Hello, everyone!!
Well, I just talked to Provo Craft and they are going to allow me to give you a little inside information. On Thursday of this week they will release 24 new cartridges that will be released at Walmart!!! When I get the ok on that day I will post all of my projects that I have been solidly working on for over a week now. Which is why I have not been posting much else. Twenty-Four cartridges means of coarse atleast 24 projects from me. So, hold tight and on Thursday you are going to be on inspiration overload!! Oh and we will have a few awesome prizes as well!
They also are having an additional release on the regular Hello Thursday day, so this month will be chocked full of fun, inspiration, and a little enabling!
Have a great day!!!

?? Releasing to WalMart only?
EEEKKK!!! I need to get a second job to support my cricut habit! lol
Melanie, this is exciting news! Thank you for the little insider info:-)
wow 24 at once is insane!! I will be watching for them.
Hello Melanie - I have missed you! Cannot wait for Thursday you really inspire me.
Thanks - jenny Kozar
Thanks for the info Melanie, I can't wait to get these new carts, they look awesome,
So thats why everything is on clearance at walmart and they are reworking the shelving. the lady there last night said something new is coming so they are getting rid of a lot of the old scrapbook stuff. Cricut carts for 34.00, lots of martha stewart on clearance also. Mindy1qc@msn.com
Lots of new carts - I'll go broke.
I'm looking forward to seeing your projects : D! I was wondering why it was so quiet lately lol.
That is crazy 24! But I am so excited!!
OMG! I can't wait! Gail
Whoo hoooooooo!!!!!!
This is really putting a crimp in my budget! I love my Cricut cartridges. It is really an obsession. LOVE IT!!
Jenny Kozar
I thought it was odd how quiet your blog has been...this explains it all! Can't wait to see your creations!
I am not happy about the idea of only getting from Walmart and for $39 each. I can't imagine there will be sales either unless you by multiple carts....
Great! It will be fun to go down to walmart and take a look at them.
Thanks for the info.
Aloha Melanie,
Love all your projects.
Please check out my blog and if you enjoy it please add me as a friend.
How exciting! I can't imagine how busy you've been! :)
This is wonderful news...Can't wait to see all the wonderful things you have come up with.
Patiently waiting.
Releasing to who? Cannot wait...
My wish list just gets longer and longer....
Heard all about this and I see that people are buying even at that $39 price. Hope they will be released elesewhere at some point.
I'm so excited - and keeping my fingers crossed that one of those cartridges has the little nativity on it! I'm also hoping that the cartridges will be available in Canada too!
How exciting...
YAH! Come on Thursday, can't wait to see em!
Thanks! I only wish that it wasn't a Walmart exclusive. Mine is so lame that I know they won't have a single one. Waaaahhhh! Can't wait to see you projects though. Pam
Oh Melanie, you work too hard for us. I at least hope school is through for you or I know you will be one worn out lady when this is over. Take care and please know that there are many of us who so much appreciate all you do.
I am gonna get myself a job with provocraft UK or something, how on earth are we gonna afford 24 new cartridges?? Not to mention there is no walmart in the UK .....
This is all the talk on crafting blogs! I can't wait to see what you have created.
Apart from the hard work for you how on earth do provocraft expect people to afford all these new carts they keep producing. Will these only be available in Walmart? We don't have one of those in the UK so where could we purchase these, any ideas?
Thanks for all your hardwork it is appreciated, I love to get ideas of what the cuts actually look like before buying a cartride.
Kim xXx
A LITTLE enabling????!!! What an understatement!!
There's some great stuff on those cartd. Can't wait to see what you make!
Is that going to be at all Walmarts?? The closes one to me usually has about 3 cartridges! It will be intersting to see how many they will have!! Thank you for the info!
Yipee, I can't wait to see what is coming. I'll have to put my sister on Walmart alert since there isnt' one near me.
That explains why I got such great deals on craft stuff at Walmart this past week. But 24 new cartridges at once?! Looking forward to seeing your creations!
Holy Cow! 2-4 cartridges. That is neat. Which may be bad for my Wally credit card! ;);)
I am like the others...I am going to need to go back to work if I keep this obsession going!!
It's very exciting but wish they would have made them more price friendly for a minimal cart, you can buy a full cart for less than that, and only at WM, they NEVER have a sale on their craft things let alone Cricut stuff. I guess PC doesn't know what's going on in the economy. :(
I am so excited. I can hardly wait.
Erin K.
So excited! 24 at once! WOW!!!!
Thank you for the head's up! I guess that is why Wally World is clearing out their old merchandise.
Thanks for the "heads up" Melanie. I also wondered why so much Cricut was on sale at Walmart. I can't wait to see your new projects!
24 cartridges??? I wonder if the bank will give me a loan with the cartridges as collateral?
Thanks for the heads up Melanie! See you all at WalMart on Thursday....LOL
Excited to hear they'll be in Walmart. Hopefully in the Canadian WalMarts, too and at a decent price. Most carts there are $90 currently.
Wish my WM were closer, it's 1 hr away.
Yay. New carts. I only know of 22 of them. Wonder what the other 2 could be.
Waiting (not so) patiently. LOL
How exciting. Thanks!
Oops.. forgot to put my address
marilyn2222 @ hotmail.com
I live about 45 min. from 3 wal-marts. They NEVER have any of the cartridges or scrapbooking suppllies that people say "their" wal-marts have in stock. OK, maybe they will have one or two things.
I have to buy things online if I want them. I am not happy about all these cartridges being sold "only" at wal-mart.
Yikes!!! I better go crawl under a rock and not come online anymore! This is way more enabling than my budget and space can handle...24 cartridges & other new releases?! This is exciting & scary at the same time! : 0
Thanks for all of your hard work, Melanie!!! :) You must be creating night and day. You know I won't be able to resist seeing your awesome handicrafts!
WOW 24 new cartridges.... We saw one new cartridge last night at Wal-Mart.
Oh boy! Its a good thing I have my part-time job!
How exciting! I can't wait!
I was in my WalMart late last night & went by the scrapbooking area to see if there were any more markdowns. (I've gotten some great deals on their clearanced items!) WHAT did I see?!? 24 NEW CARTRIDGES that I had NO idea were coming out!! Talk about excited!!! My husband had to PRY me out of there! And since I wasn't allowed 1-2 hours to thoroughly check them out, I was hoping to see them online. Alas, they aren't there yet...
My WalMart usually carries only 5-6 carts also, so I was excited to see that there were 86 available at walmart.com! Hopefully the new carts will be available online for those of you not close to a WalMart.
Happy Crafting!!
I'll see you on Thursday! Can't wait!
Oh no, I'm so excited - 24 new carts? WOW !!!! I definitely need a job to keep up my addiction now. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us either. Will I be shopping til I drop or glued to your blog come Thursday??? Probably both. Thanks, I think!!!!
Can't wait to see all your hard work. Thanks for all you do.
Are they the Cricut Lite carts? I think some stores already have them!
How exciting!!! Choose your poison wisely!! Can't wait to see everything!
Do I dare look!?
No wonder you're stressed! But we appreciate all you do and share. Can't believe there are so many new carts that I will want and obsess over.
I wish you could give us more information. I did read on someone else's blog that they had these cricut lite cartridges that were all based on a team. I cant wait!
24 carts?? That's LOTS of enabling!! Can't wait!
Great news Melanie! I was hearing that people were seeing all the scrapbook stuff going on clearance at Walmarts throughout and thinking they weren't going to continue to stock stuff. So this is great news! I just wish Michaels would open an online store! It's so hard to get anything local here. 99% of my scrapbook shopping is done online.
exciting news....had a sneak peek already..where some carts are out already at a few WM's.....I want the florish one....
I can't wait! You know if you buy all 24 carts, it's only $936.00 plus tax. However, in California, tax is almost 80 bucks! Yikes!! Who cares! I can't wait!!
Yeah!!! Can hardly wait!!!
How exciting I can't wait.
Oh boy! Can't wait!!!
Actually saw ONE Cricut Lite at Walmart today. (Baby theme one) Cute, but for $39 I would rather spend my money on a full cartridge. Of course I may suckered into one or two anyway! LOL Can't wait to see all your projects.
Wow, so many new carts. Very exciting.
I guess I'll be going broke soon.
Can't wait They are killing me with all the new cartridges. LOL
What an exciting month...ProvoCraft is really on the ball with all those new carts! Can't wait to see your projects...c'mon Thursday!! :)
WOOHOO - can't wait to see all of your gorgeous creations!!!!!!
More cartridges, what will we do with all these?!!!
Carla from Utah
Thanks for the update!
It will be interesting to see if the $39 price sticks for their new Lite carts. It's not like Wal Mart to sell something that's overpriced. I'm excited to see your projects. You must be exhausted!
Wow I am looking forward to seeing what is new. Are they the Cricut Lite? What is that all about?
Is it WalMart only?
I'm so excited! I can hardly wait to see not only the cartridges but your awesome projects too!! Thanks for the info!
Can't believe it's a Walmart only line. Walmart has been closing many of their craft and sewing departments across the nation. Provo Craft knows best, so ...
Blessings, Donna
I just wanted to say that you did an awesome job on the spotlight of Picturesque in the Chirp today! I have had that cart since Christmas and have only used it once but you have given me some needed inspiration!
Hi Melanie! This is my first visit today. I saw your review of Picturesque in the Cricut Chirp and followed the link to your blog.
What a great card and scrapbook page you created. I LOVED both of them and boy, do I want the cartridge. LOL
Thanks for sharing all the great info about the new releases. I'll be back.
Wow I hope my Walmart gets them because where I live is alittle bit off the beaten path and sometimes we miss out on those things. Can't wait to see what cartridges they come out with.
I'm so excited to hear about the Walmart release, It's not always easy for me to get to a craft store...so to think my 'down the street' walmart will soon have cartridges Hooray. thanks for the info.
Oh OH Hurry UP already!!! I am going crazy waiting! Not sure I will be able to sleep tonight :)
I warned my hubby already hehe!
OOOHOOOH Can't wait!
I just called my Wal-Mart and they have no new cartridges!!! Hope they will carry them - hate to have to go out of town!!!
I'm sitting on the edge of my chair....24 new cartridges! WOW!
I'm will be so happy when Hello Thursday is here. I already bought 5 of the new cartridges from my local Walmart. They are so cute, but I can't link them to my Gypsy and hope that update is coming soon.
I can hardly wait for your card samples. I know they will be wonderful. Thank you.
How exciting!!! Can't wait!!! I am hoping to see something made from the Meow cartridge, I want this cart SO BADLY!!! lol! :-) Can't wait to see all your creations :-)
I love all of your cards! I am going to have to see what my Wal Mart has!
Great Cards Melanie, wish they weren't WM exclusive. :(
Can't wait to get my hands on some of these carts!!!
I went to walmart today Hoping to see something, I can't wait.
I'm anxiously awaiting the big reveal!
Interesting to see all the comments here. While all the carts look so cute, I won't shop at Walmart even for these. I don't agree with how they do business.
just viewed them all. Awesome carts. Kudos to Cricut for this round of new carts. Affordable and adorable!
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