You guys made me so hungry with your comments on yesterday's post. I was surprised at how many people love green bean casserole. It is pretty good, so I can see why you guys mentioned it. I have to tell you, there were some really tasty things listed. It is probably a good thing that you guys are not my neighbors or I might be ringing your doorbell on Christmas day! Some of those recipes I might just google.
Those of you who have homemade cinnamon rolls I am just plain jealous! That is one of my favorite things in the world. I am convinced that there is a Cinnabon in heaven and the pecan ones are calorie free ;-) Yum Yum Yum!
Before I announce my giveaway, I thought I would post the newest Cricut Craft Room digital release. Really love the Teresa Collins ones! Click here to buy any of these ==> Cricut Craft Room digitals
Today's giveaway is a Cuttlebug Starter set (set of 4 cuttlebug folders)
To win:
1) Leave a comment below telling me what is your favorite Christmas song.
2) Subscribe or follow the blog.
That's it! Winner to be announced on Sunday, December 18, 2011.
Now it is time to check out Joy's blog because she is also having a week of giveaways! Click here ==> Obsessed with Scrapbooking
December Close To My Heart special
* Any order over $50 will be eligible to get the December stamp of the month for $5 (a $17.95 value). You save $12.95! Art Philosophy coordinates with this stamp set. This offer begins December 1st!
*NOTE make sure you add promotions when prompted by the ordering system. If you add promotional items for prompting the discount price will not be reflected in the total.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Oh how I need those folders...I have a big shot, and NEVER use it because I buy carts instead :( My favorite song is White Christmas
My favorite Christmas song is It Came Upon a Midnight Clear.
My favorite song is always "I want a hippopotamus for christmas" It is a old song sang by a little girl (not sure if its Shirley Temple or not) and I hardley hear it on the radio any more. I grew up watiing every year for it.
OK, if you have not heard this one, you HAVE to check it out. I LOVE IT! Barenaked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan have a version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and it is simply AWESOME! Check it out!
i love most Christmas songs so it's hard to pick just one.. I could never do it.. but for this giveaway's sake my fav Christmas song for this sec will be Last Christmas - WAM :D
Hmm, my favorite Christmas song - that is tough. I guess I would have to say O Holy Night. That song just fills me with peace and joy whenever I hear it :) Would love to win these folders - I recently bought a Cuttlebug, but don't have many folders! Thanks for the chance to win :)
My favorite is Mary did you Know
o wow i don't own any of these embossing folders!! Thanks for the chance to win!! my favourite song is O Holy Night!!
I love christmas music one of my favorites is jingle bells. thanks for the giveaway.
I love Christmas songs and my favorite is White Chtistmas. I am hoping for a White Christmas instead of rain and mud. Thanks for the great giveaway
Kwillis_15 at yahoo dot com
Don't you just love the new Digitals, they're awesome!! My favorite Christmas song is Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, it's just an upbeat happy song!! Although for some strange reason Santa Baby has been stuck in my head the last couple of days!!
Yum, love cinnamon rolls too! My favorite Christmas song is Joy to the World!
My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night. I really could use those folders cuz I just bought a Cuddle Bug
My all-time favorite song is O Holy Night. There is just something special that happens when we sing that song especially at our candlelight Christmas Eve Church service!
My favorite song is silent night a classic and Mary did you know love it. Thank you for the chance to win
I just Love the Snoopy vs The Red Baron song! The message is just perfect. If the world did what The Red Baron does in this song, we would all just get along! Merry Christmas everyone!
My favorite song is Oh Holy Night. I have always loved it the most! Thanks so much for the chance to win the folders!
jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net
My favorite song is Baby It's Cold Outside the Dean Martin version not the Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson version. Thank you for a chance to win.
For sure the song,
All i want for XMas is you.
Simple for the fact that everybody should be with the one they love at XMas.
What more can you wish for?
My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night.
I don't have any of these Cuttlebug folders - it would be wonderful to win! My favorite Christmas song is George Strait's Christmas Cookies.
Love to win. My fav Christmas song is Oh Holy Night. I love it...I almost cry everytime I hear it at midnight mass. Lee-Ann :)
I love, love, love, "What Child Is This"
It is a toss up between Winter Wonderland and Silver Bells. I also love I'm dreaming of a White Christmas. I am a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win. Edwina Brown
Mary Did You Know? is my favorite Christmas song thanks for this chance
upnurse at aol dot com
I just love Christmas music! It puts me in the best mood!! One of my favorites is Silent Night. I'll be singing Christmas songs probably up till May of next year! Hugs, Leanne
Thanks for the chance. My favorite song is silver bells.
Would love those folders. My favourite is "O Holy Night"
This would be awesome since I own the cuddle bug yet No folders.. LOL!
Jingle Bells is my fave.. However my 5 yr old son has learned the not so noce version of it. Something about Batman smelling... LOL!
i would love to add these to my embossing folder collection. thanks for the chance to win. my favorite christmas song is white christmas.
merry christmas.
I really enjoy the soundtrack from Polar Express.
It would be a lot easier for me to name the Christmas songs I don't like-(3 of them that I really dislike,) I pretty much love all the others with Faith Hill's "A Baby Changes Everything" being one of my top newest picks.
Favorite song is Silent Night sung in candle light at our Christmas Eve service.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com
My favorite song is little drummer boy.
I have so many favorite songs so here is one of them. Jingle Bells.
I have two favorites,"Silent Night" and Holly Jolly Christmas by Beryl Ives. Those Folders are great, Thank you for the chance to win them.
There are so many good images on the new digital releases!! I like a lot of the Teresa Collins ones, as well. My favorite Christmas song is probably White Christmas by Bing's hard though...I also LOVE Blue Christmas by Elvis. I have a lot of Christmas music, and I really like it all!! :)
I have always loved "Little Drummer Boy"
This would triple my folder collection! Favorite Christmas song: O Holy Night
My favorite Christmas song is Grandma Got Ran over by a Reindeer.
Santa Baby always makes my join in and sing along - it's light hearted and fun. I've always had fun with my BigShot, and now I'm experimenting with my Grand Caliber.
I love Jingle Bells - corny I know :)
One of my favorite Christmas songs is Jingle Bell Rock!
Love the Sentiments set. I like Let it Snow and Jingle Bells. I could listen to Christmas music all the time.
Elvis's Blue Christmas blows me away everytime!
I'm with Terri who loves Elvis' "Blue Christmas." I play it over and over and over at Christmas time! Thanks for the chance to win these great folders!
My favorite song is "Oh Holy Night" and I also love "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" that one just make me laugh every time.
My Favorite Christmas song is Jingle Bells, because we like to sing it the silly way!!!! And we laugh even though its the same every year!!!!! Thank you for the chance to win!!!!!!!
Wow a great week and all the giveaways. Thanks so much. Lots there to win..
My favorite song is Jingle Bells
I guess I have a few favorites - Silent Night and Feliz Navidad are among the top, though.
My favorite sons would be Jingle Bells. I already a follower.
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com
I would love this give-away. Always looking for more Cuttlebug embossing folders. My favorite Christmas song is the Nutcracker performed by the BSO (Brian Setzer Orchestra).
I'd love to win these cuttlebug folders! Thanks for the chance! My favorite Christmas song is Little Drummer Boy!!!! I'm a GFC follower, too! :-)
My fav Christmas song is a duet by David Bowie & Bing Crosby titled "Peace On Earth/Drummer Boy." Yes, the duet is an unlikely pair but their voices on this really do compliment one another. I heard this many yrs ago and couple yrs ago found the CD with the single on it at Border Book store.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance! O Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song - gives me chills!
karenskapin at yahoo dot com
My favorite Christmas song is Hark the Hearld Angels Sing. Thank you so much for the great giveaways and for sharing all of your ideas!
I listen to Christmas music all year long. My favorite song is The Holly and The Ivy. Thanks for a chance to win.
My favorite Christmas song is Jingle Bells! Just love that song, it always gets me in the spirit of the holidays! Love the folders and sure would like to win them!
plese.cathy AT yahoo dot com
Far and away, Oh Holy Night is my most favorite Christmas song and is probably top ten favorite of all songs.
My favorite Christmas song is I Believe in Father Christmas. Thanks for the chance at the folders.
my favorite song is called Christmas moutain. It's from an old vinyl album we had has kids.
I have to admit the Cinnabon pecan rolls are much better than my homemade ones. We used to have a Cinnabon close by and it is GONE! Making them from scratch is not easy. Last year I made 2 batches of dough before I got a batch that ......
I can't believe I haven't seen these Cuttlebug folders. I want I want.
Thank you
Linda in Stanwood
I love all Christmas music! But one that has always caught my attention is the Little Drummer Boy sung in duet by Bing Crosby and David Bowie, long time ago. It was such a contrast of entertainers, and yet such a pretty song. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!==Pat N
My favorite song is Away in the manger it tells the Christmas story. Thank you for a chance to win these folders. I have a big shot.
Thanks for sharing this. My favorite Christmas song is This Christmas.
We love the Snoopy & the Red Baron Song!My son loves to play the whole album!THANKS,
My favorite Christmas song is Mary Did You Know! Hard to pick thought theres so many beautiful ones! Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite Christmas song is Little Drummer Boy.
My fav is Elvis Presleys Blue Christmas. I love all the traditional ones, too. I also love Alvin and the Chipmonks.
Silent Night is my favorite Christmas song. Candlelight service always ends with this and I think it is just beautifully sung by the congregation on that evening.
great folders...Santa Baby is my FAVORITE Christmas song...
Thanks for the chance to win!
Silent Night! Thank you!
Feliz Navidad of course! Reminds me of home and puts me in the Christmas spirit! Thanks for the giveaway - those cuttlebug folders would be a great addition to my collection :)
Thanks for a chance to win the folders. I have a few Cuttlebug folders and love them all. My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night.
kahook1 @
It is so hard to name just one favorite. I love Christmas music. One my favorites is the Little Drummer Boy, espcially the the version with David Bowie and Bing Crosby doing a duet!
I love those folders. My favorite Christmas is song is Mary did you know. I was in tears the first time I heard it. What a heart warming song. Thanks so much for this great giveaway.
I just love the cuddle bug! I have no favorite song, ilove them all, I'm usually singing Christmas by Thanksgiving.
Suzette from Louisiana
Have a holly, jolly Christmas! I don't know what it is about that song but it's my favorite!!!
My favorite Christmas song is: Silent Night. I just love the deepness of the notes/tones required to sing it especially since I have a fairly low voice for a female.
I haven't seen those folders before, they are neat!! My favorite song is Jingle Bells!!
These are awesome, thanks for the chance! My fav. song is Baby, It's Cold Outside, with Santa Baby being a close second! Thanks!
My favorite is O Holy Night. The true reason for the season!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love Christmas songs! I can't really narrow it down to just one favorite, but I really love a good rendition of the Carol Bells. Thanks for the chance to win.
tcsobotka at charter dot net
O Holy Night. Love all Christmas songs!
I LOVE Christmas music and have dozens of CDs....but to pick one, it is "White Christmas."
What a great Cuttlebug set...have never seen those...
thanks for the giveaway!
Lothringen from Michigan
The embossing folders are gorgeous, I have an obsession with embossing folders just like I do with all things crafty. My favorite Christmas song is "Santa Baby", I just giggle when I listen to it!
scrappindhilly at gmail dot com
I love Dominick the Donkey. There is just something so goofy and fun about it during a somewhat busy season. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite Christmas song? Do I have to choose just one? I LOVE them ALL! But, among my top favs is Silent Night.
Oh, that is a tough one. I guess it would be "Mary did you know". I love that song. Thanks for a chance to win. :D
My favorite Christmas song is "Oh Holy Night". I do happen to have a recipe for cinnamon rolls that allows you to make it the day before and it rises overnight in the refrigerator. They are delicious!! If you or anyone else would like me to give you the recipe email me at
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Its so hard to pick just one, I love all Christmas songs!! I guess Oh Holy Night would have to be it, simply a beautiful song! Thanks for the chance to win!
My facvorite Christmas song is Christmas Waltz because my daughter practicing every day for consert. I love this song.
Thanks for Christmas give away.
I need something to make me use my cuttlebug. I don't use it enough.
I think these folders would do the trick.
Thanks for the chance to win
Holiday Hugs
I just love "The Little Drummer Boy". It's so gentle. It always makes me smile. Thanks for the giveaways! :) Kelly
Love the new digitals, TFS!!!!!
My favourite Christmas song is, Winter Wonderland,
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com
Super fun giveaway! My favorite song is frosty the snowman! Already a follower! TFS! abusybee24atcoxdotnet
I like the Christmas Song as sung by Johnny Mathis. Love the new craft room exclusives.
I'm one of those that likes the sad Christmas songs... yes it is terrible, but my husband is deployed again this Christmas, so they make me think of him. My fav? Blue Christmas!
That's such a hard question to answer for me, but I think it would have to be Bruce Springsteen's version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. I feel Christmassy everytime I hear it!!
amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com
Those are such CUTE Embossing folders! I've never seen them before... Where can you purchase them at? Oh... and my Favorite Christmas Song is "Silent Night"!
Have a great day! :o)
My favorite Christmas song is "Mary Did You Know". This song touches my heart every time I hear it. Mary was blessed beyond belief but endured terrible heart ache because of it.
I think my favorite song is a toss up. I love the traditional song "O Holy Night", but I have fallen in love with "Mary Did You Know" originally by Kathy Mattea. I heard Rascal Flatts sing it recently on a Christmas show and they did such a wonderful cover of it. I follow your blog via email.
Kathleen (
Jingle bells is my fav.
DMcardmaker (email follower)
There are two songs that I LOVE:
Thanks ans Merry Chrismtas to you.
Silver Bells! I love hearing it and I think it's one of those songs very few singers can really mess up. It was always so exciting to go to the city (No malls or big box stores then) just before Christmas and this song always brings that feeling back!
Thanks for sharing! :)
My favorite Christmas song is Oh Little Town of Bethleham.
My favorite Christmas song is "The Little Drummer Boy." I like any version of that song but I'm particularly fond of the Bob Seger version.
Love these folders! My favorite is I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas :)
Would love to have these folders! My favorite Christmas song is O Holy beautiful!
My favorite Christmas song is, "O, Holy Night". Thanks for the chance to win these embossing folders.
My favorite Christmas song is " O Holy Night" The words have such a great meaning. I just love those CuttleBug folders. Thanks for a chance to win.
Cute folders. My favorite Christmas song is the Grinch Song. My husband calls me the Grinch. I'm really not, it's just that my Birthday is right next to Christmas and it's always been hard to have your birthday almost combined. I like the Christmas season itself. Just not all the commercialism that goes with it. You know what I mean!!!
what an awesome giveaway! I absolutely LOVE that chevron folder!!!!!! Favorite Christmas song is oh holy night.
By far, my favorite Christmas song is Merry Christmas Baby by Charles Brown. I absolutely love it!
My all time favorite is Silent Night! Have a Merry Christmas!!
So hard to choose 2 Christmas song. I will have to go with 2. O Holy Night & Away in a Manger. And then there's Silent Night, Silver, etc....... Guess it depends on which 1 I am listening to!
My Favorite Christmas song is,"Go Tell It On The Mountain"
Thank you for sharing this wonderful giveaway. Merry Christmas.
Beautiful folders...would love to win them. My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night.
my favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night, cute folderd thanks, Sarah
My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night. Thanks for the give away! Cute folders!
My favorite Christmas song?! I love them all. Alot of people get annoyed when it starts playing in stores but I love it! Love wrapping presents to Christmas music! :)
Cool folders, my favorite song is Silver Bells, it reminds me of being a child and walking through the city at Christmas time.
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas!
(and Christmas giveaways!!!)
My fave Christmas song is the Hawaiian Christmas song! Have no idea what it's actually called! LOL
I remember the first bicycle I ever had. I wanted to ride is so much that we went out on the snow covered road. Thanks for giveaway.
tf the chance to win these awesome fave(s)
Away in the manger
Mary's boy child (Boney M)
i make cinnimon not often..loves ya
"Little Town of Bethlehem" and "Mary Did you Know" are my favorites, sorry I couldn't pick just one :o)
bsketmom at tampabay dot rr dot com
Thanks for all the great ideas. Rosemary at
Well, I grew up with Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer. so that is my favorite song
My favorite Christmas song is probably O Holy Night! :D
My favorite song is Joy to the World. We always end our Christmas Eve service with that song.
my favorite song... JOY TO THE WORLD!!!
what a joy he came down in the manger of our heart...
sometimes we forget to be joyful...
My favorite Christmas is Jingle Bell Rock!
My favorite Christmas carol is Carol of the Bells
My favorite song is "Silent Night". Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite Christmas song is Mariah Carey's version of All I want for Christmas is you. I love singing Jingle Bells, Rudolph and Frosty with my kids :)
I already follow Obsessed with scrapbooking, she is so helpful with cricut machines and her tut's. My favorite song is, My Favorite Things!
Thanks for the chance to win the set of embossing folders! My favorite Christmas song is the beautiful Silent Night.
Favorite song....... Would have to be Jingle Bell Rock! I have it set as my ringtone haha :)
My favorite song is Silent Night. I loved listening to my kids sing it at their Christmas programs and now listening to my grandkids sing it.
Love all the Christmas songs!! My favorite is definitely O holy Night!
Thanks for the chance
gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com
my favorite Christmas song is Happy Christmas (War is over)! LOVE that song!
I don't have a cuttlebug, but I love these boards. I could do so much more with my paper! If I win I'll have a great excuse to go get a cuttlebug. Thanks for the chance!
My favorite Christmas song is Jingle Bell Rock! My mom hates that song and my dad used to play it over and over every year. LOL
sweetheartcopper at msn dot com
Mine souls have to be a tie between Christmas shoes and Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (for that kid in me) . Thanks for the chances to win.
Favorite song is MARY DID YOU KNOW.
great prizes, who couldn't use more
crafting supplies?
"Do You Hear What I Hear?" It's a beautiful song. :)
Last Christmas!! By far my favorite!!! Never get fed up with it!!!
Jingle Bells is my favorite song.
O Holy Night is my favorite. It's such a moving, dramatic song. I love to sing it!!!
My favorite Christmas song is "Joseph's Lullaby" sung by Mercy Me. It's such a sweet song, and really makes you think about how Mary and Joseph must've felt.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" by Sugarland. Would love to win!
I love the new CCR relewase! Too cute! My favorite is Mary Let Me Hold Her Baby and Mary Did You Know? I love love love these! TFS CallyAnn
Merry Christmas!!!!
I love all Christmas songs, so it's hard to pick just one. On the religious side it's "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing", and non- religious it "Homemade Kentucky Christmas" by Kenny Rogers.
My favorite Christmas song is "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire"
Mary from down under
Fun folders! My favorite song is Rockin Around the Christmas Tree right now but I also Love the older version of Baby it's cold outside with Dean Martin (I keep hearing it where I work) Thanks!
I want those folders!! My favorite Christmas song is "Carol of the Bells".
I just received a Cuddlebug and could use some folders! My favorite Christmas song is O Holy Night.
Ooh, love them! My favorite song is a tie between "Mary Did You Know" by Mark Lowry and "what Child is this?"
favorite xmas song is either "where are you christmas" from the grinch movie or the christmas song they play at disneyland after they release the "snow".
my fave song is silent night its so beautiful and thx for the candy xx
I'll have a bluuuuuuu Christmas without out. I'll be so bluuuuuuu....I'm a closet Elvis fan! Would love to have the Cuddlebug folders because I only have 2! Pitiful....
Last Christmas - Wham
For traditional: Star of Bethlehem
Love the folders! My fav song is White Christmas, its a Christmas staple. papermemories4u@
The Little Drummer Boy is my favorite! I'll be humming it all night now!
SusanJ in Atlanta
My favorite song is Jingle Bells
My favorite song is Joy to the World. Every year at Christmas mass we would sing that at the end of mass and tears always come to my eyes.
My favorite Christmas song is by the Trans Siberian Orchestra's version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. I really enjoy the "take" on the traditional Christmas music. Thank you for your Christmas spirit!
My favorite Christmas Music is anything by TSO they are awesome!!! Highly reccommend that everyone go see them..... the show is unbelievable!!!
But, song.... in my house there's just something about when we dear Dominic the Christmas Donkey, we just know it's Christmas
Thanks for the chance to win!!!
mpetrovich23 at yahoo dot com
oh! love most of them, but right now... my fave is "Believe" by Josh Groban. It makes me CRY! lisa (
White Christmas is my favorite song. Love all the new cartridges coming out lately, bad for my wallet!!!
linda mcintosh at verizon dot net
Anything Josh Groban sings would be my favorite :)
My favorite song is Silent Night
The Cricut Imagine Notebook Doodles such a great idea love to win.
My favorite movie White Christmas
My favorite song is Rocking around the Christmas Tree
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