Today's card is made using the NEW Exclusive Creative Memories Best of Times cartridge. This cartridge comes with the NEW E2 machine that you can ONLY get through Creative Memories.
This machine bundle includes: American Alphabet cartridge, Cricut Essentials cartridge, and the NEW Best of Times cartridge. If you want more information about this machine or want one for yourself clcik here ==> for Joy's Creative Memories store
The paper is from American Crafts. |
I cut the sun out at 2" and SMILE out at 3/4" |
October Promotions:
The October Stamp of the Month is $5 with a purchase of $50 or more!
Also this month there is another promotion. If you sign up as a consultant you will get an extra add on collection to your new consultant kit purchase that is valued up to $130! So, come join my team! This is a great time to do it! If you are interested and want more information, please email me!
Why be a Close To My Heart consultant?
- Sneak Peeks: You get to see the entire catalog of new products usually a full month before the general public. This is one of my favorite things about being a consultant and the main reason I became a consultant. Who doesn't like sneak peeks! Not only can you view the catalog early, but can order your products early as well and have them weeks before non-consultants.
- Incentive trips: Close to My Heart chooses really great trip destinations every year for consultants who qualify. The 2012 trip is to Hawaii and the 2013 trip is a cruise to the Caribbean!
- You are your own boss: You can run your business how you want to. Close to My Heart gives consultants the freedom to work from home, be your own boss, and do as much or as little as you want. I promise though, that you will get out of this what you put into it! I go to school full time, run two blogs, and have a little one. There is no way I could fit in a regular job. Close To My Heart gives me the freedom to juggle my hectic life and make an income at the same time.
- Earn free product: Like getting free stuff? Of coarse you do! You can start earning free product through Close To My Heart with as little as $150 in sales!
- The discount: As a consultant you get a 22% discount on all Close To My Heart products. This includes Art Philosophy!
- Low cost start up: It only costs $99 to sign up and you get $280 worth of product!Sign up as a new Consultant between October 1–31 and receive one New Consultant Kit add-on collection of your choice FREE! Add-on collections are priced at $40 each and have a retail value of up to $130. That means you get $410 worth of product for only $99!!
WOW...what a pretty card the person who get this is sure lucky as this card does bring on a smile and the colors are such happy colors great job on this one!!!
I love the bright, primary colors on this card. It does bring a smile to your heart! :D Thanks for sharing.
THe colors of the card made me smile just looking at it!
Wow, I love that T shirt AND the new Creative Memories cart! I too love CM I began selling their products and doing classes over 10 years ago. thankfully this is what led me to scrapbooking. What a wonderful T shirt design
Absolutely love the card, love the colors. Your card makes me HAPPY!
great card, makes me miss Summer
Eva :0)
Such a happy card! Love the paper!
Love the bright and cheery colors you've used on this card!
Will Creative Memories ever sell the cart as a stand-alone? I already bought the E2 when it launched on HSN back in the spring, so I don't need another one ~ but I'd love to get that cart!
Love the card!!!! Great colors :)
Really cute card idea. Love the bright colors.
Adorable card. I love the colors. Thanks for sharing.
That is such a CUTE card!!! Love the colors - they are so bright and fuN!!!
What a marvelous card it makes my day! Love the bright colors! And thank you for sharing the sizes you used, that really helps!
love the colors. They just pop out at you and make you smile
Bright sunshine card! Gorgeous!
This rainbow-colored card is cheerful -- a lucky recipient would smile, getting a card from a friend out of the blue like this one. Thanks for sharing.
Colorful card! Sure to brighten someone's day. Glad you put the different cartridges with your designs back on your blog. Guess it was gone for a while and just want you to know i missed it.
Love your bright and sunny card!
love the bright bold colors of the striped paper. Since it is now raining here bright colors are nice!
Great, bright cheery card!! Lee-Ann
I love this card! The cards are fantastic. It makes me smile!
What a colorful card, that will make anyone 'smile'. I love CM, that was how I first got started in scrapbooking back in 1998, wow. How things have changed and all for the better!
Very cute and colorful card!
I love your cards. I host a card group of fledgeling card makers. You always give me good ideas of what to help them make. Well, I can always use new ideas for what to make for my card to exchange. Thanks.
What a bright cheery card! Love the rainbow look! :o)
We have a cloudy overcast day here in Arizona. So this bright cheery card, is perfect. It is soo cute!
Thank you for sharing your creativity with us.
Kathleen (
Yet another great cartridge! I love the colors you chose for the card. They are enough to make you smile and life your spirits. Thank you for sharing.
Love all the bright colors on this card. It fantastic.
very nice and bright card, love it
I love the colors on this card! And the t-shirt you did for your other blog (the name has left me!) is wonderful! It's got my 3 year old written all over it!
Question that maybe you can answer: is it okay to post a picture of a CTMH stamp set on my blog if I give credit? I wanted to show the parts I used and how great the stamp set is, but it is the "Wicked" set...and therefore not for sale anymore (I think?). My blog is so new, no one will see it for a year :), but I am wondering how companies react to their images being posted if credit is given.
super cute card. Love the bright colors.
Just makes me smile!
SusanJ in Atlanta
I love the bright colors! lol me being a collector of smiley face anythings would of course have to
put a smile on the sun!
thanks for the inspiration!
I really love the bright colors here!
What beautiful colors! Very cheerful :)
Love the bright colours of this card and the way you did SMILE. It reminds me of scrabble pieces, a game that my sister and I play whenever we get together!
that card made me smile ;) love the bright colors. what a great getwell card. thanks for all you do and share.
Very nice, colorful card.
You really show me all the great project I can do with my Cricut. You help me to think outside of the box.
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