Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hello Thursday February blog hop!

Hello, everyone! Today is Provo Craft's Hello Thursday!! Isn't it exciting! It just seems to keep getting better and better. This release has some seriously cute cartridges!

Ok, so just like last time this is a mini blog hop between me and Joy(Obsessed with Scrapbooking). We are both giving away several prizes today. If this is your first stop then make sure you head over to her blog after you are done here. To enter to win these fabulous prizes you much sign up to join if you are not already a follower of this blog and leave a comment on this post. Tell me which cartridge you are most excited about from this release. I will be drawing the winners on Monday.

Now what are the prizes you ask.....well, on this blog I am giving away an Easter Mini cartridge, and Mother's Day mini cartridge, and a Provo Craft chef's hat from CHA. Joy is giving away a you pick one cartridge, a $1oo gift certificate to Peachy Cheap, and a deep cutting blade.

On to the new cartridges:

This layout is made using the new Straight From The Nest cartridge. The word art on this cartridge is really fantastic and perfect for blog titles. I think it is a must have for those of you who scrapbook out there.

This bird was so cute and I thought would be perfect perched some where way up high. I cut him out at 2".

The journaling tag was cut at 3" and stamped with a Close To My Heart stamp called 'comments' in a pale grey. Then I cut another one just a 1/4" larger for a shadow. It worked perfectly!

Another great feature of this cartridge is the photo corners. It has lots to choose from and I just love all of them! I went with the scalloped ones for this layout though. I cut the, at 1 1/2".

I also took advantage of the border feature and cut out this large scalloped border at 2". I also cut the title at 4 1/4. The paper is Songbird from DCWV and the cardstock is Core'dinations.

This card is made with the new Give A Hoot cartridge:

This cartridge is probably my favorite in this release. It has some really cute woodland animals, flowers, and a couple of cute earth cuts. This cartridge is very modern. We are going to feature it all next week over at Holidays with the Cricut! I think you guys are going to go crazy for this one!

This card was made using the nest cut from cartridge. It was cut out at 2 1/2"

the branch is cut using the border feature at 1 1/4". I just love that several of the new cartridges have border features!! Can you imagine this border cut to fit the length of your scrapbook page with a cute owl perched on it? How cute would that be!!

I speckled the eggs with a little bit of brown ink. The paper is Melissa Francis and Anna Griffin. Cardstock used is SU!.

This card is made with the new Preserves cartridge:

This cartridge is one that I have wanted for a long time. I just love anything fruit!! This definitely fits the bill! It has almost any kind of fruit you can think of and then a few more you did not know existed! I was very impressed when I got my first peek.

with this card I did more of the cricut wallpapering techinique. I cut all of the raspberries at 2"and adhered them to base of the card. I think I cut 20 out total using the auto fill feature. I think I ended up cutting about 2o single raspberries total.

For the central focus of the card I cut the circle and inlay using the 'lid' feature. It was cut at 2 1/2" and layered. This feature will be perfect for those of you who make your own jams and jellies!

Paper used is Bo Bunny and Papertrey Ink.

This card is made with the new Just Because Cards cartridge:

This cartridge is chalked full of fantastic cuts and sentiments. It is perfect for those card makers out there. However, those of you who are scrapbookers don't count this cartridge out. The cuts are so cut that they can easily be used for layouts. Seriously! It has a pickle cut and come on...that is pretty stinkin' cute!!

Everything on this card was cut at 6". Which happens to be the height of the card, but it falls short of the usual 4 1/4" width. Basically I do not think these cards are standard sized cards. From what I have done so far though, the size on the cricut directly correlates to the height of the card. Keep that in mind when cutting from this cartridge.

I used core'dinations cardstock on this project.

Ok, now remember if you want to win one of my fabulous prizes you need to be a follower and leave a comment on this post telling me which of these new cartridges is at the top of your list. I will be drawing a winner on Monday!

If this was your first stop on the blog hop please head over to Obsessed with Scrapbooking because she also has four projects made with the new cartridges and is giving away 3 awesome prizes including a $100 gift certificate to Peachy Cheap!

One more thing, The Early Show on CBS will be showing Cricut Expression this Friday, Feb. 19. We don't have times yet but I’m guessing it will be featured in the Tech segment on Crafty Gadgets. I am going to record it and probably watch it while I am on the phone with either Scrapguy, Mandy, or Joy. Sad but true ;-)

I hope you enjoyed this blog hop! Have a wonderful day!!!

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Shelley Freeman said...

These cartridges look wonderful! Love your layout and cards!

Nikki Foraker said...

OMGosh!!! Everything you made is just ADORABLE!!! But, of course I had no doubt because EVERYTHING you ever make is ADORABLE!!! ;o) I am DYING to get my hands on the "just because" cards cart and the give a hoot! SUPER CUTE!


Linda said...

I liked all your projects. I think the card making one would be on the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, sooo cute!

Jo said...

I just subscribed to this blog and love your ideas. I having been dying to get my hands on Serenade, but the Just Because cards looks great! Can hardly wait until we can buy, buy, buy.

Amy Vandiver said...

Everything you made with them are is so adorable!!! My top cart that I want is the Just Because Cards and then Give a Hoot, I love the idea of all the little forest friends!!

Amy V

Linda K from MT said...

I so love your cards! I would love to have any of the new ones:)

LilGreenBug said...

Totally cute projects!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I love all of your projects! My favorite new cart has to be Give-a-Hoot! Although Just Because is going on my wish list as well. I can't wait for next weeks Holidays with the Cricut to see more of the GAH cart!

Sherri said...

I love what you did with the new cartridges. Thanks for sharing.


Crystal said...

I am loving the Preserves too but Just Because is at the top of my list. I am crazy about fruit too so I get it LOL! THanks for sharing!

Jodie R said...

Melanie, These cards are so cute! I'll bet you had so much fun playing with these new carts. You are so creative! Thank you for sharing.

Loraine said...

So adorable!! I need all of these carts!!! I've been waiting for a fruit cart for a long time too. And I must have the cards cart!!

Hope said...

I LOVE all the new sneak peaks of the cartridges!! I think Preserves and Just Because have got to be at the top of my list....GREAT cards and layouts today!!

I've been a suscriber! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love all of your projects, I now realize I "need" these new carts!

Thank you for all you do.

Stephanie Wilson

Anonymous said...

These are WONDERFUL!!! You are definitely making me want these new cartridges! TFS!!! :-)

Margi said...

I love all the carts and you projects are so beautiful. My favorite cart is JUST BECAUSE, it's like the 2nd part of Wild cards. TFS


Reddy said...

I think I like the fruit one best but all of your work is great

Kristina said...

Everything is adorable!! I can hardly wait to get my hands on these new cartridges! I have to say that Straight from the Nest and Preserves caught my eye first. BUT, I have a feeling that some how I will end up with all time :)


Lori said...

I like all your projects. I think I really need just because.Thanks

Sole` said...

I am honestly not sure which cart I am more anxious to get. What you and Joy have made from them are so adorable. Well there went my bank account. lol

Carol said...

Yep, I'm definitely going to have to get all these new carts.

99beetle said...

I am excited about all the new carts but I think I am looking forward to Give A Hoot the most. Whoo Hooo! Lori B

sandra collis said...

Thanks for showing us what the new cartridges can do.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great chance, I really hope I win. Gloria C.

Nikki's Blog said...

your creations are so cute. I think I am going to have to get the new card cartridge. So many cute things on there.

Anonymous said...

How super cute! I love the new carts, thanks for sharing with us.

scrapper1969 said...

OMGoodness! You did an AMAZING job on these! My first choice would be "Just Because" then "Give a Hoot"... I really like the Carts they picked this time...and want them all! thanks for sharing your wonderful projects!

Carrie K said...

the more i see of the preserves cart- the more I like it! Now you and Joy have enabled me. I NEED them all!

Anonymous said...

Love the Just Because, but also like Preserves! Your blog is great!

Claire said...

Wow, so cute cards. But I'm not surprised. Nice job. I love the head in the couds LO. Thanks for such a nice giveaway. I tend to visit your blog and Joy's every day anyway!. Thanks and count me in. :-)

Bethany said...

Lovely! I really like the peas one...great details. Now pick me. Pretty Peas!

Kimberly said...

I love the new carts. Its hard to choose my favorite but I know for sure I am getting Give a Hoot and Just Because Cards!!! I love what you have made with them and cant wait to see more!

Ms.Mara said...

Your cards are so cute!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!


tobee at rogers dot com

Teresa Kaufhold said...

What lovely work you do!
Thanks for sharing! I would LOVE to get ALL the newest cartridges!

Sheryl K said...

Great cute!! I love what you did with the little nest!! That LO is adorable too!! Ok I love both of these carts so far, but if I have to pick one I am going to have to say Straight from the Nest. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win!! Sheryl K

Lisa Davis said...

I think I am going to love all of these cartridges and I love all of your projects.

scrapguy said...

I love the projects--you did it again--knocked my socks off! I think I may have to have these

Laurie said...

I am gonna have to have Preserves. What can I last name is Apple and I need more apple cuts! Love your work. Thanks for the giveaways.

Unknown said...

Great job!!

Laura said...

Cute, cute, cute! Gotta have these new cartridges. Thanks for sharing.

Shirley said...

I love the new cartridges...all of them, but Give a Hoot is my favourite, especially because I live in the country and see wildlife almost every day! Just Because is also going to be a favourite.

Jamiecrafts said...

WOW super cute projects, i think i want all the carts!

teachdanz said...

I don't know which cartridge I will choose first. I think the just because one, it looks cute!!

Charlotte Cornett said...

Love the layout and cards!!! I love these new carts!!!

Thanks, Charlotte

JANLYNN said...

I love what you did with the new cartridges. I thought the one I liked best was the card one but Straight from the nest and preserves made such cute cards too. I love anything that has to do with birds and as a master gardener I could find much use for preserves too. thanks for sharing and for the chance to win

Unknown said...

Cute bird's nest! said...

AWESOME projects!! I'm having a hard time picking my favorite!!! I think Just Because will be first on my list but...not counting the others out just yet.

Tammy said...

oh NO I think I have to have these new carts. All your creations are wonderful. said...

Hopefully, this isn't a double first one seems to have gotten lost in cyberspace....anywho....I love all your projects...always do! I think my favorite is Just Because but then that Straight from the Nest looks pretty cute, too. Decisions...Decisions....

MedicScrapper said...

Cute stuff ~ TFS

Brens Designs said...

Wow. I love all of your cards. How cool!!! Love these new carts. Thanks for sharing.

brensdesigns @

scrapbookjunkee said...

I totally love the Just Because cards cart. It is perfect. I love the word art and photo corners of Straight from the Nest. Love your projects!! Thanks for the mini blog hop!!

Trista Kort said...

The new cartridges are awesome. I love your creations.


eiyiyi said...

Fabulous cards Melanie. I can tell this is going to be a very expensive month! hugs, eileen

Josy said...

I am so excited about that"Just because cards" its just so adorable!!

Fleasbenz said...

All of your cards are fantastic. I think I like the Give a Hoot cart the most - love all the cute animals. But I'm a card maker too so the card one is right up my alley.

Missy said...

I love the cards and the new carts!!!!

RAP said...

Lots of cute cartridge but a lot of the same style and repitition. I'm most excited about the Just Because Cards

Helen said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! Love the new cartridges!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Beautiful stuff!!!!!
You are soooooo talented!

Shelley said...

I think the Just Because Cards is my favorite but Give A Hoot is definitely a close 2nd!

Sharon said...

Love your cards! Super as usual!! These carts are wonderful! I need (want!) them all!!! :)

Ohhh Snap said...

The new carts look great. I've been looking for a lemon. The just because cards are probably my favorite because I love a good pun!

Rhonda said...

Cute projects! I think I am really going to like the Just Because Cards!

Anonymous said...

Love the Preserves cartridge. My best friends birthday is coming and she cans and bottles all her garden. Looks like one to get for her.

Anonymous said...

I think Preserves looks like a neat cartridge. Top of my list.

Melissa said...

Oh the bird is cute! I love the use of the button for his eye! TFS!

MelissaAllore on the Cricut Board

Ashley said...

I love the Straight from the Nest cartridge.

Anonymous said...

Adorable cards. The new cartridges look like winners!

Deana L.

Turnedgypsy said...

wooohoooo, giveaways...i would love to win the "just because cart". talented you ladies are...

thanks so much!!!!!


Alyssa Leanne said...

I am so excited for all of these carts! I think my favorite will be just because cards!

Alyssa dot Leanne dot b at gmail dot com

Margo said...

i really like Give A Hoot & Just Because. I don't make cards anymore, but the cut are so cute. I could use a lot of them! Thanks for the give away. They are always so much fun!

terri142 said...

Love your cards! Thanks for giving a great preview of what the new carts can do. Just Because Cards is the new cart on the top of my list.

planlady19 said...

These carts look really great..

can't wait till we can see them

Colleen said...

All pieces look like fun.

Connie said...

Your cards are just too cute! I would have never thought to "wallpaper" my cuts, what a neat idea!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing and the chance to win a cool prize.

Melissa S said...

everything is so cute! I can't wait to get my hands on the new carts!!

ScrapHappyGal said...

I don't think that I could choose a favorite. I choose them ALL!! Thanks for enabling me once again :)
Thanks for the chance to win!

Kimberly T. said...

Wow, cute projects. I love the raspberry card, so cute! I think maybe my favorite new cartridge is the Just Because Cards one. However, they all look like so much fun.

Mom2Fiveplus3 said...

Wow I don't know. They are all so darn cute.

Becky Roper said...

I love the Just Because Cards. It is fabulous! Great mini blog hop.

Becky Roper

Anonymous said...

I would love any of them!!! the just because card is at the top of my list then give a hoot.


A Rup Life said...

You have made a believer of me for that preserves cart! It is the peas I be wantin!! I can invision a cute triplets card!! Great work!

MyAuntKath said...

Wow what cute cards! Thanks, Mel! Can't wait to see if I win a prize. Kathie

Christina said...

Love the LO and Cards super cute!

cowboycentral said...

"What a Hoot" and I'm not saying that "Just Because" I want to win. Your ideas are wonderful - you make it look easy enough for even a beginning scrapper like me.

AndreaA said...

Great cards!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Love the cards! I am most excited about the Just Because Cards. Thanks so much for the chance at the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

gh - I love the pretty peas card. How cute! Thanks! Gail gailheinecke at charter dot net

Muttshouse said...

Hey Melanie,

Thanks for test driving these carts. I *thought* my fav was the Give a Hoot cart for the owls, but I think the Just Because cart is going to be more useful. I love fruit too, but I don't think I need an entire cart of that stuff! Love the Pretty Peas card and the colors you chose for it. the "stitching" is too cute! I'm a follower already.

~craftykaren~ cricut mb

cindyh said...

Those projects are very cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

Dana said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I've been following for a while now. I really like something on all the carts but I think the "Just Because" one is my favorite, then maybe "Give a Hoot". I don't know, I like them all.

StefanieH said...

Thanks for the great give a way, I would have to say that Straight from the Nest cart would be my favorite, can't wait. Thanks


JPScraps said...

The new carts look like fun. I'd love to win the Mother's Day cart...I"m making Mother's Day cards today!

penny said...

Oh my I fear I shouldn't be looking at all these cute ideas, i "need" everything I see, you know

PennyG cricut mb

Wendy aka Bling Queen said...

Love love all of these. I need these cartridges. Oh my....

Pick me

shari said...

I think I like the Give a Hoot cart. the best. Your projects are really cute, thanks for sharing with us. I'd love a chance to win! Shari (cricutrookie)

blueskygirl said...

All these carts look like so much fun but I think the just because card on is my favorite! Thanks for sharing all your projects.

SusanC said...

Great projects, the berry card was really nice. I think I like all the animals on the hoot cart the best. Thanks for giving us a glance at these new carts.

pattyk said...

Card cart is the one I'd love to have. But they are allvery nice.

ScrappinT said...

They are all really cool! But I would have to say my fav is the preserve cart!

My Serendipity said...

Lovin' these cartridges. Everything you made is adorable! Thanks so much!

Amy said...

Just Because is at the top of my list. But I first want to hear how it works with the Baby Bug. I probably won't be able to make envelopes and that's fine, as long as I can make decent sized cards.

Joanna said...

I think I would go for Give a Hoot first.... But it's really hard to decide when you give such fun samples from each

TinaGAle said...

All your projects are great and I want all the carts. I don't think I can pick a favorite

Unknown said...

Aww..these carts look fantastic! I sure do love the inspiration you provide...thanks so much for all you do!

juliem said...

Those are great cards. I like Give a Hoot.
Hendersonville TN

Grammy GG said...

Loved your introduction to the new carts. I told Joy that I already have my favorites. So appreciated the work that went into making your projects and LO. They are all adorable!!

~BridgetL~ said...

I love what you have made with the new carts. Lucky you to get to preview them first. :)

Esther said...

Love your layout and cards! Everything is too cute!

Brenda said...

I LOVE the Preserves cartridge! I think it has endless possibilities. I'm so glad I found your blog!

racinggrandma61 said...

Love your blog. Thank you for the giveaway. I am sooooo excited about the preserves cart it was definately for me. I am a big cook and preserver.,

Bobbi said...

All of your projects were wonderful. I really liked the layout you did. My top new cart is Just Because cards cart. I really like the images on this one. TFS

khd said...

Love all your stuff! So cute. These new carts are great. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for the chance to win! :)


MelissaR said...

I love your bright and cheery blog! Wonderful cards too! Thanks for sharing your talent!

Paula said...

I want them all, these carts are soooo cute, esp the cards. Can't wait until they come out.

Dori said...

NOT only is the cards the cutest BUT I just have to have the JUST BECAUSE CARDS cartridge. This at this moment is my fav and I just gotta have it!!

as you show more projects - the others I am sure will become a fav as well :)
Thanks for the contests...

texaslady said...

I think I am leaning to my favorite as the Card one because I make so many cards.
Thanks for sharing and the wonderful give a ways

6boyzmom said...

What cute cards. I esp. like the give a hoot cartridge. I subscribed and am keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you.

Kim said...

cute, cute projects. thanks for showing them in cards and layouts. I think I like the preserves one the best, not sure how much i'd use it but love the fruit and love the raspberries you used on your card.

Nay~Nay said...

WOW, I love the Straight From The Nest...It's so stinkin cute .... Thanks for a chance to win such awesome giveaways .....

Sheila said...

Great job using the new carts! Love them!

Josie0602 said...

More beautiful cards! I really love these new cartridges and love the cards you created with them.

Donna said...

These carts are so adorable, I think my favorite is all of them!! Your goodies for gice away sound great too. Thanks

Donna C.

Miss Mack said...

i LOVE these new cartridges! they are too cute!

Janice said...

Love your cards!!

Sandy said...

Theses are all so cute!! I love all of the new carts! Great giveaways!!

sandypineda at att dot net

Ally said...

Awesome creations...Preserves reminds me of the strawberry preserves my g'ma makes! I love the Cricut!!

Anonymous said...

I think I really want the card cartridge. I am impressed with all you did with these cartridges. Love the fonts.

christhedolllady said...

What lovely creations. I had no idea about the photo corners on the "nest" cartridge. I really love the Just Because cartridge.

Maria said...

I am so loving all these new carts!!!
My favorite and on the top of my wish list is Give a Hoot!

IRW Dana said...

All of the projects look so great. Thanks for the inspiration.

Rose said...

OK!!!I'm having a hard time picking out my favorite.
1.Give A Hoot-Love wildlife,deer
A very close second is
2.Just Because-filled with alot of Images,sunflower & a scottie dog
3.Straight From The Nest-nice bird nest, flowers, branch & swirls
4.Preserves-love the fuit
All carts are subject to change.The more projects you ladies do on a cart, the more I want it or need it.

jcinokc said...

Love your cards. My favorite cartridge released today is the Just Because card cartridge. Thanks for a chance to win.

jenlovcarr at aol dot com

Emily S said...

All of your projects are SO CUTE!!!! Thanks for doing a wonderful giveaway!!!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful job showing off the new cartridges. Love the "Pretty Peas" card. too cute. Dedrah F.

Ryansmaama said...

These cartridges have got to be the best in a long time. I think Give A Hoot is my favorite, but I NEED them all. LOL--Ryansmaama

Anonymous said...

I would gladly take any one fo these new carts, I love them all!!! and I love your layouts and cards. Dee at

Jena said...

Love all of your cards! I fell in love with Give a Hoot as soon as I saw it but your sweet raspberry card has me thinking the Preserves cart could be pretty useful too!!!!


cricutlover20 said...

Beautiful! All the carts look like so much fun. Thanks for keeping us up on all. Love it , Cindy at

Teresa said...

These cards and layout are beautiful. You make me change my mind about these carts as I really didn't think I wanted them.

Debbie said...

I am really looking forward to seeing what's new and how creative you get with it. Thanks for sharing.

creating with kim said...

Love the cards and layouts you have made to feature the new carts. Can't wait until they are available.


Gloria said...

Love all your projects. Thanks for sharing. I love all the new cartridges but Preserves is on the top of my list:)

Jet said...

They are all great...I think I'd choose Preserves first!! I really like the nest!!!

Summer Braxton said...

this new cart is awesome!! thanks for the detailed peak.

Marty said...

Give A Hoot is at the top of my list but it's not too far ahead since they are all fabulous. Really cute projects TFS and for the chance at some really good blog candy

JustYolie said...

Wonderful cards! I would love to win the Easter cart!

Brenda said...

Melanie, as I said to Joy - TFS all your ideas. They are wonderful. I'm not sure which cart I want first. Give a hoot and just because I think top the list, but the other 2 are right there also.

Ms. Jen said...

Lovin those cards! I think out of all the new ones I'm gonna have to get Have a Hoot, or whatever it's called. Yikes!

Mimi said...

Fantastic! I can't wait til they come out!

JustJules said...

I am torn between Just Because and Give a Hoot. You did a great job on the cards. Decisions, decisions, decisions!!! LOL Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have the Just Because card cartridge out of the 4, but all of the cartridges look amazing.

Maquel said...

So super cute!! I can't wait for all these new carts....My husband's gonna kill me!! Augh! But so wonderful!!

Veronica said...

You have been working your fingers to the bone. These cards are just great. Your creative juices always amaze me. I would love either of the cartridges. I just want to win!(-:

Adrienne said...

Melanie your samples are so cute, as always!!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on "Give a Hoot"!!! I think it just jumped to my #1 over paisley.

Linda said...

I love it all!!!
That raspberries card is soooooo cute! I have to say Preserves is my favorite. At the moment.

Anonymous said...

Super cute, love all of ur cards:)
I love all the new cartridges, but if I would have to pick only one, it would have to be "Give A Hoot" I think all the little animals are super cute:)
Monica L.

Erica said...

Your cards are beautiful. I like from the nest. So many options.

csroyal said...

Super samples of new carts! I want all the new ones, but I'm putting Just Because Cards at the top!

Unknown said...

Thank you for showing us these new cartridges!!! I so need to get the Card one!! Oh but Hoot is cute too - what am i going to do???

waidc said...

I'm most excited about "Give A Hoot" - I'm an animal lover !!!
Thanks for a chance to win the prizes.

Debby said...

I love your layout and cards! So many carts, so little money.... Love them all but if I had to choose, I think Give a Hoot would be 1st choice. Thanks, Debby

di said...

You did a great job on the cards. Makes me want every cartridge !

Allison said...

Love the photo corners!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to get the Just Because cartridge. Thanks for sharing these great new carts.

Anonymous said...

I am so wanting the just because cart!

I am a you in my google reader!

Thanks for yet another great giveaway!

livelaughscrap88 at gmail dot com

Carrie's Corner said...

Cute cards. I think Just Because and Preserves are at the top of my list. Love that raspberry card you made. thanks

yonascraps said...

Those are lovely cartidges I like that just because.

Crafting Katie said...

These are all so cute! How to decide? I think "Straight from the Nest" is catching my eye the most. Can't wait to see more of your projects on HWTC!

narutopenguingirl said...

My favorite has got to be the Just Because Cards :)

Stacey said...

Thanks so much for the preview! Gorgeous projects!!

Diane said...

Very fab. I love all the cards and cartridges. But I think I like Just Because Card the best.

Anonymous said...

love these cards!! Even more excited about the carts now!!

Jana said...

Your cards and layout are sooo beautiful. I love your color and paper choices. Thanks for offering this great give-a-way. Best of luck to everyone!

Stephanie said...

I'm excited about the Easter Mini cartridge!! Can't wait to get my hands on it!!

Anonymous said...

Very Pretty Malanie! I love your projects they really make me want to start crafting! Thank you for your marvelous work. I would love to win your goodies! Thanks a lot! :)

thescrapbookinglife at gmail dot com

Roni said...

I love your projects! I so want the "just because cards!" I bet that is going to be a popular cart. Thank you for sharing with us!

Unknown said...

blog hopped over and love your cards too. These cartridges are so nice.

Thank you for sharing!


Tertia said...

Love what you have done with the cartridges! Do we HAVE yo choose a favourite? Can't I just have them all??
If I have to it will propably be Preserves.

Diana Waite said...

GREAT examples! I'm thinking the Who gives a hoot cart looks great!

crazyaboutcricut said...

WOW! What great projects! I think from these new carts, the one at the top of my list is the Just Because. Not only can you make cards that are almost put together for you, but you can adapt the sized to use for pages too!!

Brigit said...

Awesome cards, love the new cartridges they are great!

thescrapmaster said...

Melanie, these are so beautiful. My fave is your gorgeous scrapbook page!!!

LizG said...

Wow! These new cartridges are so cute! I want them all...but I think that Straight From the Nest is my favorite one! Fun :)

Anonymous said...

These samples are darling! My first choice would be Give a Hoot because the animals are really cute:)

Gramjak said...

ABSOLUTELY love all of your projects; How can we pick just one? I think Preserves with all of the fruit cuts has to be first choice... so cute!

Thank you for all you do.


Mallorey said...

I love the Give A Hoot cart. Super cute!

Shauna Carlson said...

Love the cards! They are adorable! I think that the preserves would be the top of the list for me. The fruit looks so fun and and reminds me of spring!

Jacqui said...

I think I like the Give a hoot cartridge best because it is so modern. It reminds me abit of the Paisley cart

Anonymous said...

Your projects are adorable...TFS! I think of the new carts coming out, I'd chose the card one or the give a hoot. I just wish they'd make their critters more realistic looking...not quite so cutsie. I'd love to win one of the mini carts...thanks for the chance!

aka cyimbugbitten
bugbitten at hotmail

SherriC. said...

just one that I am excited about.....but I am excited about all of them!!!! but I guess if I had to pick just one.......I think it will be Give a Hoot.
thank for the preview!!!

jls said...

What FUN! Mel you and Joy do such an AWESOME job, peeking interest in one and all Cartridges, your inspiration is great! I like all the new carts, however just getting into cards, so I guess I would have to say my fav would be "Just Because" TFS

Pamela said...

Wow it's so hard to decide, but I think the preserves cartridge is going to be my favorite. I loved your raspberry card and Joy's citrus slice card and they were both made with the Preserves cartridge.

Cowgirl Kristyn said...

What awesome projects you made! The Straight from the Nest cartridge would have to be the top of my list!

dianne said...

Very cute cards. I want all of them NOW!!! How do you pick just one???
Your card made from "Straight from the Nest"(So very adorable)has made me decide that this is the cart that I need first.

Carol Ric said...

Beautiful cards you have made. I like all the cartridges but I would love to have the Just Because. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lena said...

Love the cards! I especially like what I'm seeing on the give a hoot cartridge, the animals are so cute!

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