wonderful giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!
I had worn out my sewing machine and it couldn't be repaired. So my husband took a day off from work and we went to every sewing machine store in the area, he was working and going to school so money was tight. But on the day of my birthday he came home with a brand new sewing machine and it was the one I wanted but never thought of being able to have. He knew I loved to sew.
I got a small electric organ when I was young. Loved it!
The best gift I ever got is my Cricut. I wouldnt know what to do with out now.
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy new year.
My favorite gift was the birth of my grandaughter! And it is a gift that keeps on giving every year. She is awesome!
My favorite Christmas gift was my first cricut, but it has started an addiction my hubby did not see coming with that gift...haha
Happy Holidays!!
Favorite Christmas present was my Baby bug, which first introduced me into this fabulous crafting world, that was seven years ago, how time flies!!!
The best gift I have ever received was last year when my hubby bought me a brand new Ford Edge for Christmas. Best Gift Ever!!!!!
Oh thats a tough one. I think one of my very favorites was when my DH and I were first dating back in high school, I had lost a ring. Just a sterling silver with flowers. Not a big deal but I was sad because I liked it. For my birthday a few months later, I got a new flower ring but this was was gold and gemstones. :)
blue.tacs at yahoo dot com
My fav gift ever was when I was in the 6th grade for Christmas my Uncles & Aunt took me, my bro and our 2 cousins to Disneyland... *sigh* my very first trip to disneyland :D thanks for the chance to win
My favorite gift ever was a portable dishwasher. We were renting a house without a dishwasher so my husband surprised me and had a dishwasher delivered Christmas eve. I was so excited that he would think of something so sweet.
My favorite Christmas gift of all time was when I was 8 years old and Santa brought a 3 story Barbie house for my sister and me, complete with elevator and blow up furniture.I can still remember us sneaking downstairs while it was still dark outside to see what Santa brought. Our poor parents were probably up late building the darn thing but we woke them up to see it at 5am!
My favorite gifts were all the handmade gifts from my children, they really touch your heart.
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