Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello Thursday ROUND 2 June 2011

Hello, friends!

Today is the second Hello Thursday of the month! I have to tell you I REALLY like this one because all of the cartridges are full cartridges this time. I just love a good full cartridge. Not to mention all of the features that come with a full cartridge.

Not only are they all full cartridges, but they are all REALLY good full cartridges. I am particularly fond of Summer Celebrations and Autumn Celebrations. You will be seeing lots made with those cartridges on this blog for sure.

Summer Celebrations: As per usual I put my favorite at the top. I could make project after project using this one!

I used Bo Bunny and Fancy Pants paper.
This was cut out at 2 3/4".
This was cut out at 2 3/4".
The title was cut out at 2 1/2".
The journaling tag was cut using the Destinations cartridge at 2".

Creative Memories Traveler: Those people at Creative Memories have done it once again! I have not met a Creative Memories cartridge yet that I did not love!

The paper is from Echo Park.
I cut the journaling tag out at 1 3/4" and the flowers out at 1 1/4".
The title is cut out at 3".
This sun is cut out at  4".
The palm trees are cut out at 7".

Ornamental Iron II - The first one was a total winner in my book and this one does not disappoint. Check out the cool font!

The paper I used on this layout is from Fancy Pants. I cut the two  half  circles at 10  1/2".
I cut out 'sweet' at 1 1/2" using the Paisley cartridge.
The frame is 6".
This is the very unique font that is included on this cartridge and it is cut out at 1 1/2".
Autumn Celebrations: This cartridge is really fantastic! I cannot believe how many great holiday images they included on here. 

I should give you  a little explanation as to what my layout is all about. Well, as most of you know my husband is from England and they celebrate every November 5th Guy Fawkes Day. I am pretty excited that this has been included on this cartridge because I know those English Cricut users will now be able to scrapbook this unusual holiday in style!

I used SU! paper.
The title is cut out at 4" using the NEW Phrases cartridge. 
I cut out this Guy Fawkes effigy at 6".
'Bonfire NIght' was cut out at 3".

Teresa Collins Sophisticated: If you have liked any of the other Teresa Collins cartridges you are gonna love this one. It has some really great word art and a very beautiful font. 

I used DCWV paper. 
I cut LOVE out at 1 3/4".
This wonderful frame is cut out at 4 1/2".

Phrases: Been looking fora cartridge with nothing but scrapbook titles and sentiments for your cards? Then this cartridge is a must have for you. It really covers everything!

I used Basic Grey paper.
This FABULOUS bit of word art is cut out at 3 1/2". Also the wonderful banners are cut  out at 3/4".
These fireworks are  from the Summer Celebrations cartridge and are cut out at 2" and the sparkler is cut out at 2 1/2".

Now down to the giveaway. I am giving away a Simply Charmed cartridge. To be eligible to win all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and be a follower of this blog either through blogger or through email subscription.

Now that you have seen what I have done with the NEW cartridges make sure you head over to Obsessed with Scrapbooking to check out what she has done! She knocked that Teresa Collins cartridge out of the park! Click here ==> Obsessed with Scrapbooking

See you all back here later on with even more projects made with the NEW cartridges!

Have a terrific Thursday!

Photobucket Subscribe to Courtney Lane Designs by Email


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Amanda said...

Love your projects!! I think my 2 faves are the Teresa Collins cartridge and the Phrases. TFS!

amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love Thursday! So excited to get some of these! : )

Angie said...

Fantastic projects, as always!

latanya said...

Great projects! Great carts! You did an amazing job.

nana2madmax said...

I neeeed the Phrases cart!

Pam said...

Wow wonderful projects. I love love
love your project from the Teresa
Collins cart. I can see that as wall art to with family done too as a collective for a family photo gallery. This cart is definately going on my wish list!!!
Thanks for the chance on the give away. You are awesome!

Scraprelief said...

Great job on your projects-as always. Phrases is my favorite and will HAVE to buy that one. Thanks for sharing. Julie
luniegirls at yahoo dot com

TyTynNiyasmom said...

My fav is the Traveler one. You did an awesome job with the cart. The LO with the Echo Park paper is beautiful

Mimi Gamez said...

Great Projects! I do like the Teresa ollins cartridge, I'm new to cricut, so I'm going to look for her other cartidges.


Scrapperdee said...

Love your projects - I like summer celebration best too!

Thanks for the chance to win

scrapperdee at gmail dot com

Corrie M. said...

This Hello Thursday is going to take me to the poor house!! I love them all, hope someone has them on sale soon!!!

Sarah said...

Your projects are amazing! I love the new TC cart!

Debbie (from Sugar Land) said...

you did an awesome job! There's too many good ones this time around - how can I choose just one?

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower and i love the new cartridges!!! they keep getting better. i agree, full carts are wonderful;)

Cynthia Baldwin said...

Fantastic set of carts! Love the CM Traveler and also the Phrases carts - and of course your projects ROCK! TFS!!

jjocarlson said...

I am a follower! Luv all these cartriges! Your layouts make me want them all! Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize!

Josie0602 said...

Great projects!! I love the Phrases and the Traveler carts!

Star Ark Creativity said...

I love all the new cartridge that has come out and I love your work that you have done with these cartridge. I glad that I'm a follower of yours. Because love looking at your work and I always show it on my facebook. Thank you for alway sharing your work.
Have a great day :)

Linda M said...

I love the Phrases cartridge!! Thanks for Hello Thursdays!!!!

Star Ark Creativity said...

I love the page you done on the Fourth of July. I hope you don't mind if I used your idea of that one for my son 18 birthday. I know that I don't own these cartridge yet but I going to creat it some how.
Thank you

Brigitte said...

WOW, your projects are fantastic!!! Great job!
brigitteetleschats at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! This is the BEST Hello Thursday in a long while! So many new carts to add to the wish list! LOVE your projects ... beautiful perfection as usual!
jrbarger2 at yahoo dot com

SallyP said...

All of your projects really show off the cartridges. I really like the Simply Phrases. That is one that I will wear out!

Carji said...

I just stumbled upon your page and LOVE your projects!!! Awesome cartridges today and don't think I can pick just one of them.

kristyscraps said...

Wonderful new projects with these exciting new cartridges! Makes me want to scrap right this second...oh ya, have kids must drive around to soccer camp!! :)
kristyscraps at sbcglobal dot net

Life with Rob and Jess said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't realize, or perhaps I missed the memo that there were 2 hello thursdays this month!! They are so awesome!!! Nothing against the lite cartridges, but full ones are so much more preferred!!


Great new cartridges!! Great projects. Thanks for the chance to win, I don't own the Simply Charmed Cartridge and it is top of my list of carts. to buy (if only it would be cheap somewhere).
sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

Sarah T said...

Awesome job displaying the features of these cool cartridges. Love your art--just subscribed via email.

nellie27 said...

You have been so busy!! Love, love, love your projects. Happy crafting.

Crhiga said...

Love all of your projects!! The phrase cart looks very interesting!! Love it, you don't have to weld (lol)!!!

crhiga at hawaiiantel dot net

Nannie of 3 said...

Looks like they really pulled out all the stops on this release - wow!!! I'm in BIG trouble with this release. Thanks for sharing your projects too, they're awesome!

Cathy said...

Love them all but my favorites are Theresa Collins and Phrases. All your projects are great as usual. I need to get some of them for my collection, there I go, going broke! lol!

The Hendrix Family said...

The Phrasea cartridge just made my squeal! I cant wait to get my hands on it!!

Jacquelyn said...

Wow, these new cartridges are awesome! I love the beach layout!

shelly said...

If I had to choose one of those cartridges, I would have a really hard time! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love your projects also! Faves are CM Traveler and Ornamental Iron! The projects certainly make you feel the need to have the carts!

Pat N. said...

Wow, what great cartridges!! Thanks for making such great samples for us. Really gives me a good idea of what's available. Thanks!!

snappy scrappy said... all your projects!! Lee-Ann :)

DebJoAl said...

Love all the new cartridges & what you did with them! Teresa Collins may be my fave, no wait, Ornamental Iron II. Or is it CM Traveler...?

Unknown said...

I love the phrases cartridge most of all, but really like the others and the projects too. I would love to win

Yolanda said...

All your projects look great!!! I really like the travel cartridge and the layout you did!!

Houses Built of Cards said...

What a great round of cartridges - and AWESOME projects to showcase them!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Lisa R. said...

Fabby cartridges and terrific inspiration! TFS joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

Candy said...

Awesome cartridges... and your projects are beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

My favorite is phrases. I love it. Thanks for the giveaway

Marlene said...

Beautiful projects. Love seeing what you come up with on Hello Thursday. The Phrase cart is looking pretty good!

Scrapper69 said...

LOVE all the projects! And I'm with you on the Autumn Cartridge... I just LOVE it! :o)

CathyinMN said...

Your projects rock! Of course, they always do, but I just had to say it. My favorite cart (without seeing the entire book) is Ornamental Iron 2. Just love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

Heather said...

Great release! Love all your projects!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com

craftymom205 said...

Great new cartridges. I really like the ornamental iron II. Great images.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

Angela Pyjas said...

I do Love all the cartridges! Hmmm! I have to say I really like Ornamental Iron 2 and Phrases! Great Projects!

debbie susee said...

Wow! THat's a lot of new cartridges already this month and we have one more Thursday to go!

Karen said...

Amazing projects! How fun to have Hello Thursdays three weeks in a row! k underscore austgen at yahoo dot com

Hope said...

Your projects are always so full of wonderful detail! Love it all!!! Another vote for the Phrases cartridge!! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

These are all BEAUTIFUL creations!!! I'm so excited about the Teresa Collins cartridge, the images are beautiful. TFS! -Sam

SamanthaJDesigns @

Lisa P said...

awesome creations!

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

My Oh My!!! All your projects are SUPER DUPER FANTASTICO!!! How do you come up with these so fast? Love, Love, Love the Summer Layout. Smooches... Felicia at frankleecrafts[at]gmail[dot]com

Lisa's Creative Niche said...

So much fun! That's a lot of work you have done too! love them all and thanks again!

tina said...

I love the CM cartricdge! I can't wait to get it!

Sue D said...

Great projects and cartridges. Love the tree and tire swing on the Summer Celebrations cartridge.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Carissa said...

Your projects are so beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win a cart. Not gonna lie - the whole Guy Fawkes thing is a little weird. Is he being burned at the stake?

Court said...

TFS! You projects are awsome. I can see some of thes carts in my future: hopfully!

scrapdiva said...

What a beautiful projects, love the Theresa Collins and ornamental 2

SherriC. said...

I totally agree in your Favourite Cart Melanie, I LOVE the Summer Celebrations, finally a Cart with some Canadian stuff, just a few but it is FANTASTIC!!!!!
I can't wait to get this cart!!!!!
thank you so much for sharing your fabulous creations with us.....
and for the chance to win, I have wanted this cart for so long......
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

SGilley said...

I'm soooooo confused...autumn was my favorite of the new releases. However, seeing your Indepence Day Layout....I think I'm liking "phrases" a whole bunch! thanks for sharing.

AJoy said...

I thought I knew which one was my favorite until I saw your take on the Traveler! Ugh! I. Must. Have. This. Cartridge.

nginerd at gmail dot com

Deanne said...

I must get that creative memories one! I love the beach stuff on it!

Crystal said...

LOVE the summer and autumn celebrations cartridges! Great project ideas as usual, thanks!

Pink Lady's Paradise said...

I love all of your projects. Great job! I really love your colorful summer layout! And the sweet love card are my favorites.

Thanks for all the inspiration,
Cindy :)

Tami B. said...

There's a couple of these I would really like to have. Great job on your projects.

Cindy@ said...

Love your projects, especially the traveling layout. Very colorful and cheery. Thank you for always sharing your great ideas with us. Cindy

Anonymous said...

More cartridges released!. I can't keep uyThey're all so fun. I love Thursday!!

Anonymous said...

Provo Craft is going to make my budget go way out of wack this month!!! Too many to keep up wiyh and of course I want them all!!!
Great projects!!!
Have a happy crafting day!!

Abby Beard said...

Beautiful projects! And I love these new carts :) My fave is Autumn Celebrations :)


ocm said...

I love the new Autumn cartridge!! It is great! Love your projects to go with them all--great ideas.

: )

Paperberrycards said...

Love your cards and layouts. You always have the greatest cards. You put together just the right pictures and colors. TFS
hairdresser16 at aol dot com

grambojoan said...

i love the new cartridges and pre ordered the cm one from my dealer
love the new ortamental 2

Elaine said...

Melanie, love, love your projects with the new releases! I think the Phrases will be my new favorite!

Michelle said...

Love all your projects with the new cartridges. Very cute!
jmha4 at q dot com

Chrissy's Creations said...

I love your projects. Ornamental Iron 2 is my favorite! The cutes are just gorgeous. Thanks for the chance to win, Hugs, Christine

JessPar said...

I love your new projects with the new cartridges. Super cute.

Denise-Scrapmouse said...

Thanks for sharing the new cartridges with us and all your great ideas too. Love your Traveler and Phrases layouts. Very cute!

Kelly Braund said...

I agree, I love the Summer & Autumn carts- I love how they have different styles on the same carts and some new stuff not on any other carts! Very cool!

Shelly said...

I'm really liking these new carts! Summer looks like fun and also the sophisticated is so beautiful!!

Carol's Creations said...

All of these projects are AMAZING! I LOVE the new carts!

Bunnyfreak said...

I love the new Ornamental Iron 2 cart.

Sukie said...

Lots of great cartridges have been released over the last two weeks! Your projects make me want them all. I love Ornamental Iron 2 and Sophisticated!

scrappindhilly at gmail dot com

Aman said...

Love your projects! Great showcase! I agree that I love full carts too.

amanbains1 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that I joined your blog. It is simply the best! I love all the ideas and each of your talent. I can't decide what cartridges to get. There are so many retiring and all the new ones. My head is swimming. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

Kathleen (


These new cartridges are great! PC knocked it out of the park on these!

mmc123mac at yahoo dot com

Joan Smith said...

Love all your projects...I'm excited about the phrase cartridge...I actually put in a request for this type of cartridge....yea!!!!

Janet said...

Your projects are awesome! I am loving the summer celebration too! But I LOVE them all! I am a follower!

debz said...

Your projects are awesome as always! I really like the creative memories one I think. Thanks for a chance to win.

debz831 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I really liked your Travel creation. I would say that the Teresa Collins cart is my favorite, until I saw this... how abou that is my favorite cart and the Card is my favorite design made from the new carts.

Tracy said...

Love this site! Your projects are so creative!

DanMary said...

Teresa Collins Sophisticated is my favoite one.
Love the projects and thanks for all of the info!! :)

DanMary said...

Teresa Collins Sophisticated, I love this one.
Love the projects!!

Lucy said...

Love what you came up with using these new cartridges. They are awesome :)

DanMary said...

Love the Teresa Collins Sophisticated cartridge.
Awesome projects!

Ann said...

Some really great "stuff" here. Wow can't believe the new things they are coming up with ~ Great!

Ami said...

I absolutely adore your Traveler page. The colors are perfect. Now I really want that cartridge. :)

Unknown said...

Melanie, you knocked it out of the park with those layouts! I really love how you pick your paper, you coordinate so well! Best Hello Thursday ever for me!

CSeeger said...

I love all of the projects you did for this release. It will be hard to decide which cart to get first . . .

littlen said...

great projects. it's going to be hard not to add all the new releases to my wish list.

Mary Y said...

I love, love, love all of it!
thosbandm at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations! Love these new cartridges!

walkcarole at gmail dot com

Paula Mackey said...

Amazing projects!!

Rachel K said...

Your projects are great, as usual! I can see that you have been VERY busy!! I love these releases...can't wait to get my mitts on some! :)

Angela W. said...

Your pages are Excellent! The paper for the 4th of July page was lovely. My wish list for cartridges has just gotten longer, Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing us all the new cartridges! Such cute projects! I would love to win your giveaway!

Cathy A.

Meems said...

Gosh, these are all so cute. I especially love the baby our big family, that would get LOTS of use. Thanks for sharing your talent and great ideas.

Mira said...

Love the Traveler cartridge. Cute beach images.

TeresaK said...

I've seen several blogs with projects from the latest release, but I have to say yours are by far the best! BEAUTIFUL! Makes me want them all! I have not picked up Simply Charmed either and would love it!
Teresa K

Short Scrapper said...

My head's swimming . . . I haven't gotten over the last release when PC goes out and does this to me! Man, I need a sugar daddy BIG time!!! lol

Cindy L said...

You've given me such inspiration to try new things!! Absolutely beautiful projects - thanks for sharing them!

Daily Cropper said...

I love all these new cartridges and your ideas are awesome! Thanks so much!

Pamela said...

I really like Ornamental Iron 2 and Sophisticated, but I am a bit disappointed that there are so many keys and keyholes on the Sophisticated cartridge.

Your layout with the waves makes me interested in that cartridge too!

Anniebee said...

Fantastic example projects, Melanie! I agree with you that this release appeals to me more overall than the last few. I like Ornamental Iron 2, both of the celebrations and the one with the titles and sentiments (can't remember the name of it). Thanks for sharing your marvelous work with us.

anniebeescraftroom at gmail dot com

Jennie said...

Love all your projects! I'm with you on the Summer Celebrations - I love that one! Nice job!

gshrader said...

Great projects! Thanks for sharing!
Definitely want a few of these carts!!!
gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com

Susan McCormick said...

Wow, they just keep getting better and better.

scrappingnana said...

Great new cartridges. I am already wanting them all. Love all your projects. My favorites are Teresa Collins and Ornamental Iron 2.
scrappingnana4 at

Shawna Magrum Pederson said...

Loved the font on the Ornamental Iron2 and the Teresa Collins cart was made for me!!! Thank you for your constant inspiration!

Tonya M said...

Love your projects.

tonyakrauth AT yahoo DOT com

Kim. said...

Brilliant projects, especially love the baby layout it is so pretty and the detail in the cuts are so delicate.
Kim xXx

gwood said...

I think the summer and fall carts are great!

Camden said...

As always, you blow me away with your creativity!! I love that new CM cartridge, and quite the opposite - wondered how I would use the OI2 cart...but you did a beautiful job using it on a LO! Maybe I do need that one. ;)

Have a great weekend!

Arlene said...

Just when I figure out what new cartridges I'd like to get.. they come out with more! The list is getting tooooo long. Love your projects with these new ones.

Sherrie K. said...

Fabulous creations!! These carts are gonna break me,LOL! I love them all and can see doing a lot of FUN projects!
Sherrie K

Donna said...

wow, the carts and your projects are outstanding. I so love your work. Don't have Simply Charmed so will throw my name in the hat.

Donna C.

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I love these new releases! I just received a cricut and I want so get a couple of these soon!

D'Ann said...

Such great designs!

Cheryl W. said...

I am a happy follower and I just love that new Ornamental Iron 2 cartridge. I love to use intricate cuts like those on my cards. Your projects are wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win!

moknowsall said...

Mel - I really always love your layouts - there are just not enough good examples out there..... the summer one you did is my fav - but all are wonderful.... love your choices.


LaurieD said...

I love, love, love the phrases cart!!! This month is fantastic with all the new releases! I love your pillow - well, all the projects!

Sally Gasparri said...

I subscribe to your blog by email. All your new projects are over the top good. I especially like the Independence Day layout because it uses the Phrases cart which I think is the best idea Provo Craft has come up with in a long time. Thanks for the opportunity to win a new cart.

Sally Gasparri

Bonita said...

Great showcase for the new carts. Love your projects. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love the Love in a frame that you did from the phrases cart. Just beautiful. Thanks for all the great examples of what can be made with each cartridge.

Anonymous said...

I hope to get the Ornamental Iron 2 as it looks fabulous. Always so many wonderful ones to choose from.

Dianne Bell *

A Crafty Person said...

Wonderful projects of just a few of the ways one could use these new carts. My favorite would have to be the new traveler cart.

Lesley Lockhart said...

Yay for a cartridge with Guy Fawkes! also, again, love all the projects you inpsire.

Sharon D. said...

I love the new cartridges. I am new with the cricut and wishing I could get all the cartridges. Thanks for a chance to win one.

shjo41 at cox dot net

tonka50 said...

I love the new carts and all of your projects! I think my favorite is Phrases. TFS and the chance to win.

MimiKat said...

WOW, all the projects you made, the cartridges you featured are amazing. You seem to find just the right colors for each project.

Thank you for a chance to win


Carrie K said...

These new carts are all great! And I love all your projects! You amaze me!

JWZCreations said...

Love the new carts! Thanks for all the cool layouts, cards, and tips! I totally enjoy them.
jzahniser at windstream dot com

Sharlyn said...

I would love a chance to win! Love the word art cart, this release has so many great ones!

JustJules said...

All your projects look great! I really like the new CM cartridge. Can't wait to get it!! Thanks for the giveaway!


Evette K. said...

Love my Cricut cartridges and would love to win one. Love them all but the Traveler is I think one of my number ones.

Jenniferjay said...

Hi everyone!!! I LOVE the Teresa Collins Sophisticated cartridge the BEST, but the Ornamental Iron 2 is a CLOSE 2nd. They are both AWESOME and I would Love to have one!!

Synthia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Synthia said...

Cute new images. I can never have enough cartridges.

The Cropping Canuck said...

Yay for Thursdays!

Crystal W said...

So many new cartridges! I think I will look for "Phrases" also love the content of Traveler!

Beth F. said...

Such wonderful projects! Your summer layout is amazing! My favorite new cart would have to be the Teresa Collins one.

bfiscus at nntc dot net

Em'smom said...

OMG! love the projects! I cant wait to get my hands on the new ones!!!!

Dalis said...

I think I like the ornamental iron 2. thanks for the chance!

-- dalis
alidalis AT comcast DOT net

MeGlo said...

What is Provo Craft trying to do to me??? I'm doomed! Can't choose which one I can't live without.... for the second Thursday in a row!
LOVED all of your projects!

Just A Pac Rat said...

Wow, these are wonderful project, especially like the Independence day layout. My favorite of the new releases is the Phrases because it will help the most with my Operation Write Home cards. TFS

Anonymous said...

I just love Hello thursdays! And having 3 this month is awesome. Thanks for such a wonderful preview of the cartidges.

Corie said...

I just found your website and immediately added it to my favorites list. I am new to the Cricut...just got my first one last month and have already done SOOOO much with it. I am very excited to add to my cartridges and will definitely be getting the Phrases cartridge 1st!!!

Char J said...

great projects. tx for sharing. throw my name in the hat for the giveaway.

Melissa said...

Great projects as always!! Thanks!

Karla said...

Just love your work! Thanks for sharing such beautiful inspiration. Would love the Simply Charmed cartridge.

Heather DG said...

Wow - some really great examples for our viewing pleasure. Love your LO using Traveler.

Now don't you wonder how many Google searches are going to be done today on Guy Fawkes for sure :)

cush464 said...

Great new cartridges and project ideas. My favorite is the new Sophisticated cartridge.

cush464 said...

Great new cartridges and project ideas. My favorite is the new Sophisticated cartridge.

Denise Turner said...

What great cartridges!! Now to decide which order to buy them.

Mari Harpham said...

I love your bold lay-out using the traveler cartridge.

C + J Creations said...

I think the Travlers is a must have for this beach bum from FL!!

mp8tz said...

My faves are Phrases / travelers

Donnas Den said...

Fab review and great ideas. I think you make a good point about the Autumn range and Guy Fawkes.

Donna x

Ms. P said...

This is the first Hello Thursday where I want each and every cart they've offered. Wow!!!

giddingslane at gmail dot com

ctibbmn said...

Nice layouts!! I love how you put all the papers together, expecially the sand and sea one and Independence day! TFS!!

ctibbmn at yahoo dot com

Chris said...

Love all the new cartridges but I think my favs are the summer and autumn ones.

Jaren said...

This is one of my favorite hello thursday's too! LOVE your summer layout with the creative mem. cart. I want that one and the Phrases because I'm a big scrapbooker.

Victoria said...

Great projects, I love the CM carts to.

SaraBug said...

Love the layouts. All the new carts are going on my wish list.

Cin said...

So many great new carts1 I think I'm really liking the Phrases and Teresa Collins ones!

A Cup of Cold Water said...

LOVE all of your great projects! Grat paper choices, too!
Thanks for sharing

pcrusberg said...

Love the france layout. All the projects are great though. Thanks!

pcrusberg at aol dot com

Wendy said...

Love all of these new cartridge releases, and what you have done with them!

Wendy T.

Anonymous said...

The projects are wonderful and i think i would have problems deciding but I think Teresa Collins just pips the ornamental Iron
janet d

candy said...

Fantastic scrapping as always. I love your work, thanks for sharing !!!!

Sandy said...

You have made such beautiful projects using these new cartridges. I especially loved the "Love" card you did. Thank you for your work.

Sharka said...

Great projects and great carts!!! Luv your LO made w/the Creative Memories Traveller cart... thank you :)

Unknown said...

those all look great.i want ornamenttal iron 2 and teresa tfs

Peggy said...

Great projects. I love visiting your blog. Thanks for the chance to win a fantastic prize. {{Hugs}}
Stampnmore at aol dot com

Sophisticated Glamorina said...

Teresa Collins, yes please! Love all your projects.

SuzieQ said...

I love all of them..favorites are Phrases and Ornamental Iron2.

suezoos1 at aol dot com

gailf said...

Ornamental Iron 2 is my favorite

Sherrie Murphy said...

You have the best creations, I love you posts!

Carrie Zrodlowski said...

love the projects. I may have to add summer celebrations to my collection.

Cheryl said...

OMG so many cartridges so little time and money! You have done an amazing job showing off these cartridges! Thanks for sharing!

Kaycee said...

i LOVE the season carts!!! Summer has to be my favorite, because we are a very patriotic family, but I love them all!!! I think it's about that time! LOL

Donna said...

Great projects, I really am impressed by your creativity! Thanks for the chance to win.

Stacey Brucale said...

Awesome projects! I love the Sophisticated and the Traveler cartridges!

Beth said...

Melanie, great projects. My2 favorites are the Traveler & Phrases layouts. Will add those two cartridges to my wish list.

lauraleigh said...

Love your Independence Day layout!! Great work!

lobos810 said...


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