Thursday, March 24, 2011

and the winner of the paper lace cartridge is....

Blogger Pamela said...
This is the BEST Hello Thursday! Damask is to die for! I also want the Elegant Edges! And Paper Lace is the one "older" cartridge that I still want too! You did a great job with your samples. I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the Pop Up cards that pop! I'm having trouble visualizing what they are like.
March 18, 2011 6:00 AM

Congratulations, Pamela!! Please email your address details to me at and I will send this cartridge to you! You have two weeks to claim your prize.

Have a great day!!!

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Carol W. said...

Congratulations Pamela!

Court said...

Congrats Pamela!

Wanda said...

I just found your blog today! Love the paper lace and pop up cartridges!

Ohhh Snap said...

Congratulations Pamela :D

Anonymous said...

congrats Pamela U R going 2 luv Paper Lace ......

Joan Smith

Sandi Clarkson said...

Congrats to the lucky winner ... better luck for me .. next time

Oh SO fAb.. jOjO said...

yay! congrats!

Kate said...

Congratulations, Pamela!
I'm also interested in seeing more creations from Pop Up Cards. I'll like to understand what's available with that cartridge.

annied said...

Congrats Pamela! Looks like a fun cartridge.

Pamela said...

I just saw the email that I won! Thank you so much over and over again Melanie! This is so exciting! I almost can't believe it! I'm babeling, I know it. Sorry, that's how excited I am.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Pamela! Its a wonderful cartridge to work with.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Pamela! Have fun with your winnings.

Northwoodszoo said...


Donna said...

Congratulations Pamela! This looks like a great cartridge!

Blessings, Donna

Sahily said...


carmen said...

congrats to Pamela!!!! Just signed on your your blog.....can't wait to see what's next....