Monday, July 18, 2011

Blog follower appreciation week day one!

Hello, friends!

It makes me happy that so many of you come over and check out my little blog as much as you do! Honestly, I started this blog just as a way to document my progress and growth in the hobby. Now it has almost turned into a full time job keeping posts up and making things for both blogs. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something, so I guess I am working towards my Cricut PhD ;-)

This week I want to show my appreciation to all of you by doing a week of giveaways! Today's giveaway is a Best of 2010 cartridge! To be eligible to win all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and be a follower of this blog.

I will be back tomorrow with another awesome giveaway, so be sure to check back in!


Photobucket Subscribe to Courtney Lane Designs by Email


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Jane said...

Your blogs are great, I look forward to seeing what you've done each morning.

Anonymous said...

I think many of us will agree, that your work is great. For myself i love the way you explain how you make everything, that is what make more happy to work with the cricut.

So thanks again,

Thanks for the chance to win the lovely cartridge

Have a blessed week, Eveline

Karen said...

thanks so much for all you do to inspire, inform, and encourage other crafters each and every day.

Melissa said...

Great giveaway!!! Your work is wonderful, love it!

Thanks so much for the chance to win!

mzcherub at gmail dot com

meshja said...

I have followed your blog from when I first bought my cricut about 18 months ago, and it has inspired me to use my cricut all the time. I am sure you must be close to getting your PhD!
You have the runs on the board, well done!

Auntie Em said...

Your blogs are always great and very inspirational. You must love what you are doing since it takes so much of your time and you wouldn't be bothered otherwise. I for one appreciate your work.
Thanks for sharing! :)

Marie said...

Thanks for all your time and inspiration! My blog is new, so I am learning a lot from you.


o wow thanks for the chance to win, I am already a follower and I love both your blogs!!

craftymom205 said...

Love your blog and your projects.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

Debbie said...

I'm a follower! Love your blog, it's such great inspiration!

Donna Lee said...

A Cricut PhD? I like that idea and I think you are well on your way to earning it. Thanks for the chance to win a great cartridge and for so many wonderful projects.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a great way to start my day!

Doris P. said...

and i hope you know I appreciate every minute of those hours!! been following for years, maybe not daily BUT A LOT! LOVE you all and your creativity to inspire me!! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a doctorial candidate. I'm enrolled in the Cricut version of community college LOL. Love to see all your creations. Blessings, J

dm.brinker said...

Awesome cartridge giveaway. Thanks for all the great ideas. I'm glad you give detailed info on how to make your projects.

Ann said...

I start my day by opening Everyday Cricut, Obsessed with Scrapbooking and of course, Courtney Lane Designs; then my day can begin. Love and appreciate all of your works. Thanks.

Lynda said...

Love visiting both of your blogs! You are extremely talented! I've been a follower for quite some time now!


rlhamm1 at gmail dot com

Seahorse Creations said...

Your awesome, love coming back to look at your work everyday. Thanks for sharing your talent.

Life with Rob and Jess said...

Thanks so much for this chance to win!! My fingers are crossed :)

Cathy said...

I got a chuckle on the Cricut Phd comment:)
Happy Crafting!
I don't do it full time, but I know it can be time consuming.
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

TerryM said...

I am grateful to you for taking the time to show your wonderful talents and teaching us all a little something.

Jade said...

Thank you for all the inspiration and the chance at all of your amazing giveaways!

Lucy said...

I check you blog every morning for inspiration and to get my creativity a boost! Love your work. This cartridge looks really awesome. It covers so much. Thanks for the chance :)

jessica said...

I love your blog! You are so inspirational and I alway learn so much from you :)
Thanks for the chance to win!

SallyP said...

I started following your blog as a way to learn more about my Cricut cartridges, you have so many great ideas that I never think of!

Anonymous said...

your blogs are wonderful. I have
copied many of your ideas so I
really appreciate all your time
anc creativity.


Ami said...

We appreciate everything you share with us very much. Thank you for having a great blog!

ursula Uphof said...

As a new cricut owner, I love your blog as you give so much detail and thanks for being such an inspiration. Thanks for the chance to win.

Tami B. said...

You're beautiful creations have inspired many of us. Thank you.

Susan from SC said...

I'm so glad your followers make you happy, though I have a hard time believing your followers aren't even happier because of the inspiration you provide to all of us. Thanks for all your hard work!!!

Colleen said...

Always enjoy reading your blog.

Becky Moore said...

All the cool people are followers!

Your blog is always interesting, creative and helpful. Thanks for all your time and hard work.

Lisa B said...

What you have done for all of us is wonderful. You have taken the time to inform us and inspire us all. Your blog is jam packed with goodies. Thank you so much!

What a great idea for a cartridge!!! I love it!

Lisa J. said...

You have awesome projects so you must be a Professional Cricut PHD graduate lol. Thank you for sharing!

Casey said...

Thank you so much for sharing all of your creations with us!

Linda said...

Thanks for having an appreciation week!

Casey said...

Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful creations with us!

Wendy Raffin said...

Melanie this blog is awesome!! I am sure, like the rest of your followers, that you will have continued success, because you do amazing work!!

Ashley said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to blog for us! I have gotten so many ideas from your posts.

Carole said...

Thanks for putting in the time to share your work with us...I really appreciate it! Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win.

walkcarole at gmail dot com

sonyaeverding said...

Love your blog. Thanks for all the ideas. Also thanks for opportunity on the giveaway.
Happy scrapping!

Karen M said...

love your blog! i start my morning with it. I am very new to the cricut world and don't have very many cartridges. thanks for the opportunity!

Pat N. said...

Why thank you Melanie! What a nice thing to do. I'm a current follower. Love your blog and your work. You make the most beautiful things!--Pat N.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog and have learned so much from you.
Thanks for the chance to win and also for all the effort you put into your blog.

rhonda said...

I love visiting your blog. You make many amazing creations. Good luck on your "PhD"!!! You are making great progress.

The Bug said...

You are so sweet and I love following your blog! You are such an inspiration!
Hugs, Wini

Ro Donner said...

Love these "Best of" carts. A little bit of EVERYTHING!

Mylene said...

Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. I enjoy seeing all your work.
mylenew at gmail dot com

jennyplace2 said...

What a sweetie you are and yes I agree about the PHD... I think a lot of us feel that way. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome cartridge.

Cindy said...

How nice of you to show your appreciation for all of us who follow your blog. I want to thank you for sharing all of your wonderful works with us.

dori said...

Am grateful that you do what you do! keep up the good work!

kate said...

Love all the card ideas. Thanks

Beth Buss said...

This is a great blog, Melanie. Love
to see your always new ideas. Looks
like a fun cartridge to win...Thanks.

Prettiful Creations said...

Thank you for all the work you put in to providing such a great blog everyday. I look forward to each email I receive.

JoAnn V. ( said...

Love your blog and all the inspiration! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

Karenan said...

Thanks for all of your ideas! They've definitely helped me improve my designs.

CyndiU said...

Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful talents with us. I turn to your blogs to learn new techniques and to be inspired.

Hugs, CyndiU
cureta2 at yahoo dot com

Sue S. said...

Love your blog! Your projects are always so inspiring!

DebbieG said...

Thanks for sharing all you wonderful work. Great giveaway, thanks for a chance to win.

mfc.melissamade2 said...

You are very inspiring and I look forward to your projects each week! Thanks for a nice giveaway too!

Christina Alvarez said...

Thank you for everything you guys do! This blog is great and you guys are so nice to share it all.

Sunshine HoneyBee said...

Enjoy your talented creativity. Thanks for chance to win awesome giveaways.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I look forward to reading your blog to give me inspiration. Thanks so much for all you do.

Daily Cropper said...

I love your "little blog" as you call it. I get so many ideas from you. You're extremely talented and creative. Keep up the great work! Thanks for all you do!

Deidra said...

Love your work. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Linda said...

Oh what a fun week! I have my fingers crossed.Thanks for your fun blog and a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Love your blog... and the cart would be a great addition - there's so many that I don't have and this would give me the best of all worlds. Thanks for this chance!

Anonymous said...

Really appreciate you and the ideas and talents that you share with us. Thanks for the appreciation week.

scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog. Keep giving us ideas! I am new to the cricut so would love to win the cartridge. Thanks.

Houses Built of Cards said...

You're so sweet - and it is EASY to follow you! I love checking out what you make each time you post! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Dianne said...

Thank YOU for sharing all your ideas with us on your blogs! Your blog is the first thing I look at every morning for inspiration!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your time and your talents with us!!! We so appreciate it!!!

Jenn said...

I love your blog! I look forward to that email every morning with your new posts. Keep up the good work and thanks for the chance to win this great cartridge!

Nancy said...

Every time I look at your blogs I am amazed at how creative you are. You always have great projects. It takes me hours and sometimes a day or two to come up with an idea for a project I like.( heck it took me almost that long to write this post ;) Your work does inspire me.

TenSGal said...

I really enjoy your blog and you do such fantastic work! I am always saving your blog emails out so I can look back at what you've done. I'm a relatively new blogger...and am having a blast keeping up my own! It is a lot of work...but it is fun!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kjm said...

Thank you for all you great ideas and your daily postings. I look forward to seeing your new creations. Thanks for the chance to will the cricut cartridge!

Anonymous said...

I love your projects!!

faye said...

I always look forward to seeing what you have made. You make some of the loveliest things. Thank you for sharing with us all.

renee Howe said...

I love seeing all the neat things you do. keeping it so fresh all the time. Thanks so much!

tgifmama said...

Can't wait to see your next project!

Julie said...

We appreciate you too! Thank you for the chance to win this great Cartridge:)

Cricut Chick

Crafting Butterfly Creations said...

Thank you for all the inspiration! I love reading your blog.


Corrie M. said...

Thanks for the chance to win the great cart!!

Diane said...

Thanks for all the great ideas and fun projects you share. A chance for Best of 2010 is wonderful-but we had the best of 2010-a new grandson !

linda said...

I love all the work you do,thanks for the chance to win a great giveaway!

Laurie Brookfield said...

Love to see what you will be delivering to my mail box every day!! You have tremendous talent...thanks for sharing!

Joyce said...

I check your blog every morning! Believe me, I am very selective in which blogs I follow and yours has always been one that inspires me! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Mary Sue said...

I enjoy reading your blog daily.

Erin said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway week! All of the time and work that you put into the blog is much appreciated! Keeps me inspired!

Kelly said...

Melanie - you do such wonderful work that gives us so many ideas. Sometimes people just need that push to find their inner creative person, and you provide that for us! Love your blog!

Susan L said...

Im grateful fof your blog as it keeps me motivated! Thanks for all you do :)

Happy Scrappin'
Sue B
suenj99 at yahoo dot com

Mandee said...

I love to see your blogs everyday! Thanks for the good work and for sharing!!

LadybugCarrie said...

Love your blog - you are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your talent and creativity with us! :-)

OldTeacher said...

The cartridge looks like So much fun. Thanks for the chance to win. I check your blog every morning.

lynny_tin said...

I love your blog and seeing what you are going to do next! It amazes me that you can keep up with all these projects,school and family! Thank-you for all you do!
lynnrenee2 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great inspirations !!!

Sam Pirkle said...

I think you do a awesome job with keeping us updated on all the new stuff and energized about our hobby.

sandy said...

Thanks for all the great ideas!!!!

Donna said...

Well, how sweet are you to do this for us? But I think it is really me that should be giving to you, as you have given me so much inspiration over the years, I simply love your work and have "scrap-lifted" many times. Thank you so much for all you do, the help you share, and the love of this craft you give.

Donna C.

Mishell Forbes said...

I always love getting up every morning and opening your email.....always inspiring

Grandma Nancy said...

I've been following you on both sights and really enjoy your creative projects. You've helped me through craft-block many times!! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

love ya'll cricut is what i am into and scrappin and card amking...thanks for inspiring me! patti...jh

sld173 said...

Your blog is my all time favorite. I check Everyday Cricut and Courtney Lane every time I get the chance - your card making style and detail has inspired so many of the things that I've done. Thank you so much!

snappy scrappy said...

Love your blog...always check in to see what you've designed! Lee-Ann :)

lr214 said...

Love getting your emails and seeing todays project. Thanks for a chance to win!

Karen V. said...

Love your blog. You make great cards. Keep them coming!

happyhome43 said...

Love, love, love your blog and all the wonderful ideas! Also love the dotted swiss paper you use.

Karen said...

I love your blogs and look forward to seeing what you've made. It gives me inspiration.

Nanette said...

I love visiting your blog. I just started by own (I'm not even sure what I'm doing) yet. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Jennifer said...

I receive your blog by email, I look forward to checking out your newest creations!

Thanks for the chance to win a cart!

rocker dot chick at yahoo dot come

Grace McNaney said...

Love the inspiration that your blog brings to me and others. Thanks for your insight and creativity. Thanks also for the opportunity to win a really great-looking cartridge!!!

ShersL84bed said...

Exciting giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win it. I see you already have over 100 comments and its only 9 am.

Smiles Sher

Natasha said...

I enjoy looking at whatever inspiration you've come up with every day!!

I also appreciate the time you put into creating things that all of us can enjoy!!!

Unknown said...

Ooh! This looks like a great cartridge. Thank you.

Annette said...

Been a follower for awhile now. Love your stuff.

Stephanie A said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love following your blog. You always have such cute ideas!

Linda said...

Love all of your designs. Take care.

ckeller219 said...

I think you have more than earned that PHD. I love checking in everyday to be inspired. Thanks for all your hard work.

CathyinMN said...

I really enjoy both of your blogs. Of course, if it weren't for your projects being so good and inspiring, I wouldn't be checking in every day. Thanks for all you do for us and thanks for the chance to win this cart.
tcsobotka at charter dot net

Crystal W said...

I am over 65 and have been crafting since I was a child and scrappin' long before it was an "official sport"!!!!! So I think I have a PhD by now, but only a diploma in Cricketing....some work to be done! I read your blog every morning....appreciate your great ideas and giveaways!!!!

Court said...

Thanks for all you do! You are truly amazing!!

barbara said...

That is a great cartridge to add to anyones collection. I love your projects.

Deena said...

Melanie you are just wonderful!! I love your blog and have learned so much!! Thank you for a chance to win!!

Dianne said...

Love your blogs. I have learned so much from them. Thanks for sharing your talent.
Dianne Bell -

Anonymous said...

You just keep up the good work and you will always have visitors at your blog site.

Jana said...

Wow! thanks for offering this super giveaway.

Poulton Crew said...

I love reading your posts! Your ideas help me with my scapbooking! You are awesome!!

Nicole said...

Love your Blogs! I get alot of inspirations from your projects. I am just getting started in Scrapping and need all the help I can get.

Lillian Child said...

You always have the best giveaways, and what a treat to check out your blog every day for a great tip or fabulous inspiration or technique demo! Thanks for all you do!

Deneen said...

You make such wonderful things. I love visiting your blog. Thanks for sharing your talents.

Anonymous said...

Melanie, Your Blog is the first one I check out each day! Thank You for INSPIRATION and the chance to win this cart.

Mary said...

You have so much talent, I love your blog, thank you for caring and sharing, you're the best.
mhalford6 @ aol. com

marymaci said...

Not only do you put enough hours for your PhD in cricuting, but you're a wife, mother, and student! WOW! Thanks for sharing your inspiration, Melanie! A week of appreciation - what fun!!

Karen S. said...

Keep up the good work on your blog! Love all of your creations! Thanks for the chance to win!

karenskapin at yahoo dot com

TeresaK said...

I love both your blog and Everyday cricut...check them every day!
Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

I am already a follower. I love your blog. I know the work it is to make a blog look fabulous for your followers and you did just that. I know I don't comment much. I am trying to make a point of doing for all the blogs I follow... Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway.

Debbie (from Sugar Land) said...

I really enjoy your blog. My day is not complete without the morning time to pop through the cricut blogs I follow. thanks!

Nanci said...

Thanks so much for sharing your talents. The first thing i do in the mornings is check my email and check out your blogs. Thanks again.

theresa said...

Great inspiration to all of us! You give us an idea and we can always just change color to fit our project! Thanks A Bunches

Andi said...

Thank you so much for the inspiration and for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered how much time you spend on your blog. Coming up with new ideas's amazing. I'm sure I can speak for all of your readers...Keep 'em coming!
Nancy Jr

Marissa said...

Thank you for sharing your creativity with the rest of us each always makes me smile, no matter what! It encourages me to be a little more creative, and who couldn't use THAT in their life?!

Barbara said...

Love getting your e-mails they give
some great ideas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your great blog and sharing all those cricut layouts and card ideas.

Appreciate the giveaways too!

Regards, Julie

Daynene said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I just started blogging a few months ago, Yes I love it and nice to have a place to post your project. But really couldn't imagine all the time you put into it. Thanks again for the giveaway and the inspirations you give to all of us.

Laurieinaz said...

Congrats on having so many followers. Your blog is really good.

Dani Kohler said...

Wow great job. Keep up the good work.

ginner said...

I love your blogs...your emails are the first I read every morning...can't wait to see what you've been up to and always know I'll be inspired. :)

ColleenF said...

Love your blog, read it every morning. Thanks for the inspiration!

Sandie said...

What a fabulous idea, Blog follower appreciation WEEK! I look forward to opening your email daily for your exciting inspiration.

Deborah said...

Hi,I'm a spanish speaker and your blog is so easy to understand and always inspires me.When your work is demostrated by a video, it helps even more. Deb...

Ana said...

I always love looking at your new creations. You are definitely inspiring. Continue the great work!

Scrappinmac said...

Thanks for the chance to win the cartridge! You inspire me each day.

gshrader said...

Love looking at your blogs each day! So excited to see what you create! Thanks for sharing!
And thanks for the giveaway chance!
gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com

JustJules said...

WOW! Thanks Melanie for this chance to get this cartridge! It is wonderful to be inspired by you through your blog!! You are so talented!!


Dawn, RI said...

I'm a follower and subscriber. I look foward to your daily email as it gives me inspiration for the day ahead.
Dawn RI

Anonymous said...

I read your blogs everyday. Thanks for all the inspiration you give us.
AntiqueLady playingwithpaper

Connie Gail said...

I enjoy your company each and every morning and continue to do so. I'm always anxious to see what you have created and what news you have to share. It is like a little bit of sunshine in my day....:O) I've learned alot about using my Cricut and design with you. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day with my morning coffee-great way to start the day.


Margie said...

I love the crafty inspiration you share! Thank you for a great giveaway!

Sage said...

I'm so glad I found you and your sister Cricket bloggers, I know I'm not the only one loving paper crafting!

Carolyn said...

I enjoy the beautiful and fun things you create. Reading your blogs goes great on the patio with coffee and birds; especially hummingbirds. Thank for sharing.

GrannyCharlotte said...

Sure do enjoy the projects you post on your blog. Thanks so much for sharing your talent. I am already a follower.

Nancy C. said...

I really enjoy checking out your blog - thanks for all you do!

ncichocki at ptd dot net

Cin said...

I just recently purchased a cricut and have found your blog very informative and inspirational. I enjoy all your creative blogs, thanks for sharing your talent with us.

squirrlyd said...

i love your blogs. I am going to start keeping track of my hours.
(L0L) I must be well on my way to a Bof P (bachalor of Paper).

Brenda said...

Your projects are amazing and I love seeing what you do with each cartridge you use. Love following your blog.

slbela59 said...

I love your blog. it helps me with my cricut. thanks for the chance to win.

Tina Mayo said...

yay!! for us followers!!That cart, looks so cool. Thanks for a chance to win!! and us followers would be nothing without THANK YOU!!!

Kyla said...

Wow, thanks for the chance to win. Love checking out your blogs.

Conniecrafter said...

Thanks for the chance to win, and for all your idea's that you share!

Carolee said...

Your blog and my morning coffee - a beautiful way to start my day. You've taught me so many tricks of the hobby and I share them with my monthly card making group. Thanks for all you do.

Kelly said...

A Cricut Phd? I would sign up for that degree. Thanks for all you do, your work is great.

liz at liz's paper loft said...

I love your designs, keepem' coming!

CSeeger said...

Thank you for your inspiration, I, for one, am happy to view and learn from your thesis projects. Just let us know when to start calling you "DR. Mel."

Sahily said...

we are the ones to thank you for all your wonderful and beautiful ideas!! I enjoy reading your blog and learning from your projects a lot :-)

ScrappyMama said...

WOW!!!! A whole week of giveaways...sweet!! I really do appreciate your dedication to your blogs (& to us!); I understand that they are a lot of work to keep up with, but, I get tired of visiting blogs where things aren't updated on a reg basis (especially when something is supposed to happen on a certain day - a video, tutorial, giveaway, etc & it rarely happens when it's supposed to). So, thank you for your dedication & keep up the good work!!!

Katherine said...

We appreciate so much the time you dedicate to inspiring us! You do such a wonderful job.

Kelly said...

Great blog for inspiration. Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!

The Hendrix Family said...

I check your blog every morning for new ideas! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

KayBea's Craft Studio said...

I really love your blog and the opportunity that you give for winning free stuff. Please keep up the good work. It is very inspiring to me!!

Debbie J said...

Love your blog-it's on my daily check list.

coolnana72 said...

Reading your blog is best way to start the day. I love your creatviity and how you explain how you do your projects.

Marcia said...

I am so glad you blog.Your ideas are wonderful. Thanks.

Amanda Ogden said...

I LOVE reading your blog and seeing your ideas. Thank you for everything you do...

Crystal said...

Thank you for taking the time to post and update your blog, I love being inspired by your amazing creations!

Amy said...

I love y0our blog and truly understand how much work it is to post something new nearly every day. You and your projects are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.

eileen said...

I'm just happy that I can go and look at your blog everyday!

Thanks for all the great ideas.

inspiredwon said...

I love reading your blog!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Amanda.peterman at gmail dot com

Pamela said...

I enjoy looking at all of your ideas and want to thank you for sharing them with us.

Momof4inArlington said...

Although it must be exhausting, I envy the time you devote to creativity. Paper crafting provides me with my Zen state. I am so grateful for both blogs, (and, of course for Joy). I begin each day with a visit to CL, EC, and OWS. Thank you for all you share, and for remembering your readers.

Helen Tietz said...

I absolutely love your blog and seeing your ideas and creations. Thank you for all the endless hours you put into it.

Rebecca Geile said...

Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

Queenie said...

I love your blogs. I really appreciate your sharing your talent as you do. Thank you for the chance to win this cartridge. I have the best of 2006 and 2007 and this would be a great addition.

Tammy said...

I would miss your blog terribly if you ever decided to stop. It's part of my morning routine. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

jesusislord said...

Your blog is awesome! Thanks for the chance to win a fun cartridge!

Rechelle said...

You totally rock! I look forward to seeing your projects every morning when I get up to get ready for work! Thanks for all the inspiration!

ladyala said...

I look forward to your blog & your new designs. Thanks for sharing them!

Marijo said...

Check your blog every day! I always look forward to your posts. Thanks!
Marijo aka Scraptastic Grammy
mjs1199 at cox dot net

Jackie "B" said...

Love your personal blog and your creativity. I follow you on both of your blogs. Your projects are always so inspiring. Thanks for a chance to win.

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