Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lime Light Task #9

Here are the first few cards I have made for next month's challenge with the Lime Light design team. It is for the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition.

I am really trying to stay on top of this challenge so I don't have a huge push at the end. So, I am trying to make a card a day atleast until I am done.

Here are the first four...


mudmaven said...

Melanie - these are wonderful! I am certain that they will be a big hit with the gals! Thanks so much for participating in this task. ~chris

eiyiyi said...

Hey Melanie, these cards are gorgeous! I love that little hedgehog! These will be cherished by some women who can really use a boost.

mudmaven said...

The "sisters" is not a stamp but a digital image. Email me. ~chris

Leah said...

Hi Melanie! Great cards, always love your stuff:) I wanted to ask you some things about taking the plunge for Copic markers, could we email a bit back and forth? My email is:

lanipuakea at

Can't wait to chat:)

all4sydney said...

They are ALL Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are all just gorgeous!
(-: Heidi

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately how incredibly talented you are?? WOW!!
