
Thursday, April 17, 2014

63 Art philosophy projects and counting!

Well, my friends, I wanted to update you all with the results of the biopsy. Unfortunately, they have found that the tumor is actually malignant. This is obviously, quite devastating and out of left field. I do not have a prognosis yet as they have not determined the stage. Hopefully this will be determined soon. I am being sent to an oncologist this week, so that ball will start rolling soon. Please pray for me and my family. Again, this comes as quite a shock and we are all trying to take in the information. We need all of the divine intervention we can get. I am not usually one to ask for prayers. In fact, this ordeal has been the first time I have been compelled to do so. I guess it is because my little boy is 10 years old and needs a momma. I am confident that with prayer, positive thoughts, and some fight on my side, I will beat this thing and everything will be good in the world again!
On to the parade of Art Philosophy projects!

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  1. Oh Melanie I am so sorry that you were handed such devastating results. You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts an prayers sweetheart.

    Your post today is definitely a beautiful one and sure represents what a gifted gal you are bringing so much happy to all of us everyday. What you do does come from your heart and done with passion you are such a talented gal. It was fun seeing all of your 63 Art philosophy projects.

  2. My heart hurts but I know what a strong woman you are and you seem to have a great support system in your family and friends. Prayers and hugs...

  3. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

  4. Your projects showcase the cartridge wonderfully.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  5. I just wanted to extend my best wishes for you and your family as you go through this difficult time. You seem like a very strong woman who will fight mightily and come out stronger in the end. Thank you for all the beautiful work you have shared and will continue to share in the future.

  6. Melanie, you and your family continue to be in my prayers, as you go on this new and challenging journey. Unfortunately cancer does not discriminate. If anyone needs (((hugs))) it's you.

    Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful Art Philosophy projects, some were new to me and others I completely forgot about. These past few days shows how busy you've been with the three wonderful carts, what will you share with us tomorrow?

  7. Sweet Melanie,

    You continue to be in my prayers as does your family. As a cancer survivor, I understand your fears and questions. There's no question in my mind that you will beat this!!!


  8. Oh, sweet Melanie, I'm tugging on God's robes so hard for you! Lean on others and know we are all here for you. Reach out and ask for whatever you need--it's your turn! Hugs, love, and positive thoughts!

  9. Everyone is on your side! Keep on going like Rhoda B. and you will
    be inspiring us with your talents.
    Prayers are powerful. rosebud114

  10. So sorry Melanie! You will be in my thoughts! Your projects are amazing as usual!

  11. Oh Melanie I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I'm praying for you and hoping for the best for you. Stay smiling and positive, big hugs xoxox

  12. Melanie, I am praying for you and your family and I will continue to pray for you.

  13. Melanie, I'm so sorry to hear your news. Maybe knowing I'm a cancer survivor will let you know this Can be beat! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  14. i'm hoping you keep as positive as possible. this isnt the end, it's a new beginning for you and your family. you're strong and your family loves you! praying you have the strength to fight this and the outlook to overcome this new battle.
    you're an amazing and talented woman. sending prayers and (((hugs))) your way!

  15. Dear Melanie, Keeping you and your family in my prayers! Keep positive, you will get through this. Hugs!

  16. This truly is an amazing cartridge. I enjoyed seeing all these beautiful cards. I am truly sorry to hear of your biopsy results. My prayers are with you and your family to give you strength to fight this.


  17. I look to your site every day for inspiration, you are very creative and inspiring. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless, Janice West

  18. Melanie--my heart is hurting for you right now. I will be praying for you and your family. I love all of the Art Philosophy projects since this is the only one of the cartridges I have right now. Looking forward to more...

  19. Praying for you and your family. As always, I love your crafting and love your blog. Thank you for the inspiration :)

  20. I am praying for you and your family as you face this challenge head on.
    Sending big hugs your way,

  21. Melanie I'm so sorry to hear your news. You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. And thank you for sharing your beautiful talent with all of us. Sending big hugs. lindagk23

  22. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and positive. God will guide you through this very difficult time.

    Your projects are so beautiful.


  23. Melanie, I'm so sorry that you received this news! I am a Mom of two, and was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer when my kids were 8 and 5, so I completely understand how you are feeling right now. You will get through this just like I did - with prayer, determination, and good medical care. My kids are now 11 and 8 and I am doing fine. I pray and wish for the same outcome for you. Take care of yourself!

  24. I sure have enjoyed seeing the sets of cards from each cartridge. How fun to see the different card ideas all together.

  25. Melanie, I will continue to pray for you, your family, and wisdom for the doctors. I know this is a scary time so I'll pray for peace and healing. Thanks for all the card ideas; these three carts are my favorite.

  26. Melanie my dear,

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. I appreciate all you do for me and if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know. It's your turn.

    Please rest when you can and take time for yourself. Do things that make you happy.

    Hugs, Irene Mermelstein

  27. First of all my prayers and thought are with you and your family. I will be thinking of you, I know thinking positive is the best course along with following your Drs. orders. Second I will like to send all the beautiful cards you have made for us and send them right back to you as a large bouquet of flowers back to you to cheer you up. Third I am always inspired by your cards they clever, colorful and give us so many ideas to take from. Once again thanks for the chance to win.

  28. Melanie- We are all worthy of asking for prayers. Don't ever not ask. No persons pain or worries are greater than anyone elses. You will be in my prayers. Keep up the good attitude and spend some time praying and ASKING the Lord for stregth & healing.

  29. Melanie, my prayers and thoughts are with you. You have been such a blessing with your beautiful creations and inspirations. Thank you

  30. Melanie, you and your family are in my prayers.

  31. My heart and prayers go out for you. Thank you fir all the beautiful creations you have shown us. Keep calm and keep going.

  32. Oh Melanie, I am so sorry to hear this news. I know this is not what you wanted to hear. I am praying or you and your family that God gives you the strength and the courage that you will need in the coming days as you fight this disease. Remember that God in in control and he never puts more on you than you can handle. I am confident that you will beat this terrible disease take care of yourself and stay strong. My thoughts and Prayers are with you.


  33. Sending prayers to you and your family.


  34. Dear Melanie,
    You are in our prayers,God is looking after you. Check this please! Asparagus against Cancer. It help my mom.

  35. Oh,I'm so sorry!Keep positive, keep strong,keep fighting this & most of all keep praying: Matt 7:7 Ask & it will be given... Matt.21:22 whatsoever ye Ask in prayer believing ye shall receive...
    Sending You & Your Family Love,Thoughts & Prayers
    God Bless You!

  36. Sending prayers-this is truly awful news.

    All your projects here are SO beautiful!

  37. You will continue to be in my prayers. I am confident you will join the community if people who are not only survivors but thrivers! We find we are stronger than we ever thought possible. Take care honey!

  38. Sending special prayers to and your family. Stay strong and positive.

  39. Melanie, Don't hesitate to take the time to heal..whatever it takes as we will always be following you with prayer and thoughts. You've done so much for us!

  40. Hugs and prayers to you, Melanie.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful cards with us.

  41. We're all sending you our strength and positive thoughts. We know you'll fight this thing like only a strong woman can! Hugs and prayers to you.

  42. Such beautiful projects! Your creativity amazes me!

  43. Melanie, I will definitely be praying for you. I will pray for peace and God's grace to get you through this. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. She just went back and got great news. Yes, it was a long year and we had some really difficult days, but with God's grace we made it through. Stay positive

  44. Sending positive thoughts your way. Awesome projects! Thanks for sharing your time, talents, and ideas with us.

  45. So sorry to hear this news, Melanie, but if a positive attitude and our good thoughts and prayers will help, you are already on the way to recovery! You inspire me so often with your color combinations and different uses of the cards, cartridges, stamps, etc. We ail all be here for you in spirit, and I'm sure we all wish we could give you a real hug when you need it. God bless, and our prayers are with you. BethAnn M.

  46. I am sorry that is not good news. I am oraying for you to be able to kick this in the butt. I know 2 ladies personally that were diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and they are on 5 year remission anniversaries! I know you too can kick it! Best of luck with you and of course still love all of your projects!

    Denise Wells

  47. I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family. Love all these projects!! Thanks for the share.


  48. I can only imagine how devastated you were when you heard the news.
    I am so sorry. Prayer is a very positive avenue. Through God all things are possible. I will continue to send prayers up and ask Him to bless you. Please keep a positive attitude.
    Blessings for you.
    Mary O'Neal
    South Bend, IN

  49. ...praying for you and your family...

  50. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  51. Melanie......I am so sorry to hear of your news. Keep your faith in God. Will be praying for you. Stay strong & positive.

    Your projects are really beautiful. I would love to be half as talented as you are.

  52. Melanie......I am so sorry to hear of your news. Keep your faith in God. Will be praying for you. Stay strong & positive.

    Your projects are really beautiful. I would love to be half as talented as you are.

  53. Melanie, that is not the news we hoped to hear, but it did not surprise God! No matter where you go or what you must do, he is in control and goes ahead of you to prepare the way.Take comfort in the prayers of many who want to see you well again. I love what you have done with the Art Philosophy cartridge! Such beautiful works of art!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Melanie, you stay positive. We are all thinking about you and sending our prayers your way. Thanks for sharing your Art Philosophy projects.

  56. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . You have given so much to others so let us all surround you with hugs, healing prayers and comfort to help you thru this difficult time.
    You are a strong loving person and you will beat this for sure!

    Love all your projects for the Cricut carts. You do amazing work .

  57. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please know, however, that you have so many people praying for you and thinking about you. And prayer - plus a good medical team! - is a powerful thing!!

  58. Melanie I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  59. Good Stuff! I think I see my next card copy :-)

  60. Melanie, you are in my prayers. You don't know me but I'm a fellow CTMH consultant and I have followed you for years. I believe in the power of prayer and that God does hear and answer prayer. Stand strong and when you can't know that others are standing in the gap for you.

  61. Melanie, you and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Keep smiling, and keep looking up, and we'll just keep praying.

    You are one awesome lady. Your inspirations from your projects are so good. thanks for the time and effort you put into this project.

  62. Hello there, Sweet Girl! I have been following you since Christmas with the Cricut days so I feel like I really know you! My heart goes out to you at this time and I really don't know what to say. I am so sorry. I have been and will continue to pray for you, asking that the Lord will continue to hold you in the palm of His hand, providing you with peace, strength and wisdom as you travel this journey.

    Hugs to you from MCF's Mimi

  63. I was praying you would receive better news. Cancer sucks! I will be praying for you and you must fight hard! It's not going to be fun but you are strong and can do it!!

  64. Melanie,
    I am praying for you, your family, your caregivers that you would have a complete recovery free of complications. Gods love and mercy will keep you strong and also the prayers and encouragement of those that YOU have inspired with your beautiful and creative projects!
    Asking for prayers is totally appropriate! We should pray for you!!!
    Many blessings to you, and faith that you will need as you begin his unplanned journey.
    Love to you and your family!

  65. Melanie,
    I am so sorry to learn of your test results. Please know you will continue to be in my thoughts and my prayers. You have many people who care for and appreciate you and most of all, you have your son. Take a day at a time.

  66. Oh dear. I'm so sorry for you. We'll keep praying for you.

    Wow. This really lets anyone wondering about this cart know what they can do.

  67. Melanie my heart goes out to you and your family !!! I will have you and your family in my prayers !!!! I wish I could give you a hug in person !!

    Sending you a huge hug and positive thoughts ,

  68. That is a lot of super cute AP projects.

    I am really sorry about your news. I will indeed be lifting you up, praying for you as well as your family.

  69. So sorry to here about your sad news. I will be keeping you in my prayers and know that you and with God's help you can beat this.
