Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My pain is your gain giveaway!

Hello, friends!

I know I said I would have a new project up today. However, I have a dentist appointment today and I spent last night worrying about that and not getting a post together. You see I am a serious dentist phobe!

To make it up to to you all I am going to do a giveaway instead. Also, since I have taken a Xanax to calm my nerves for the dentist I am feeling especially generous, so I will be giving away two prizes!

A To the Cabin cartridge:

and a Over the Hill cartridge:

Ton win:
1) Follow this blog or subscribe via email.
2) Leave a comment under  this post. See HERE if you don't know how to leave a comment.

That's it!

I will pick a winner on Thursday!

Oh one last thing, some people were under the impression that Artiste cartridge was only available last month. You can still get it, but the double stamp set is only available until the end of this month, so get it while you can!

 September Specials

Between September 1st-30th, get your Cricut Artiste cartridge for $99.00. The Cricut Artiste bundle includes:     

- Cricut Artiste (suggested retail price of $ 59.99), Three Stamp Sets (retail value of $17.95 each), & Three Dimensional Element chipboard sets (retail value of $4.95 each). That is a total recommended retail price of $128.69 for the much lower price of $99!

- Because you spent over $35, you can now purchase the It's Your Day stamp set for $5.00. This is a $35.90 value stamp set for only $5! 

- Because you spent over $50, you can now purchase the September Stamp of the Month for $5.00 a value of $17.95!(coordinates with the Art Philosophy cartridge)

That is a total of 6 stamp sets, 1 cricut cartridge, and 3 sheets of chipboard for only $109.00 before tax and shipping!

YOU SAVE ==> $78.54

To order click here ==> Melanie's Close To My Heart website

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

 Photobucket Subscribe to Courtney Lane Designs by Email


Marcia said...

What a great giveaway! I am a follower and wish you well on your trip to the dentist! Thanks for the chance to win!

debbyj said...

I feel your pain-I too hate the dentist and put it off till it is an emergency situation. Good luck today and thanks for a chance to win.

Nance said...

Oh I feel your pain, I too am terrified of the dentist! I would love to win the Over the hill cartridge or To the cabin that one would be great for Male cards! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Melissa Cano said...

Good luck with the dentist, I know how you feel. Thank you for the chance at this give away! Love your blog!

Joan Smith said...

Oh Gosh are unbelievable good luck with your dentist....and you'll be up and at 'em tomorrow....what a give away WOW!

See you back here tomorrow for the Hello Thursday...that'll perk you up I'm sure.

Joy said...

Hope the dentist trip goes smoothly, and please do enter me in this contest. I follow you via email already.
joyb414 at hotmail dot com

BugBites said...

Oh my...I know what you mean about the dentist..I am actually sitting in the waiting room now with the door in site for a last minute get away!

Hope it goes well for you.

I have been a follower for a long time.

Melissa H said...

I hope you visit to the dentist is as painless as possible. I LOVE both of these cartridges! My husband is planning on taking our daughter on her first hunting trip this year, and I know some of the images in the Cabin cart would be awesome for that! And within the next year or 2, I will have family members all reaching limestone birthdays- 30, 40, 45, 50, 75, and even 90!

jennyplace2 said...

Good luck with the dentist, I know just what you mean, I hate them!

Sierra Heath ( said...

I am sorry to hear about the Dentist. I have had go a lot lately and have had to take a Valium to make it through. Hope your appointment goes well. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ginger said...

I am already a follower. I love your blog. hope you feel better soon.

Tracy said...

I had a dentist appt yesterday, so I know how you feel! Good luck!

Linda said...

Xanax a blessing in a bottle. Good luck at the dentist. Thank you for your giving us a chance to win a wonderful cartridge.
Linda in Stanwood

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway and hope you feel better soon.

Buncobuddy said...

I feel your pain! I'm that way with needles and blood! Thanks for the chance to win. Tomorrow will be better. (LOL)

Vanessa said...

Wishing you a pain-free visit to the dentist today. Thanks for the chance to win one of these great cartridges!

Lisa said...

Good luck with you dentist appointment today!! Thanks so much for the chance at an awesome giveaway :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Jeri said...

Hope the dentist is kind to you today.

I just crossed over the hill (50) in May---could use that one!

Been viewing your inspiration for a while now, but just joined your blog and learning about blog hops, etc. Thanks for the chance to win!

snappy scrappy said...

Love to win!! I totally understand. I go to the dentist...nothing really bad has happened to me there...but I always worry about it. Lee-Ann :)

Carol<>< said...

sorry to hear that, I have a great dentist and since she gives me a good dose of numbing stuff I am fine.
wish they had that when I was younger,
such a great give away,
Carol N <><

Peg said...

Going to the dentist is never fun but preventive dentistry is a good thing! It even hurts to go and find you have nothing wrong and still have to pay a large bill!!! Fun cartridges, thanks for the giveaway.

Art of Domesticity said...

Oh Melanie, you will do just fine at the dentist! I'm one of those weird people who actually don't mind going. I think I just like knowing that when I'm done my teeth will be cleaner and healthier! Good luck!
And thank you for the chance to win. What an exciting day for us followers!

Nicki Lundeen said...

Good luck at the dentist. I have a dental appt this Friday.

Kris Dietz said...

Good luck at the dentist! Thank you for the awesome chances to win.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

Sara said...

Good luck at the dentist! I hate going and wish I had Xanax! Great giveaway and thanks for the chance!

Tanya said...

That is so generous of you to do a double giveaway! I am sorry for your dental appointment...I hate going to the dentist...I have to go on Monday! I really do feel your pain! Good Luck!
Tanya T.

Cheryl O said...

So sorry you are in pain. I would love to win this giveaway!

tianna said...

Awesome giveaway!! I hope you get to feeling better soon!!


Anonymous said...

The dentist. she always laugh when i come in. cause she know as soon as she done i'm out of the roo, i'm very scared for the dentist. she's the best though, but ....

I love the cabin cartridge. just love it.

Well good luck ....


Paige Dolecki said...

I can relate to the dentist worry - I have an appointment coming up that I'm not looking forward to because I know I need at least two crowns done! Yikes!

Good luck and thanks for the give away!


Mommy's Crafty Creations said...

I hope all goes well at the dentist. Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!!

Veronica (follower)
mommyscraftycreations at gmail dot com

Cherie said...

I can not stand going to the dentist either! I know what you went through last night and the worries you may feel. You will get through this! Thank you for this giveaway!

Cindi (ScrapinOMA) said...

I hate the dentist too.......thanks for the giveway.

Cindi (ScrapinOMA) said...

good luck at the dentist and thanks for the awesome giveaway

ReGina said...

Ughh...the Dentist is the worst! I have to take my husband tomorrow and I am freaked out and it is not even for me...LOL!

I have the TO THE CABIN cartridge, but would love to have the OVER THE HILL cart!


crazyaboutcricut said...

Ohhh, I'm right there with you and the Dentist! Sorry, but maybe bring an MP3 player to listen to while they work on you. That's what I do! Thanks for the giveaways :O)

Casey said...

Good luck at the Dentist and thanks for the chance at this awesome giveaway!

Casey Britton

Cindy@ said...

Sorry you have to go to the dentist. Hopefully it won't be so bad. I always put it off myself, but love how shiny clean my teeth are afterwards.
Thanks for the opportunity at a great give away.

Lisa P said...

Ugh on the dentist. I feel your pain! Good luck.

carmen said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway..I have some issues with the dentist too & I feel your anxiety (thank goodness for xanax) Hope all goes well...its usually not as bad as we think it will be :)

Colleen said...

I hope you are feeling better soon, the dentist is not my favorite person to go to,but everyone needs to go at sometime. I am a follower already and this is a GREAT giveaway, thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better. I hate going to the dentist.

Migdalia said...

We share the same feeling about the dentist!!Feel Better!Great Giveaway!

Mary said...

I hope everything goes well at the dentist. I don't like going there either! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Got2BCrafting said...

Oh Melanie, I am so sorry! I worked for a dentist for many years and saw many patients with phobias such as yours. I wish I could be there to help settle your nerves! I am sure everything will be ok... especially with a little Xanax. :)
I wish you all the best. Thanks for the great giveaways.. I don't have either cartridge and would be thrilled to win!

Michelle Stewart said...

Melissa I hope your trip to the dentist was uneventful, and that you are now at home resting comfortably, thank you for the chance to win either one of those cartridges.


Carolynne said...

I am not really a fan of the dentist either so I feel your pain :-( Hope all goes well and thanks for the chance to win


Michelle Stewart said...

Melanie, you will have to excuse my previous message, I'm sitting here chatting on the phone to my friend Melissa, and instead of typing your name I typed hers, and only realized it after I hit the Publish your Comment button. I blame it on my baby brain.....please forgive me my stupidness. Hope you are enjoying the rest of your day dentist free.

Margie said...

Good luck at the dentist! Thanks for a chance to win!

Liz O. said...

I hope everything goes well at the dentist Melanie! Thank you for the chance to win!
unikebyyes {at}yahoo{dot}com

debbie susee said...

I'm right there with ya. Hope everything went well.

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

I'm not a fan of going to the dentist or any such dr for that matter. Last dentist visit the dental assistant was rough on my mouth and yes I know she was just doing her job but geeze a little tlc would have been nice. I have the Over the Hill cartridge and would like to win the To The Cabin. Thanks for giveaway chance.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

scrappin2babygirls said...

I know exactly how you feel.. i hate going to the dentist.. im such a scaredy cat.. lol. I haven't been in a really really long time and I NEED to go because when I was pregnant with my first i had a filling fall out.. and i've never gone to get it fixed ugh. anyway thanks so much for the chance to win hope it goes well for you. im a follower.

Jingle said...

I hope it all went well!

BethAnn said...

I don't think anybody enjoys a dental appointment! Hope yours went better than you anticipated, and thank you for the chance to win something nice! Good luck to everyone. BethAnn M.

Jessalee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessalee said...

I would go to the dentist for you if it helped. I am one of the rare ones who don't mind the dentist. Thanks for the chance to win!

Monica said...

Hope your trip to the dentist went well! So sweet of you to offer a give away when your the one who needs cheering up!!!

The Slaugh Family said...

Hope your dentist appointment went alright! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa S London Ont said...

Sorry to hear about your trip to the dentist, I have to go on Monday maybe for a root canal! Thanks for the chance to win something!!

Tonya said...

What a great giveaway. I'm planning a Snow White party for my daughter and a lot of the cuts on Over The Hill would work great. Thanks for the chance to win.

Rhonda Miller said...

Oh, I hate going to the dentist. I hope it all goes well for you. Thanks for a chance.

Jaime said...

Great carts, bad reason. Hope it went well!

crazycricut said...

What a great giveaway! Good luck at the dentist!

Amy said...

Poor Melanie! Good luck at the dentist! Thanks for the chance to win.

cghundley said...

Hope your dentist appointment goes well. Thanks for the giveaway.

Carla from Utah

Cynthia Baldwin said...

We do appreciate the chance to win, but sorry it means that you have to go to the dentist. :-/
Hope it went OK for you!

Larmabee said...

Oh your poor mouth! They do give you some pretty good drugs though!
Take care of yourself. And thank you for the chance to win!

Sukie said...

I hope your trip to the dentist went well! I have had major back issues the last two weeks and finally worked up the nerve to go to the chiropractor so I know exactly how you feel. Can't wait to check out what you have in store for us for Hello Thursday, thanks for all of the inspiration you provide!

Susan said...

Happy Thoughts...
Like that branch on the Cabin cart.

sucor said...

I don't like going to the dentist either; hope it wasn't too bad. I'm a long time follower and subscriber. Thank you for giving us a chance to win another one of your generous giveaways!

craftymom205 said...

Hope the dentist thing went well. Thanks for the chance to win.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

Houses Built of Cards said...

Oh...I totally understand how you feel about the dentist! Hope it all went quickly, smoothly, and painlessly!!!

wilonestar said...

So sorry about your pain, but it could definitely be to someones gain. I need a crown and have been putting it off. Sure hope I win tomorrow.

Cheryl W said...

You are so kind to share such wonderful giveaways! Love your blog, and I hope your dentist appointment is a breeze! I hate the dentist, too.

Cathy said...

Thanks for being generous on the count of your "FUN" trip to the dentist:)

The Matriarch said...

As usual, you offers spectacular giveaways. Love the stamps and cartridges.

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Hope the dentist goes well! Thanks for sharing such a gun giveaway, already a follower!

Ladybug said...

Melanie, hope your dental app't went well. I, too, dislike goin' there as I'm a mega gagger! Yuck! Just thinkin' about it. LOL

Thanks for a chance to win your blog candy. Very sweet of you!! :-)

RAP said...

Glad to hear your appointment went well. I don't think many people like going.

Luria said...

I hope all goes well. Thanks for the chance to win these great cartridges.


Anonymous said...

dentist = scary. Glad everything went well.
Donna KU

Sue D said...

Hope everything goes well at the dentist and thanks for the chance to win.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Kelly Watson said...

Good Luck! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ann Diehl said...

Good luck on your dentist appt. I used to feel the same way about dentists, but found such a wonderful one that I love going now - even for the bad stuff like getting a tooth pulled!

Eva Laney said...

Hope all went well for you at the dentist :) I would love to win these cartridges, My Brother is turning 50 in April so the over the hill cartridge would be perfect!!! Thanks for the chance, you ROCK!!!

cinmfoster said...

Good Luck! Thanks for the chance.

Crafting Teacher said...

Hope your dentist trip went well...I totally understand...Thanks for the great give a aways...

Diana said...

Hope your dentist trip went well, I have to take my ipod w/me b/c I can't stand to hear the drill!! Calms my nerves to listen to Toby Mac!! thanks for a great give away! I've been a follower for several years now :)

Hello said...

Thanks for a chance to win!

juju412 said...

Glad your appointment went well. Thanks for the chance to win!

Janet said...

This is a really great giveaway. I totally feel your pain. Even though I know my dentist for years, I still feel really anxious before an appointment. I start to shake a bit when I get in the chair then his assistant manages to calm me down by explaining everything to me. Good luck at the dentist.

pcmom114 said...

Wow! I was at the dentist yesterday also :) Thankfully, I was only there for a cleaning. I hope your visit went well & thanks for sharing with us! My motto is share the

Molly Joly said...

Glad to hear your appointment went well - love your posts!

Megan H. said...

Good luck at the dentist. Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to have these cartridges.
Megan H.
mhcards at embarqmail dot com

Unknown said...

I don't care for dentist either, ugh, my greatest fear! Love the cartridge, tho!

Jean Johnson said...

dentists are no fun...but these cartridges look like a LOT of FUN!

Susanna said...

I've been looking at these cartridges and couldn't decide which one I'd get. Thanks for the opportunity to win them. I never sleep before going to the dentist. It's like a trip to the Scary House at Halloween!!!!!! BE well!

Marty said...

Good luck at the dentist! I know how you feel as I cry as soon as I get in the chair. :)

Awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

Debbie C. said...

I'll be hoping for no pain for you, but a gain for me. Good luck to both of us. :)

KellyMac said...

I am so glad to hear your visit was not as bad as you thought.
And thanks again for the giveaway!
Both are awesome looking cartridges. Although, as much as I hate to admit to getting older....the over the hill one would be great!!
Have a great day!
Kelly McCollum said...

God bless you!! I am a dental hygienist for over 20 years and am very sympathetic with you! So glad it went well!!
Have been a subscriber, and would love to win this!
Thank you, and hoping all dental visits go better each time!

Momof4inArlington said...

The dentist...YUCK! I'll be thinking of you and wishing you good luck. I can't believe you feel guilty about missing a post! The giveaway is completely unnecessary, but much appreciated. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

kals said...

What a generous thought. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mary said...

Love the ideas, you're the best!!!!
Thank you for the chance to win!!!!
mhalford6 @aol. com

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the Dentist Trip!! Hope it's over quickly!

Pamela said...

Melanie I am right there with you when it comes to going to the dentist. In fact, I have been known to faint when procedures are finished or turn into a shaking maniac with a drop in blood sugar that I never get at any other time.
If you have a willing friend to go with you, I've found that really helps.

Sage said...

good luck with the dentist! and enjoy your generous feeling while it lasts (lol)! thx for the chance

Carol Tro said...

Good Luck at the dentist. I don't know why we get our selves all worked up about it!! If you find the secret please let me know!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

So glad you made it through that appointment! I too HATE going to the dentist...

Just received my Autumn/Winter 2012 CTM catalog....a long wish list is developing!

LorieAnn - Doylestown

V Perkins said...

Glad your appointment went well. Thanks for a chance to win.

Kristi said...

I never worry much about the dentist, but I don't like going, lol. I do put it off! Thanks for the giveaway!
I subscribe via email, that way all the cool mail comes directly to me without me hunting for it.
kidshomelove at yahoo dot com

KitnM said...

Thanks for the chance to win! I made the flower boxes from the Artiste cartridge and then filled them with M&M's for my staff and skittles for the kids! They loved it. It was a fun way to start a staff meeting. I did cut the blossom 1/2" larger than the base box and it was easier to get together. Love the cartridge bundle! Making favor boxes for an Emmaus Walk using the butterfly box on Artiste next!

carolyn's creations said...

I never look forward to dentist visits either. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

Lisa Lesshafft said...

Hope your dentist apt. went well. I understand what you were going through. I feel like I had lived at the dentist last week getting a crown on!!! I want to thank you for a chance to win these cartridges, either one would work wonderfully! My BFF is turning 60 this year and that would make both a wonderful card and layout pages for her party!!!

Anonymous said...

So is the bundle with the three extra stamp sets, the It's Your Day stamp set and the September stamp of the month still available for $99? The time indicated says August 15-31 and it is now September. I just might have to buy that if so.

Kathy Olson

JustJules said...

Good luck with the dentist!! I know you can do it! Thanks for the giveaway!


Angela Pyjas said...

Hope your appt. went well! I work in the dental field so I know how you feel! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda said...

Glad to hear your day went sorta OK. I had no idea that you could reshape clear stamps.
Thank you for the great video this morning and the cartridge give away
Linda in Stanwood

Unknown said...

Glad to here everything is okay!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Brenda said...

So glad you may it through your dental appt. Never pleasant and as I like to refer to them "a necessary evil", lol.

Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you had a bad time at the dentist.
marilyn2222 @

Mawmawjade said...

Hope you're feeling better. Love the Over the Hill cart. It fits as I made 59 in August.

Linda T said...

Why are so many leary of a dentist, including me? I feel your 'pain'. Good luck.

Linda T said...

Why are so many leary of a dentist, including me? I feel your 'pain'. Good luck.

Claudia said...

I've had my eye on the Over the Hill cart. Cuz I am!
Good luck at the dentist.

rhonda said...

Sorry about the dentist visit! I, too, do not like visits to the dentist. Hope all is well!

Bobby said...

It's Thursday and I may be too late for the wonderful prizes you're giving away but "nothing ventured, nothing gained". But I am glad your dentist trip went well.

Lisa Kay said...

I am NOT a fan of the dentist either!!!!

Laura said...

I only go to the dentist if I HAVE to! Hope all went well!

Nana Donna said...

Hope yor dental appointment went well Thanks

Anonymous said...

The dentist is NO fun, but a necessary evil. Love the give-away.
Debbie 91001

Cindy said...

These are both great cartridges...what a nice giveaway! I hate the dentist too so I feel your pain. Hopefully everything went well for you. It is always a relief when you are done. Have a wonderful day. Cindy Thompson

Trena said...

Gotta love the Xanax, especially when it serves your purpose and mine! Hope things go well at the dentist!

cmarie said...

The dentist is nothing to laugh at. Sure feel for you

Cheryl said...

Melanie I sympathize with you I am the same way with the dentist! I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the give away.

Unknown said...

I am glad your visit went OK!! I hate going to the dentist too. Most people do. Thanks for your generosity!

Crystal said...

Oh hhhhh! I gate the dentist. I hope all went well. Thanks for sponsoring another giveaway & get feeling better!

Busy Bee Vinyl Creations said...

Hope you feel better. Thanks for the chance to win.

CWBD Parties said...

Oh the dentist - definitely not a party - but I am sure you will do fine! thanks for the chance to win!

Sew Sweet N Crafty said...

Yikes, speaking of the dentist I need to schedule a check up. I all is well. Thanks for the chance.

Sew Sweet N Crafty

Chelle said...

I hope the dentist trip went well!!! Thanks for a shot @ the carts!

WendySGC said...

Glad your dental appointment went well and that you aren't headed to the cabin or "Over the Hill" - Love your posts and your projects and I am totally envious of the amount of time you have to craft.

Az Scrappin Sisters said...

I really liked the Tip of the Day.... never thought of bending acrylics like that...I'd love to win either one!

Windy said...

Oh boy! Another giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win one of these carts.

tblue said...

Only thing that scares me about the dentist is the bill! lol Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Sheri said...

Glad the Dentist went better than you expected! Thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy :)

Sheri R

sherii at cfl dot rr dot com

gypsyrps said...

Glad everything went well at the dentist. I have to go next week. Thanks for the great give aways.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love the over the hill stuff. So many times I'd like something like these images. Thanks for the chance to win.

Ruth said...

I hope your appointment is over and your pain is nothing at all.

Thanks for the opportunity to win.

I'm going to use the artiste cart this weekend to make a bd card for a co-worker/friend. I'll be searching your blog for ideas.

kimmie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win. Both carts are great but the To The Cabin one would be great for all of the up north pictures from this summer. Love your Blog!

NJL said...

Good Luck at the dentist. I look forward to seeing the Courtney Blogs and posted hints. Than you for all the time you put in on this.

Marcia said...

this looks like a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Anonymous said...

Rose said...
I know how you feel I cancel my appoint in feb.!I have been sick & was not able to work or drive.I have been doing better but still not ready to make that appoint.I'm so sick of doctor appoints(I have one this week & one next week).You are so sweet,Thanks for all you do & if you don't feel like posting we understand!

Jodie R said...

UGH!!! The dentist! I feel for you! I have to go back the 24th! I hope it all went well!

Arlene said...

Awesome giveaway. Don't like dentists trips at all. Hope you feel better.

Joni said...

Would love to win this give away. I am going to my dentist on Monday. Ugh! Hope your visit is pain free.

GTNana said...

Hang in there! I'm right there with you about going to the dentist!
Both of these giveaway carts will really work for me and my crew! Thanks for a chance to win.