
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Apology and a special!

Hello, friends!

I have not been able to post for the last few days as I have been ill. I have things designed in Design Space, but not made. 

As most of you know, I have lung cancer and I have been getting treatment. Well, I started coughing up blood the other day and had to spend a lot large amount of time with my Oncologist today trying to figure out what was wrong. Long story short, it is due to complications from treatment. 

I will be ok, but it has put me a little behind this week. Hopefully, the medication will kick in and I can get up in that craft room and make some stuff for you wonderful people!

Since most of you have followed this blog for a very long time, you know I am a consistent poster. It pains me not to have content for all of you, good reason or not!

Now onto my special! 
January stamp special

There is a stamp set in the Seasonal catalog that I just love! It is called Love Ya Silly. Not only is it great for Valentine's Day, but I think it would be perfect for thank you cards!

Love Ya Silly!

How do you get this stamp for free? I will be sending this to anyone who places an order of $50 or more on my CTMH website. Also, if you order over $100 I will send a second surprise set! This special is from now until the last day of the month. Don't let this fun special pass you by!


This post may contain affiliate links so, if you purchase a product using the link I may receive a commission. I only participate in Provo Craft's affiliate program because they are products that I use and love. Thank you for your support!


  1. Melanie,
    I am so sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. I am new to your blog, you are an amazing sweet spirit! I am sure that you get much strength from the friends that "follow" you and I want to add my love and support! May you feel the strength through the prayers of all of us "unseen" angles at this time.

  2. Dear sweet Melanie, no apologies needed, you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. We appreciate all that you are able to do and share with us. Your give away is great. Your in my prayers. (((HUGS)))

  3. Please don't apologize for missing a post. You're sole responsibility is take care of yourself. All of your followers consider you family and continue to pray for you.

  4. Good Morning Melanie...hey girl NO APOLOGY needed ever....!!!!!
    You were definitely missed and so sorry to hear why. Dog gone it anyway....but girl you sure are one all powerful gal and nothin' gets my Hero down.
    YOU so ROCK!!

    Take good care......

  5. Sorry to hear of your new issues. Prayers coming. Fight fight fight. You are a special lady. Take care of yourself first as we have your back

  6. No need for apologies!! You do need to rest and take care of yourself; the crafting and all of us will be here when you feel well enough to post! Hugs and prayers for you, Melanie.

  7. PRAYING for you. Love your creativity sweet spirit and blog. Hang in there.

  8. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Melanie. I used to work in a Cancer Center and the most important thing is for you to rest when you need to and build up your strength. Don't worry about us, we will continue to follow you and keep you in our prayers.

  9. Have enjoyed your blog for years. Please take care of yourself. You have a beautiful spirit!

    CLT from CA

  10. Melanie, I certainly do pray that your issue is being resolved with your medication and you are feeling much better. I continue to lift you in prayer daily. You are such an inspiration to all of us. We love you and pray that you will soon be feeling better and on the road to remission. Be blessed. You certainly bless us.

  11. Melanie no appology is necessary, I am amazed at all you do considering all you have been going through. God Bless you! You are an inspiration to us all. You are my HERO!

  12. Take care of yourself Melanie. Hope you get to feeling better.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  13. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. So sorry to hear you are having some complications with your treatment. Hope everything is resolved quickly and you are soon feeling better. I miss you (and apparently so do a lot of other ladies) when ever you don't blog in a while since you are always sure to brighten our day and inspire with your beautiful work.
    Take care and rest up and sending good thoughts and prayers your way. {{{hugs}}}

  15. Melanie, you are a wonderful person (and a wonderful poster)!!! We who love you want you to take care of yourself and not worry about your blog. We're here for you even when you miss blogs. I hope that new medicine does its job quickly!

    Love and hugs,
    M. and Emmi the Cat

  16. Hi Melanie, I've been following you ever since the Christmas with the Cricut days. So sorry you're struggling with health issues, and please don't apologize for missing posts. Take care of yourself and I hope you will soon be feeling much better.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear you've been having complications. I can only imagine how scary that was! You should never feel the need to apologize--I'm amazed at all you've been able to accomplish during your treatment! You are in my prayers.

  18. When I didn't see a post for a while, I was afraid you weren't feeling well. Hope it's getting better for you now, but take your time and rest! We will all be here when you are up to seeing us. Feel better.

  19. You don't have to apologize for taking care of yourself first! We miss your posts but want you to look out for #1. Prayers for you and glad you are back!

  20. Melanie, take care. sending prayers your way.

  21. Melanie, you are in my prayers. Gina

  22. Melanie - I am praying you feel better soon! Please don't overdue it. You have to be well to get well. I received my mystery box - THANK YOU! It was worth WAY more than I paid for it and so much fun!!

  23. Hi Melanie,

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. You are such a trooper.


  24. Melanie, there is no apology needed. With everything you are going through, I am amazed that you can still continue posting as consistently as you do on your blog. Please take the time and rest you need to nurture yourself and your son. You are in my prayers.

  25. Melanie, I am so sorry to hear of this illness. Know you are in my prayers.

  26. Dearest Melanie,
    You will be in my prayers. No need to apology.

    Vivian Sparks

  27. Sorry you are not feeling well Melanie. Take care of yourself, that is the most important thing. We know you will post when you are able but in the meantime, think about only you and getting better. Sending prayers your way.


  28. Melanie, you are an amazingly strong woman! You have so many friends pulling for you and praying for you! We appreciate your indomitable spirit! God bless you as you heal.
